Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And the winner is....

A few weeks ago, I did a post about some potential vacation destinations.

After careful consideration, I have made my choice:

In June of 2009, I will be visiting Peru!! I'm just in the early stage of vacation planning so don't have much of an itinerary just yet... I know I will be doing the 4 day Machu Picchu trek which I am really excited about! I have never really 'camped' before, so it will be quite an experience. The trek company provides the food, though, so that will really help!

I've already purchase Lonely Planet Peru & plan on picking up some other books, especially books about the life of the Inca's since I'll be following in their footsteps during the trek.

People who have traveled to Peru have popped up all over the place!! A friend of a friend went to Peru, a girl who's website I follow is over there right now, and last night I ran into a gentleman at Bella Lana whose son was recently in Peru for 4 weeks - he gave me his email address so I plan on emailing him as well.

Between these Peru travelers & the recommendations on Tripadvisor.com, I should be in good shape.

Oh how I love to plan a trip!!

Oh, and the date for my graduation party has been set - May 30th, 2009!! It'll be at the cabin & will feature the famous bbq of my brothers. Yum!

(image courtesy of Lauren)


  1. awesome! i'm excited to hear about all your trip planning!!

  2. Peru looks beautiful. My friend Jana went there for part of her SAS experience. Def a good experience

  3. peru!! that sounds so great! that will be so fun to plan! :) i am jealous!
    and your thanksgiving sounds perfect....25 people. so much fun to have all of that family around!

  4. That is going to be such an amazing experiece. Looking back at Lisa like...ohh 8 years ago or so?..I nevvvver would've seen you doing this!! Funny how much we change! Take me with!!!

    I also liked your blog about the thanksgiving. It was such a fun day :)

  5. Cool! Peru sounds awesome. And, the date for your graduation party is on the calendar. We will make camping reservations in the vicinity.
