Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I do still knit occasionally..

So when I first started this blog, I was knitting up a storm. I was probably making a scarf every couple of weeks or so. These days? Not so much. I just don't have the free time like I did before starting this final semester of grad school, which is kicking my arse, to be quite honest. I have never felt so burnt out & I just got the worst grade on a paper that I've ever gotten. In my entire life. So yah. Not really loving on school these days. Or actually, I'm loving Derivatives (go figure!) but am hating my strategy class...

However, I did manage to crank out one project in January/February. I knit this scarf for my cousin Julie for her birthday. I just hand delivered it to her last week when I stayed with her on Friday night.

She loved it so much, she might have even slept in it! Julie is super creative. She's always sending these hand-made cards or painting awesome pictures. She always adds her own creative touch to everything. I, on the other hand, am NOT creative. But I FINALLY have something crafty that I am actually sort of good at!

The style of this scarf was inspired by one that I saw at Banana Republic... and the cost of the yarn was at least 1/5 of the cost of the scarf at BR.

I had such a great time with Julie on Friday night. Neither of us are really phone talkers, but we have the kind of relationship where we can go months without talking and can pick up right where we left off. It helps that we are only 11 months apart and basically grew up together. I just wish we lived closer together; but soon enough, summer will be here & we'll see each other way more often since our parents both have cabins in the same area. Ahh, summer, you can't come fast enough!


  1. Oh I love that scarf! You're so crafty. My grandma is very crafty like that, she sews, knits etc. She always tried to teach me but I never could get the hang of it. It was always nice having a Grandma who could make me the same thing all the other kids had for less than half the price!!

  2. I've always wanted to learn to knit.

    And, totally with you on the summer thing. I'm waiting for it very impatiently.

  3. that scarf is really cute!!

    hang in there with the school thing..just think of how great it will feel when you are done! i hope it starts getting easier soon!

  4. that scarf is really cute!!

    hang in there with the school thing..just think of how great it will feel when you are done! i hope it starts getting easier soon!

  5. Lisa,
    That is my favorite scarf that you have made - I can see why Julie loved it! Keep those needles clicking!

  6. The scarf turned out so cute. I may have to put in an order for myself even though I dont really need one I can always find a purpose to wear it!!!! If girls can wear ugly ugg boats in Phx (cause yah it apparently snows here,) I can wear a cute scarf!

  7. Lisa,
    I feel so special because:
    A. I get to wear that beautiful scarf everyone wants and loves.

    B. I made your blog twice this week! Got to love that first sleep over!

    On a side note I was in the Meadow Farms natural food store yesterday in FF and saw tons of gluton free stuff-thought of you and wanted to throw it out there as a resource in case you decided to go that route (course I'm sure there are stores in the cities too).

  8. Lisa,
    I feel so special because:
    A. I get to wear that beautiful scarf everyone wants and loves.

    B. I made your blog twice this week! Got to love that first sleep over!

    On a side note I was in the Meadow Farms natural food store yesterday in FF and saw tons of gluton free stuff-thought of you and wanted to throw it out there as a resource in case you decided to go that route (course I'm sure there are stores in the cities too).

    Julie anne
