Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend Recap

Another fabulous weekend - the weather here was dang near perfect! Living in Minnesota, this is something we really have to appreciate and soak up since we get lots of months of freakishly cold weather. But honestly, weather like this totally makes up for all those months of subzero temps. I complain about the cold A LOT in the winter, but I definitely LOVE the state/city I live in.

The bbq on Friday went great - I brought asparagus and that Spinach/Apple/Strawberry salad with the vinaigrette recipe that my mom suggested. The salad was a hit! In addition to the Spinach/fruit, I added some toasted walnut and Gorgonzola cheese. Yum. I would definitely make it again - maybe as soon as next weekend when I am at the cabin.

The Block Party last night was lots of fun. Again, the weather was perfect - not too hot, but it didn't cool off too much so I was comfortable the whole night. My body runs at a different temperature than most people - I am always cold. So it was wonderful to not get cold after the sun went down last night. We watched Tyrone Wells, Matt Nathanson, and the Counting Crows perform. I pretty much want to marry Tyrone Wells. He's a new artist, so I wasn't super familiar with his music, but it didn't matter. It didn't hurt that he is very attractive, and appeared to be very down to earth. He told a story about how he has played one of his songs, Sea Breeze, at 3 different proposals. The song is beautiful and it's pretty cool that he's been willing to be part of these proposals! Pretty cool - huh?

I did feel a bit old at the Block Party at times, though. There was a group of young girls in front of us - I was pretty sure they were under 21 and when they started passing around a plastic container that appeared to be full of vodka, my suspicions were confirmed. I don't think any adults of the legal age pass around a bottle of vodka and take shots. Yuck - I cringe as I think about that... I kept thinking, 'Kids these days' which made me feel sort of old!

Now it's Sunday which means prep time for the upcoming week. I try to do my grocery shopping on Sunday & then get everything in to single serving containers so I can just grab and go in the morning. So I spent a good chunk of my afternoon slicing, dicing, and packing up lots o' fruit.

I realize that is a TON of fruit for a person who lives alone. I could probably live on fruit alone this week. When berries and melons are in season, I am like a kid in a candy store - I feel like I need some of EVERYTHING. So I probably overbought... But whatever doesn't get eaten will be brought to my parents cabin next weekend.

After cutting up all that fruit, I sat down for a little rest before tackling my next chore. Then I looked over at the table where my Peace Lily lives and saw this...

Um, I think I really killed it this time. The picture doesn't do it justice. It is the saddest looking plant. Ever. I took this plant home from my Grandpa's funeral and was bound and determined to keep it alive, but I am obviously failing. I tried the water globes, but the water would just run out of the planter, so I stopped using them and re-started recently since I just wasn't keeping up with the watering. When I saw my mom over the 4th, I told her the plant wasn't faring well and that I'd be bringing it to her next time I saw her, if it was alive. I thought I could keep it alive for another 2 weeks. I can't imagine this plant coming back, but we'll see. I just feel terrible since this was something someone bought for my grandfather's funeral and here I am, killing it. Gah.

I guess I'm not ready for a pet. Not that I would get one anyways. When I was in my early teens, my eldest brother told me that he kind of pictured me living in an apartment with a ton of cats and a big grand piano... I've never been able to shake the vision of me being this Miss Havisham type of person with a ton of cats. So I would NEVER get a cat. But if I ever got past the bleak prophesy, I might have considered... but this whole 'keeping a plant alive' thing has shown me that I obviously can't take care of anything besides myself!

Anyways, maybe this plant has nine lives or something. That is what I am hoping.


  1. Sounds like it was a nice weekend, despite the plant killing. That's why I only have cacti in my house. They require so little watering that they are nice and easy to take care of!
    That is a lot of fruit, but I so understand you. There's something about summertime fruit. You've made me wish I had some watermelon in the fridge!

  2. Oh my goodness, can you come organize my fridge every week please?? Haha! That's great, I should start putting my stuff in grab and go containers like that, too.

    We tried to plant some vegetables on our patio. At the beginning we had planted a tomato plant, radishes, cucumbers and mint. Well, the tomato plant only lasted about 2 weeks and it was dead, and now the radishes and cucumbers are dying too! I just can't seem to keep them alive! Haha!

  3. I've been meaning to comment for a while, but I realized I hadn't bookmarked your blog properly so I kept missing it :)

    I am so impressed by all that fruit packing! I need to be WAY more organized obviously :) I'm the same way though: when fruit is in season, I could live off of it, period!

  4. I had to laugh at the plant part. I kinda forgot about our plant while we were at the cabin for the week. It really did not look good when we got home. It is amazing how quickly they come back though!
