Tuesday, July 21, 2009

And the winner is...

The winner of my blogoversary give away is (drum roll please)....

Comment #1 - Anais of Through Green Eyes! Please send an email to lisasyarns@gmail.com with your mailing address and I will get the book sent out this week! I hope you enjoy this travel memoir as much as I did!!

I have less than 100 pages of Anna Karenina left so should finish it this week. I think it will end up taking me about 6-7 weeks to read it? I usually read about a book a week, but since this one is 750+ pages and is a heavier read, I'm pretty happy with the pace I've maintained. It's been a great read and I look forward to posting a review next week!

NPR is holding a 100 Best Beach Books Ever contest. There are 200 books to choose from and you can vote for 10. Go check it out! I plan on printing out the nominations list for future reading inspiration. In my opinion, a Best Beach Book needs to be a fun, easy read - something I can easily pick up & put back down. I think of books like The Harry Potter series, The Pilot's Wife, and Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas.

What is your favorite beach read?


  1. Awesome!! Can't wait to read that book (even my bf is excited for it!).

    One of my favorite beach reads was the Count of Monte Cristo which I read in Nice last summer. It was just perfect because the book took place in the South of France for the most part and it was just very nice to read it WHERE it takes place you know? :)

  2. I generally tend to murder mysteries for beachy reads. I usually enjoy Elizabeth George, but I'm also an Agatha Christie fan (I love Miss Marple). Last summer I also read a number of Georgette Heyer's books

  3. Ahh Harry Potter FOR SURE! Since all the books came out in the summer I actually ended up reading the last three ON the beach when they came out! So when I think beach reads, I definitely think Harry Potter. Haha. Also any chick-lit novels like Sophie Kinsella!

    I'm excited for your review of this book you've been reading. I'm usually not into "heavy" reading for pleasure, but maybe I'll have to give it a try. Except I currently have three books on the go (something I RARELY do) so I should get through those first I suppose!

  4. Thanks for the tip about the NPR list. I'll definitely be printing those too!

    My favorite beach reads are mystery/thrillers. It's one of the safe places to read creepy (nonwater related books, i.e. Jaws) books because it's so bright and sunny. Also, I like British Chick Lit for beaches.

    Why is it that I feel less guilty about reading chick lit if it's written by an author from the UK?
