Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Abby's Wedding - the Bach Party

Alright, time for the promised wedding weekend blog posts!

Since Abby lives in Arizona, she wasn't able to come back for a Bachelorette Party in advance of the wedding. So we had her bach party on Thursday night of the wedding weekend. Our family does bachelorette parties a little different - they are pretty tame and we include the moms and aunts. Might sound strange, but it is actually really, really fun. It's actually ideal in my opinion - you are surrounded by all of your favorite women and the night is all about chatting and telling stories, instead of taking shots and drinking until you are sick. Not that I am judging those who have those kind of bachelorette parties - to each their own!

Here's a picture of Abby & I before the festivities started. Do you think we look alike? All weekend people kept telling us we looked so much alike!

We went with a Mexican theme for the food for the party since that tends to be relatively healthy. If I may say so myself, everything was delicious! We had tacos, chips, guac, salsa, tortilla roll-ups, and fruit skewers.

The highlight of the party was DEFINITELY the cake that Abby's sister-in-law made. Holy canasta this girl is talented.

Would you believe me if I said that is the first time she's ever worked with fondant frosting? Isn't that amazing? She is obviously so talented!! The guests all raved about the cake and said it was very moist so she definitely has a future in cake decorating if she wants one!

After eating, we played a little 'how well do you know the bride' game. The bride always seems to get grilled at some point during a shower, so I figured it was time to turn the tables and put our guests on the spot.

That's my mom, sisters-in-law, and aunt, concentrating hard! My mom tied for first place.

After the game, it was time for the presents. She got some great things, like this hooded jacket that my aunt had embroidered. It was unseasonably cool for August, so she got alot of use out of that jacket throughout the wedding weekend!

We finished out the night by taking a picture of us bridesmaids with Abby.

(my sister Emily, Abby's friend Sarah, Abby, Abby's sister-in-law Erin, and I)

All in all, it was a great night. We all woke up the next morning, feeling fantastic - which is pretty rare for the morning after the bach party. But it was a good thing, because we had alot of work ahead of us and lots more celebrating to do!


  1. Can't wait to see more pictures! That cake looks AMAZING!!!

  2. I love the cake, fondant looks like so much fun! I also like your families version of a bach party. This makes so much more sense than a night of tequilla and forced temptation. There is no better way to celebrate the start of a family than with family :)

  3. i would want to do my bach party that way too...so much more fun and memorable than drinking too much! it looks like a great time. you and abby do look a lot alike. can't wait to read the next posts!

  4. I was drooling over that cake picture - looks SO amazing!!

    I think that sounds like a great way to do the bachelorette party - especially the SAME weekend as the wedding. I would maybe have a crazy one a few weeks before the wedding but when I am hungover, it can last for days! And who wants to be hungover on the weekend of the wedding! Haha.

    Can't wait to hear more about the recap! Also, I think you and your sister kind of look alike, it's something about your smile? You can definitely tell you're sisters!!

  5. Cute pictures! For my bach party, we started at my house with snacks and some games (mom and mom-in-law came too) then we went to applebees for dinner, friends house for a quick fresh up, and then out to the bars.. Our mom's were with us until about 10 and they left. I had sooo much fun. For my friends bach party, we went out to the local bar and it was a mix of her mom's friends and our friends and we ate dinner and then people we knew from school came and hung out and it turned into a drunken ridiculous mess. Where my ID was lost somehow haha.. That was the thursday before the wedding. Fortunately, we were still young (21) and could bounce back from hangovers quick!

  6. I think that sounds/looks like a lot of fun. And all that food looked amazing.

    You and your sis def look alike!!

  7. Such a fun party!!! You ladies did a great job! The food was fantastic and the company and conversation were even better!
    It was so great seeing everyone this weekend...YES, you and Abby definitely look alike! :)
    PS ~ I thought you'd like to know that at the wedding Wade asked me if "lisa's lost weight?" I said yes indeed you had and told him about your recent return to running...we both agreed you look great! :)

  8. The party was great, Lisa! Thank you so much!! It was exactly what I wanted. And yeah, the cake was incredible!

    You definitely were a wonderful host!!! Love you so much :)

  9. Looks like so much fun! I am so sorry that I missed it. You definitely seem to be a wonderful hostess. Erin's cake looked amazing! She's forgotten that she first started working with fondant when she lived in AZ, though, and made an amazing birthday cake for a friend. She's got quite a talent! <3

  10. Looks like so much fun! I am so sorry that I missed it. You definitely seem to be a wonderful hostess.

    Erin's cake looked amazing! She's forgotten that she first started working with fondant when she lived in AZ, though, and made an amazing birthday cake for a friend. She's got quite a talent! :)

    The whole weekend was so wonderful, it was great to finally meet you, as (like I mentioned), I am an avid reader of your blog. Now I don't feel like a stalker commenting! ;)


  11. That was her first time making a cake like that? AWESOME. Looks like a great time.

    I don't want to have a crazy party if I ever get married either. Give me some wine, my best friends, and a place to relax in and we're good to go =)

    Glad you had a great time!

  12. Sounds like so much fun!! And I have to agree - that cake looks amazing!
