Wednesday, August 19, 2009

From Blog to Book to Big Screen

After my big swim on Saturday and my 4 mile training run on Sunday - which went surprisingly well - I decided to reward myself by going to the movie, Julie & Julia, on Sunday afternoon. I have been so excited to see this movie since I heard about it! It is based upon two books that I have read: Julie & Julia by Julie Powell, and My Life in France by Julia Child. I highly recommend both books. I read Julie & Julia before starting this blog, so I don't have a review for that one, but you can read my review of My Life in France here!

The movie winds the stories of these two books together so well. They are a natural fit since Julie & Julia is about a blogger who decides to cook all 524 recipes in Julia Child's book - Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Holy. Cannasta. That was quite an undertaking. The casting in this movie was fantastic. Meryl Streep was the perfect Julia Child and Amy Adams did a great job of portraying Julie Powell. This is one of the rare times where the producers actually did a great job of bringing a book to the big screen.

I definitely aspire to be like Julie Powell. It is a dream of mine to someday write a book. I don't need my life to be made into a movie because it certainly isn't interesting enough, but writing a book would be amazing. Although, if they did make my life into a movie, I think I would cast Ellen Page to play me. You know, the girl from Juno.

Anyways, it is definitely worth seeing, especially if you are a foodie. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't show Julie Powell making bone marrow. I loved the part of the book where she had to saw into this leg of a cow and prepare bone marrow. That is what inspired me to try it while in France last summer. The aspic scene was great, though, and reminded me of my meal with a French family in Lyon.

Random comment to close things up. I went to this movie by myself. Which is something I do quite often. I am always surprised by the reaction I get from people when I tell them I saw a movie by myself. They give me the strangest look & say something like - 'really? You went by yourself?' I don't get it. It's not like you talk to someone during a movie, so I don't see why it is necessary to have someone else there with you. Granted, I do miss out on talking about the movie afterwards, but that's what this blog is for, I guess! I am strongly considering going to an Orchestra Concert in October by myself. Ben Folds is coming to Minneapolis, and I simply adore him. I am pretty confident that none of my friends like his music, so I doubt I can talk anyone into going, but I figure - why should I miss out on something that I am so interested in just because I can't find someone else who is interested in attending? Again - it's not like you talk during a concert!

Do you ever seen movies on your own? Also, if they made your life into a movie, who would you cast as the lead?


  1. I haven't read this book, but I want to see the movie. One of my co-workers saw it too and said it was so good!

    Hmmm....who would play me?Actually Amy Adams or Rachel McAdams would be my choices! They don't really look anything like me, but I love them as actresses. I'm totally going to be thinking about this all day.

  2. I'm going to see that this afternoon and I'm dragging my friend along, haha! She thought it looked silly but agreed to go with me anyways! I also am on the waitlist for the book at the library! I'm really excited to see the movie.

    I don't ever go to movies alone because I usually drag Eric along or invite a friend. I don't think I'd have a problem going alone if there was no-one to go with, though. Eric LOVES going to the movies so it's usually not hard to convince him to go, although I didn't even TRY asking him to go see Julie & Julia with me after dragging him to the Time Traveler's Wife last weekend!

    That is seriously a really hard question. I have NO idea who would play me in a movie... I will have to think on that one and get back to you! Haha

  3. Well obviously Angelina Jolie would play me... kidding.

    Two of my friends insist that I look like Amanda Peet (I wish) and two people recently told me that I look like Sandra Bullock (I wish too) so maybe one of them. Perhaps I should go with Amanda Peet though, because she's Jewish so she'll have the nice Jewish girl thing down.

    I've been to many movies by myself. I mean you can't talk in a theater so what's the difference?

  4. I have a girlfriend (a super foodie)who just threw a "Julie/Julia" French potluck. During her soiree, they all went to see the movie. Everyone brought dishes from Julia's cookbook (or bottles of French wine & champagne) and apparently everything was superb! I haven't read the book nor have I seen the movie, but I plan on doing both.

    And yes, in the past, I went to many movies by myself. I specifically recall laughing hysterically at "A Fish Called Wanda"...and getting some curious looks. Ha ha! Now, with a houseful of kids, I generally watch G rated movies and usually on video.

    I, too, aspire to write a book someday. I'll read yours if you read mine! ;)

  5. My sister and I are seeing J&J this weekend. We read the book last year and LOVED it, so we've been anxiously awaiting the film.

    And I love seeing movies alone. At our theatre, you push a button on the arm of your seat and a waitress takes your food/drink order, which she'll bring back while you watch the show. It's QUITE the indulgence!

  6. I actually almost prefer going to movies by myself. I'm weird likethat. But especially as a single gal, I went all the time because a) it was semi cheap entertainment and no one can tell who the girl is sitting by herself and b) it's nice to just go see whatever movie you want whenever you want, with no debating!

    So, I really want to read the book first, but I'm afraid it won't be in theaters still. Should I go see the movie anyway or read the book first?

  7. So a propos...This dilemna has been going on inside my head for the past week! I SO want to go see Julie & Julia, but noone has been able to go with I haven't gone. And I keep telling myself : what's the big deal! Just go by yourself! But I just can't...maybe not just yet I guess, because the movie theater is RIGHT next to my house and JOhn and I used to go a lot...Anyways, enough rambling :)
