Wednesday, June 24, 2009

If I had a library...

I would totally buy this print and hang it in my little library.

It's by this Etsy seller. She's got lots of great stuff - go check her out!

But I don't have a library. Yet. So for now it's on my list of things to buy when I do have a house... The list is getting quite long, by the way.


  1. Hahahahaha, omg that is so funny/cute! I LOVE it!!

    I want a library one day, too!!

  2. Awh, that's way too cute! I want it too!

  3. We have a room which has been taken over by books. Does that make it a library? We also have many boxes of books in storage. How nice it would be to have them all out on shelves so they can be appreciated and organized!

    Incidentally, how is Anna K. moving along for you? I have looked for my copy.....must be in storage. To the library!

  4. I will say number 1 on my list is having a library. No contest.
