Thursday, April 30, 2009

To-do List

I found this to-do list here (via here), and had to post it.

I am a lover of lists. Especially to-do lists. I get this from my mom. We host Thanksgiving for her side of the family nearly every year. Sometimes it's a big crowd - like 38 people - so it requires alot of planning. My mom usually has a day by day list - I can vividly picture it in my mind. It always seemed to be on a yellow legal pad. I sort of dreaded the list when I was younger, but now that I am older and more fully understand the amount of work that goes into planning a holiday, I appreciate my mom's list making abilities. And I wish I could go back in time and tell my snotty, teenage self to stop rolling my eyes and complaining and just pitch in!

Right now my to-do list consists of many things, such as writing a letter to NWA, grocery shopping for ingredients to make Spanish Rice this weekend, and finish my last MBA Derivatives assignment (woot, woot!).

It's great to have practical lists, but I love lists like these that remind you of the important stuff in life. Because following this whimsical to-do list is certainly going to make you a more happy person and will lead to a much more fulfilling life.

What's on your to-do list these days?


  1. I'd like to put everything on that list on my to-do list. I love that.
    But, shopping, writing an outline, vaccuming. All the fun stuff.

  2. Oh, I love to-do lists too! I make them all the time. That's part of the reason I ADORE my blackberry because now I can put my to-do items in my blackberry and even set reminders to remind me to do them!

  3. I don't know, maybe run a marathon in a Sumo Wrestling suit...

    - Dean

  4. Have you seen the To-Do List Blog?

    It's a great read.
