Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pete gets a sister...

If you read my blog from my time in France, you probably remember my trusty companion, Pete. Pete was a Valentine's Day gift - he turns 3 this Saturday. He's been my trusty side kick and I've logged thousands of hours on him. But lately, he hasn't been quite as reliable. He freezes up occasionally and a few weeks ago, he froze up and this appeared in the display window... The dreaded "Sad Mac Face."

I decided that it was time to purchase another iPod. Aside from the fact that my nano is a bit unreliable these days, it also only holds 1,000 songs. Yes, I get eye rolls when I mention this to people, but 1,000 songs is not much for a music lover like me. So I decided to upgrade and get a 120GB iPod Classic.

Meet Ellie, Pete's new sister.

She's a beauty. I felt a bit guilty saying "Happy Birthday to Me" and purchasing it, but I figured I have "earned" this. Plus, if you depreciate the cost of the iPod over the number of hours I'll use it, the cost/hour of use is very minimal. Ahh, the things we tell ourselves to feel better about spending money...
And yes, I realize that it is very, very odd to name inanimate objects. But I couldn't have a Nano with a name and then have my Classic go nameless. So why did I pick Ellie?
For starters: most expectant parents seem to hope/dream of having one of each sex. So I figured it only made sense to give the Classic a female name. So why Ellie? Well, Ellie is a name I absolutely adore. It is short for Eleanor. Unfortunately, it is a name that my best friend Heidi adores as well. And, well, unless I sign up to be a mail-order bride, chances are she'll have kids before me since she's already married. So I'm giving her custody of that name. Since I won't have a daughter named Ellie, I figured an appropriate consolation prize would be to have an iPod named Ellie.
So there you have it. Pete and Ellie. We make quite the happy little family.


  1. Congratulations on the new addition! She's beautiful!

  2. Hahaha. That's so hilarious.

    After you commented on my post saying you named your iPod Pete I've started to referring to my new pink iPod as 'Sally'. It's not something I normally do but I thought it was so hilarious that you did it I decided to name my iPod, and now I've started thinking of "her" as Sally! Hopefully Sally and I will log just as many hours running as you and Pete did :-)

  3. And,so what is your car's name? Even Grandpa and Grandma McDougall called my first (old) car, "Midnight." Names are good. When do you want to get together????

  4. Oh, Lisa. Every time I hear you speak of your ipods names.......I think of that evening in Florida at Kent and Margie's and the sambuka. Hehehe--how fun.

    You definitely deserved a new ipod, and there couldn't be a better name than Ellie. Beautiful. And I am SO relieved to hear you have finally grown out of the past beliefs of "nano's are cool". Because, in all honesty--we BOTH know 1000 songs just doesn't cut it! Yay!! :)

  5. a girl can never have too many ipods!!
