Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Maybe I should have gotten that flu shot...

I am home sick today. I had been doing so well this winter - I usually am sort of on the sickly side. I swear my immune system didn't develop properly or something...

Nonetheless, I'm home sick. Terrible timing since I have to help facilitate a 2 hour presentation tomorrow afternoon & we were doing a dry run this a.m. Luckily there are 5 others facilitating, but still... I feel terribly guilty.

And now is the one time (err one of the times) I wish I had a boyfriend to bring me some Gatorade or something. :(

Alright, even of a pity party... here's hoping this flu bug is gone very, very soon...


  1. Well, Lisa..to make you feel better--the flu shot offered won't protect against the stomach flu! However, as we both share the same horrid, extremist fear of the "stomach flu"...I found out in my Microbiology class last semester that they have recently developed a shot that protects against the stomach flu. How amazing! I was literally ready to jump out of my chair and break into song when I heard that. So..I thought I would share it with you. Sad how my fear of "illness" persists even as I'm going into nursing school....thank god for Personal Protective Equipment!

  2. Poor Lisa! Get well soon. There is nothing worse than having to drag oneself to work despite feeling awful!!
