Friday, September 18, 2020


Happy Friday! This 5-day work week definitely felt long. Just me?  ;) Here's how our week shaped up!

The book I'm reading is Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo which is my September book club book. If it wasn't a book club book, I probably would have abandoned it... the writing style is very unique - no punctuation, no capitalization. But another book club friend said to stick with it and I am finding that I'm enjoying it more. It just took a good 20% of the book to get into it. 

The high of my week was getting to see our baby boy on an ultrasound. The tech got some great profile photos - as soon as I saw his face I immediately thought he looked just like baby Pablo. He's measuring 2 weeks ahead so the umbilical attachment issue is certainly not causing any problems! He also has a giant head like Pablo did/does. Where do these big heads come from?? I also was able to skip the glucose test and just get a referral to the endocrinologist instead. Phew. I am glad I didn't have to waste an hour waiting around for a test I knew I'd fail. I see the endocrinologist on Tuesday so I will start the GD diet then. Until then, I'm trying to eat like I know I'll need to - so the days of desserts, ice creams, mochas, and lattes are over. But the baby will be here in 11 weeks and I know those 11 weeks will go fast. I'm glad I blogged about my previous pregnancy as it was helpful to go back and read the posts about how I handled the GD diet. My prednisone makes me soooo sensitive to carbs that I end up having to eat half of what they recommend for the GD diet. BTW, GD = gestational diabetes, but it could also be gosh darn or a less PG phrase. ;) 

The low of my week was feeling disappointed in the state of our world. Between the horrific wild fires on the west coast, the fractured state of our nation, and divide over the seriousness of Covid, I'm feeling frustrated and sad. My heart goes out to those living on the west coast who have been impacted by the wild fires. The photos of the devastation was just unreal. :( 

A recipe I made was lentil enchiladas and Spanish rice. I made this on Saturday since I know a meal like this will be off limits on the GD diet since it's pretty carb heavy between the rice and tortillas. But it's something all 3 of us love so I wanted to make it one more time!

A show we are watching is Alone season 2. We will probably take a break from this show after we finish this season but it's been fun to watch this wilderness survival show! The people on the show are incredibly industrious. Seasons 1 and 2 are on the northern part of Vancouver Island which is home to a lot of black bears, cougars, and other predators. So I think it's actually a bit more challenging than Season 6 which was in the Arctic Circle as they didn't have to deal with predators on that season. But the bitter cold would have been tough to contend with, so either location would be super challenging!

The best money spent was on another potty chair so we'd have one on each level. Such an exciting purchase, right? Paul is moving into a new room at school that focuses on potty training so we are going to try to work on it at home, too. He's been pretty resistant so far but I'm hoping once he's in that classroom full time (this was week 2 of his 2-week transition) and focusing on it more, he'll be more cooperative at home. We've packed away the cloth diapers since he's using pull-ups during the day and I will say I am very much enjoying a break from washing cloth diapers!!

My plans this weekend include a lot! For lunch today, 2 former colleagues and a current colleague (we all worked together at a previous company - only 1 of the 4 of us is still at that company!) are coming over to have a take-out lunch on our deck. Tonight, 2 college girlfriends are coming over to help me hang photos on our freshly painted walls. We will all wear masks while we hang photos and then we'll eat take-out pizza on our deck. On Saturday morning, I'm meeting a colleague for coffee. She took the voluntary separation package so I wanted to see her one more time before she leaves the company in 1.5 months! Then on Sunday, after Paul's nap we are heading over to a friend's house (who I actually met through work and have become very close to) for an outdoor get together. Phil and I love hanging out with this couple and her boys, who are in 1st and 4th grade, love to dote on Paul. That is a jam-packed weekend, but I know we have a limited number of nice days left in the year so I am trying to see as many people as possible outdoors before we are cooped up indoors!

Bonus Paul photos!

I only have one photo this week as I haven't been good about taking pictures lately! Here's a picture of Paul with his latest library books. The book he is holding is a "Frog and Toad" book - I wasn't sure if he would be ready for this longer form book w/ minimal pictures, but he loves it! The other books are "What Kind of Car Does a T. Rex Drive," "Mighty, Might Construction Site," and "I Love you Funny Bunny." He loves all of them and we've read them over and over and over again! We are definitely instilling a love of the library from a very young age!

How was your week? What is something you made for dinner this week? 


  1. Do you go to the library to check out these books for Paul? Or do it online? He really does love books!
    I know the new diet will be taxing, and cooking like that for the family will be prove to be a challenge! Good luck and I hope your blood counts hold in there!
    I love the pictures of baby! It’s amazing how clear they are and how much he already resembles his brother!

  2. We have gone a bit crazy on the library usage since ours reopened after flood damage. It's a tad out of control. We always have waaaay too many books on hand and a ton waiting for us on hold. So glad they finally got rid of the 25 cent hold charge or we'd be spending a ton buying new books on principal! I made this and we loved it. I did use a 28 ounce jar of crushed tomatoes and the about 3 and a half cups of homemade veggie broth as that was the size crushed tomatoes I had and wasn't interested in buying another jar. We did use more garlic than it called for and I'd even suggest using just a tad more for flavor. But we all enjoyed it and it was good for a leftover night. I served it with salad and garlic bread.

  3. I'm so glad you didn't have to do the test. Yes, it will be a challenge but you've done it before and you'll find -- as you said -- that the time will fly. I loved seeing the photo of the ultrasound. And Paul looks darling -- as always!

  4. Baby boy is getting big! I don't see the big head, but who knows what that even means (to me). I think some of the comparisons are good to make sure things are healthy, but a lot of the kid measurements and comparisons really astound me. So a kid is smaller than other kids; there are also adults that are smaller than other adults! My friend Gavin is a 6'3" Chinese guy; I am sure he was "bigger than other kids" when he was growing up (in Malaysia) but he turned out okay. I am sure baby S will be very smart! :)

    My friend Dr. G really likes Alone. He always says that I would do well, although I doubt it! I could pick out a blueberry from a poison berry but I would not last long on those! Also if it were in the Amazon vs. the mountains, I would probably tap out pretty quickly. I have it on my list of things to check out (post study of course) but have not watched it yet.

  5. Yay! I'm glad you didn't have to do that gestational diabetes test and were able to be referred to an endocrinologist right away. These next two-and-a-half months will fly by, hopefully, and soon you will have a beautiful baby boy to love on. :)

    When I worked in a daycare, it always seemed to help the kids who were very resistant to potty training be in a room with kids who were potty trained! Hopefully the same will hold true for Paul. Boys are notoriously harder to potty train for some reason, but fingers crossed all goes well!

  6. The "GD" other option made me chuckle. I haven't made anything that great lately, but planning on making lasagna soon. And some sort of stuffed shells recipe, i just haven't found the perfect recipe for my likes.

  7. Hope you are enjoying some non GD meals this weekend before you have to transition over :( - but I am sure those 11 weeks will go fast, and at least you kind of know what to do!

    Sounds like a very busy weekend! Good for you though! I'm so envious of your outdoor gatherings. It's still too dang hot here for that...

    I made a ton of pesto today, since we have SO much basil in our garden! We finally got our summer jungle cleaned out so we can start planting out our winter crop! I'm very excited to welcome a new "season"...

    It's so great to see that Paul still loves books so much. Also, good luck with potty training!! That is a feat of parenting that terrifies me... hah!

  8. So glad that things are looking great on the ultrasound. The last 11 weeks will probably fly by and the GD will hopefully only be a minor nuisance during the anticipation of Paul's little brother.

    The state of the world is really something... it seems like the hits keep on coming, but I am trying to stay positive. Change must come.

  9. The ultrasound picture!! Yay!! It must be so surreal to have a look at your baby!

    I am having a hard time with the state of the world too. I have been getting really sad a lot, and just heartbroken about the division. There is a lot of division in my family 😔 It's hard. A good meal we made this week was dak galbi, a favourite Korean dish of ours.
