Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend Review

I was home this weekend for the first time in 4 weekends - I naively thought I'd have this quiet, low key weekend with oodles of times to get stuff done. Wrongo batman. Friday night was quiet, but the rest of the weekend flew by! It was lots of fun, though! I could just really use a weekend where I have no commitments. I was thinking back to the first few years that I lived in Minneapolis - I feel like it was rare for me to have something going on, especially on a week night. Flash forward 6 years and this is so not the case. A few weeks ago my brother asked me when I could come over for a birthday dinner and my next open date was over 2 weeks out.... I'm really feeling like I need to purchase a blackberry as I am having trouble keeping track of it. Finishing grad school will REALLY help, though. I am tempted to start counting down the weeks until graduation....

Here's some 'highlights' from the weekend of things I saw/discussions I had:
- On Saturday night, I went to a house party with a friend I used to work with. She didn't think she'd know anyone besides the host so asked if I could come along as a sort of 'wing woman,' I guess you could say. I figured - why not? You never know who you might meet at something like that. I don't regret going, but it was interesting. I didn't get a copy of the Evite, but am wondering if maybe there was a theme for the party - 'weird facial hair.' Seriously. There were guys with old school mustaches (some were sporting trucker hats/seed caps), and a guy w/ a mustache and then hair that went diagonally down his face sort of? It was just plain odd. I so didn't fit in. Oh, and there was a keg... I felt like I should have been chaperoning the party... I am definitely past keg party days. Actually, those never were my thing since I absolutely hate beer and am unable to drink it (trust me, I have tried, it tastes terrible & doesn't seem to want to stay 'down') I should have known when Katalin mentioned that the party was in Uptown. I used to love Uptown but I must say I have sort of 'outgrown' that part of the MSP area... Me & my Banana Republic wardrobe just don't fit in there....

- At the same party, I had a discussion with a girl about dating. She basically said - 'yah, men like to date women who aren't smart. So maybe you should hold off on telling them that you have your masters and maybe play a little dumb?' Um, yah, I don't think so. Thanks for the advice, though.

- I was at a Superbowl Party last night that was hosted by my realtor. It was an impromptu party that they threw together since the party they were supposed to attend fell through due to the hosts being sick. It was great seeing Zeb, his wife, and their 4 kids. Zeb recently purchased a Clavinova so the kids could start to take lessons when they get a little older. Somehow it came out that I play piano so I got talked into playing a song... There were only 4 other adults there & about 7 kids, so it wasn't an intimidating crowd or anything. But I felt like i was giving a pre-halftime show. After I got done playing, Zeb's 3 year old daughter said she really liked the song but asked that I please not take the piano with me. I thought it was hilarious that she was concerned that I'd load the Clavinova up & head home with it!

I hope everyone else had a great weekend!


  1. wow..that girls advice is horrible. i'm guessing you and her have very different standards in men!!

  2. thanks for the comment on my blog! :) itb,
