Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ten on Thursday (v. 3)

First of all, thank you for all of your sweet, supportive comments yesterday. They were all so thoughtful & kind - so thank you for that. I am feeling much better - the worst part is getting over the initial disappointment. Now that I've cleared that hurdle, it's onwards & upwards from here!

Alright, now for something lighter! I'm back again with the 3rd edition of Ten on Tuesday, brought to you by the lovely Chelsea.

1. What are you going to be for Halloween?
Um, I kind of hate Halloween. I love seeing kids dressed up, but I do not enjoy partaking in that tradition as an adult. Go ahead, call me a fun hater. This year I am running a 1/2 marathon in the a.m. & then going to a 3 year old's birthday party in the afternoon. So I told my friend (the mom) that I will either show up as a) a beat up, very sore runner, or b) a librarian.

Because neither 'costume' would require me to wear anything out of the ordinary.

2. Have you ever been on television?

3. Do you have a toilet paper preference?
I'm definitely an over v. under girl. I have to resist the urge to 'correct' the roll when at other people's houses. I'm not as picky with the brand but prefer something like Quilted Northern.

4. When you’re pregnant, will you find out the sex of the baby? (Or if you’ve already had babies, did you find out the sex?) Why or why not?
Nope and this is so out of character for me because I do not like surprises. Even when they are fantastic, fabulous surprises. But when it comes to finding out the sex of my child, I will not (unless my husband feels really strong about this - then maybe). It's just the way it's done in my family. No one has found out, and I feel like I would be the person who would be told she's having a girl, then paints her nursery pink, only to be surprised by a boy.

5. What are three items that every kitchen must have?
A saute pan, a good knife, and a cutting board.

6. Do you enjoy Christmas shopping?
Yes, I really do. It's the best feeling when you pick out that perfect gift for someone. I actually enjoy the shopping & giving more than the receiving. Don't get me wrong - I love the gifts I receive each year, it's just more fulfilling picking out gifts for others. I guess this means I am 'growing up'.

7. What is your go-to recipe? (The thing you cook more than anything else because it’s easy and mindless.) Please share the recipe.
Um, this is bad but I don't have one. It used to be this lasagna recipe of my mom's, but then I went gluten free and I am afraid to try it w/ GF noodles. But if I was having people over for dinner, I would probably make this recipe (assuming they liked mushrooms).

8. Do you sleep on your back, belly, or side?
I sleep on my side, cradling a body pillow. I used to sleep on my stomach, but it was causing arthritis in my neck... so the doctor said no more stomach sleeping. So I trained myself to sleep on my side. It was NOT easy!

9. How do you feel about Tom Cruise?
I don't care for him. I think he's very odd. And he's brain washed Katie Holmes, in my opinion.

That said - I'd love it for a guy to be so excited about me, he jumped up and down on a couch... even though that might not have been genuine and might have been a publicity stunt. But let's just all pretend for a moment that it was completely sincere. That must feel pretty awesome to have a guy THAT excited about you.

10. What books are in your “books to read” stack?
Oo, good question. Let me show you...

Yep, those 2 shelves. 2 freaking shelves. And yet, I continue to buy books. Why? I don't know. But I have been much better about not buying books lately. I have maybe bought one book each month - which is pretty good. Here's a random selection of some books on those shelves:

Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
Marathon by Hal Higdon
The Red Scarf by Kate Funrivall

You all know the drill - answer some, answer all, post them on your blog!


  1. Thats a lot of books to read! I have stopped buying books just cause they are so expensive. The library and I are really close!

    And i feel the same way about christmas shopping! I love finding the perfect gift!

  2. I loved Animal, Vegetable, Miracle!

    While I agree that he's done something weird to Katie Holmes, she did say she'd wanted to marry him since she was a little girl...which is kinda cool...I just wish it wasn't HIM.

  3. I just LOVE these!! I'm going to post mine this morning!!

  4. I'm not really into dressing up for Halloween either. This year I'm celebrating Halloween with a bonfire, beer, and some close friends.

    I have a book buying problem as well am seem to be buying more and more but I've been trying really hard to curb that.

    I recently read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and I love anything by Barbara Kingsolver.

  5. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween (as an adult) either! I have a lot of friends who are into it, but I'm like "ehhh, who cares?" And I totally get what you're saying about Christmas shopping!

  6. i'm glad i'm not the only adult that does not like halloween. it's my least favorite holiday!!

  7. 1) I laughed about your cynical view on Tom Cruise. I also have never witnessed someone being that excited about another.

    2) I love how in your question about "will you find out the sex of a baby". You talk about how it's really out of character to choose the "surprise route" -- but really in the end you are avoiding a surprise in worry about the prediction being wrong. I agree with you!

    I love these!! I think I might do one on my blog today :)

  8. I think it's funny that you do these on Thursdays. You (and your readers who do it) need to post the link on my blog so others can visit. I love reading them. I've especially enjoyed reading everyone's Tom Cruise answer!!

  9. Since all my friends are going to the bar for Halloween I am partaking because I don't want to be left home alone, BUT I'm not a huge fan of halloween either and didn't want to waste $50 on a costume I'd only wear once. So I am being a RUNNER!!! Hahaha, at least I'll have comfy shoes on to dance in all night!!

    You have a ton of books to read there girl. I am trying to read more, I read so much this summer and since school started again I haven't read at all. I just need to MAKE the time to do it, just like exercise!

    Have a good day, lovely! XO

  10. You haven't read Breaking Dawn yet?! That's a lot of books to read, I know the feeling! ;) You mentioned in a comment once that the library stresses you out and it does me too! But, I just keep putting more books on hold and trying to finish them all! Ha!
    Have a great Halloween weekend, I agree with you, I'm not a fan. Costumes for adults are a big waste of money if you ask me. :)

  11. I wonder if anyone who does this is actually going to respond to the Tom Cruise question: "Oh, I love him!"

  12. I think I may play in this today =)

    I have a TON of books to read as well so I know how that feels. I don't have them all one one shelf though I probably should.

    I think that when we meet, we shouldn't go to a bookstore. Could be bad news!!

  13. WOah, 2 shelves!! That's a lot :D

    For me, it's a pile next to my bed :P One day I will get to them!

  14. I'm definitely an "over" t.p. girl myself. It really bugs me at work that the rolls of toilet paper are locked onto the roll, or I probably would turn them around when they're going the "wrong" way.

  15. Tom Cruise...stopped loving him when he started dating Penelope Cruz whilst still married to Nicole Kidman. Not that I'm a giant Kidman fan; I am just super sensitive and very anti-marital infidelity. I also question his mental health. (Scientology? Really?)

    I found out the sex of three out of four of my kids...I liked it, because it allowed me to feel connected to each child in a different way (I could imagine them as older children whilst still pregnant, for instance, if I knew their sex ahead of time.) I think, like most things, that there are pros and cons to finding out the sex before delivery or not. As long as both parents are good with how you choose to do it, that's fine!

    Is that a Willow Tree angel on your bookshelf? I love those!

  16. Fun. I played along:) Go with the librarian. That way you can bring a novel and read it if you get bored!! I'm glad the rain came today, hopefully your race will be dry.

  17. Hi Lisa! I came over from Roots & Rings and loved your answers. I loved Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and would strongly suggest reading The Omnivore's Dilemma as a follow-up if you haven't already done so.
