Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Book Meme

Pinkflipflops did this over on her blog so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

The book that’s been on your shelves the longest.

- I really don't have anything on my shelves that has been around for a very long time since all the books from my childhood are at my parents. I hope. Or they might have gotten ruined when my parents' basement flooded in 1997 (please let that not be the case). The book that's been on my shelf the longest is probably "Tuesdays with Morrie." I sort of stole my mom's copy (whoopsies, sorry about that mom - do you want it back?) when I graduated from high school.

And if you haven't read that book yet - drop what you are doing and go read it! It's amazing! I usually read it about once a year when I need to tweek my perspective on life!

A book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time).

- Oo, that is tough. Both of my sets of grandparents have always known that reading is a passion of mine, so many of my gifts from them for Birthdays & Christmas were books. I'll never forget when my Grandma McDougall gave me the ENTIRE set of Little House on the Prairie books, though. I can still picture them. They were light blue and were nice and thick. Ahh, bliss. Seriously, seriously hoping that boxed set survived the flood. I would be heart broken if I couldn't pass them onto my own children (if I ever have any!) or to a niece (again, if I ever have one!)

The book that’s been with you to the most places.

- Hmmm... Probably the first book in the Harry Potter series: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I bought that at the beginning of my Europe trip back in 2004 when I ran out of reading material. So it stayed with me on my travels through Germany, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland. By the way, I thought I was going to hate the HP series. I only bought that first book because it was the only book in English that I hadn't read in that train station in Berlin. I finished the first book in about a day and track down the 2nd book at the train station in Prague. It's such a wonderful series. I would love to go back & re-read them. But so many books, so little time...

The most recent addition to your shelves.

- I broke my little 'book buying hiatus' by buying the next Books & Bars book, "Dud Avocado" (which is a serious dud in my opinion). I also bought Jillian Michael's new book "Master your Metabolism" after reading a fellow runner's review. She talks a lot about hormones and how they impact your metabolism, etc. Sounded interesting so I thought it was worth checking out and since it is a new release, I figured the wait at the library would be eternity. I haven't had a chance to dig into it, though. I'm sure I'll share anything of interest that I learn by reading it!

Your current read, your last read, and the book you'll read next.

- Current read is "Dud Avocado" (I don't recommend checking this out), my last read was "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" (technically my last read was "The Shadow of the Silk Road" but I couldn't get into it so gave up after the first 50 pages. One of the perks of borrowing it from the library v. owning it & feeling like you HAVE to finish it), and my next read is either "City of Thieves" or "And Sometimes Why" since those are two books that I have borrowed from the library & need to get back within the next couple of weeks.

By the way, I love getting books from the library, but it kind of gives me anxiety! I have this "I have to get this read" feeling! The problem is that all these books I want are on hold, and then, mysteriously, they are all available at the same time so I have 5 books right now, which are due on Sept 1. Seriously - who gets stressed out by the library? Apparently I do. I know there's this concept of 'renewing' the dang things so there is no reason to get stressed out about READING. What is wrong with me???

Anywho! Alright - your turn to play along! Either do this meme on your blog, or answer one or all of the questions that I just answered!


  1. The Library supplies about 75% of my reading materials. I can hold and renew them online, so I don't usually get stressed...unless a book is loooooong and I just can't seem to progress quickly enough (i.e. Coleridge's Emily Post biography).

    I hate buying books I haven't read because if I dislike them, it's just wasted money. I'd rather borrow and THEN buy, so my shelves aren't cluttered with junk. Kind of like watching a movie on Netflix or in the theatre BEFORE taking the plunge and buying a $20 DVD on blind faith ;-)

  2. Confession: I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books... yet. My boyfriend recently moved them onto my "to be read," shelf, so I guess I best get started at some point! I haven't seen any of the movies, either, so that I can watch them after I read the books.

    If I for some reason buy a book I don't like? I donate it or give it away. At least I feel like my money is going to good use in some odd way =)

    I may steal this meme for myself!

  3. You can keep "Tuesdays with Maurie" as I know where to borrow it if I want to read it again! Those Life on the Prairie books are on a shelf in the blue bedroom at home! We still have boxes of books in the basement that we would love to divide amongst you 5. Our plan every winter is to go through the crawl space and get things cleaned up and sorted out, but it seems that never happens! Maybe the winter of 2010? I know we lost some books but still have many down there. I think the ones we had to throw were mostly books you read in grade school, but am not 100% sure.

  4. I love this post! Im gonna steal it :) I did the same thing with library books, I was stressing out about them...until I realized they can be renewed twice! I love the library!!

  5. The Harry Potter series totally reminds me of the summer because the new ones always came out in the summertime!

    Right now I'm reading 'Certain Girls' by Jennifer Weiner. I'm not enjoying it as much as Good in Bed, though.

    The library stresses me out, too. I currently have 4 books out and another 6 on hold! I'm trying to get through them before anymore come off hold!! But, I recently discovered the magic of renewing your books online. Your library probably does it too so maybe you could look into that!

  6. We are exactly alike! I stress about the library too (and thought I was the only one too!), I'm so glad I'm not alone! Haha! :)
    Cute meme, I think I might do this later! :)
