Monday, December 14, 2009

This week HAS to be better

I'm just going to say it - last week was craptastic. I hope Webster adds that word to the dictionary soon. It such an effective way to describe when things don't go so hot.

Here's a selection of some of the things that didn't go so well last week:
  • I had computer issues on Tuesday. I had to restart my computer 5 TIMES. I lost at least 90 minutes of my day trying to get it figured out. I was dangerously close to throwing it out the window - no kidding. Sometimes I hate technology. My frustration level is increased when I think about how my 2 brothers make their livelihood by working with computer. Obviously I missed out on that gene pool.
  • I think the subzero temps must have frozen my brain on Wednesday night because I somehow managed to get on the wrong bus. I got on the 576 instead of the 578. Pretty pathetic when a math major can't tell the difference between a 6 & 8. I didn't even realize I was on the wrong bus until it was nearly at the end of its route. I had a complete 'oh sh*t' moment when I looked up and knew I was not on the right bus. I might have had a mini-panic attack because I honestly couldn't think of anyone I could have called to come and get me and bring me to my car. I guess I could have called a cab, but that would have sucked. Luckily, the bus stopped at a corner where I could catch another bus that would take me to my car. Dealing with all of this at the end of a 11 hour work day was less than enjoyable.
  • At 4 pm on Friday, I found an error in the assumptions of a financial model I've spent the last 2 months developing. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that the error meant starting over. I needed to have the output of this model for a Tuesday deadline, which meant I got to work on the model over the weekend. I was able to re-create it much more quickly the 2nd time around, but it still sucked working this weekend. There were so many things I would have rather done. But a deadline is a deadline, so not working wasn't an option.
  • Luckily I can remote in from home so didn't need to physically go into the office - which is good because I somehow managed to lose my work ID, which I need to get into my office, on the 5 block walk from my office to my bus stop. Oh, and my metropass (the way I pay for my bus rides) was attached to my work ID. So that's gone, too. So I am hoping I can easily replace both of those today.
I'll stop there. I could go on, but then it's going to seem like I am making this up. I wish I was.

My mantra for this week is - 'things have to get better'. I really hope that is a self-actualizing prophecy.

Some days I think they could make a movie of my life. Or a crappy reality tv show. Do you ever feel that way?


  1. Sometimes!!

    I'm sorry your week was rubbish - mine was kind of one of those weeks too...

    I hope this one turns out heaps better for you *hugs*

  2. I seriously loathe those kinds of weeks. Taking the wrong bus is a prime example of why I would suck at big city transportation, I rarely pay attention to these sorts of things. Sending you big hugs and positive thoughts for a week that is much better and a lot less craptastic (which should be added to the dictionary). Keeping my fingers crossed that this week goes quickly and painlessly for you bringing you closer to some much needed family and down time.

  3. and sometimes I am like why didn't life come with an eraser. Sometimes, a girl needs one.

  4. Holy crap! Just reading that makes me feel crabby for you! I am so sorry your week was so rough. This week HAS to be better! You poor thing!

    I agree that life can feel like a lame reality tv show at times. Something like "The disastrous days" or something.

    I will say a prayer that today is the start to a new and better week! Love you!

  5. Ugh, craptastic indeed! This week WILL be better!

    All I have to say is if freakin' Spencer and Heidi can make money from their lives I should be able to as well, right?!

  6. Urgh; you're right, that IS a crappy week. I hope this week gets 100% better.

  7. Craptastic is a wonderful word except I'm so sorry that your week had to be described this way. I know what you mean, though! Sometimes it seems like everything is going wrong and there is just NO way that it could be for real. Like Ashton Kutcher is hanging out behind a building filming it and is surely going to yell "Punk'd!" when you walk by.

    This week does indeed have to be better. If for no other reason than we are closer to Christmas and hopefully a bit of a break for you!

  8. Poor Lisa. Do hope this week is better. Did you get a chance to do your usual Sunday night dinner?

  9. I gotta say, that totally looks like an awful week... You most certainly deserved to vent about it!

    I think you're right, too - this week is bound to be better!! If that bus thing had happened to me, I'm pretty sure I would've cried!

  10. some days you eat the bear, and some days the bear eats you. i had a long week last week too, here's to a better monday.

  11. Wow, that really was a craptastic day! Hope this week is the exact opposite!

  12. Oh sweetheart, it sounds like you week was full of rubbish!

    I hope this one is better!

    (I once fell asleep on my bus, and ended up going backt o where i started - 2 hours away from home)

  13. I hate having to do work on the weekends! At least you were able to get it done! This week will be better!

  14. Eeks! That sounds like a bad series of events. Sometimes those weeks happen, but the next ones are always better. Have a great week!

  15. YUCK!! Well think of it this way, you got all of the crappy stuff out of the way last week so this week has to be good! I promise!

  16. Ugh, that is a bummer week! Sorry to hear about all of that lady! This week has to go better for you and it will. I'm SURE of it! A positive attitude can't hurt, though. XO

    Oh, and craptastic is a great word. It really should be added to the dictionary!

  17. Last week was all around awful for me too! Hopefully this week turns out better for both of us! :)
    Oh, and I agree. Craptastic should totally be added to the dictionary!!

  18. I think that happened to a lot of people last week. It can only get better! Best of luck on a great week!!

  19. Ouch! I had a bad Saturday at home - almost burnt the house down! I put shortening on to melt on the stove and got busy decorating the tree and came back to a flaming pot! Then I forgot to add baking soda to my gingerbread cookie recipe so had to throw it out after i had them all rolled out! Not as bad as yours, but this week has to be better!

  20. Oh this is so terrible!! I can't handle those kind of weeks, but this weekend was one of those weekends for me. I ended up going to Vancouver....only to get extremely sick & have to reschedule me whole trip home.

    SO. LAME.

    But I didn't have to start months of work over, and I didn't miss my bus so kudos to you for getting through to the weekend- I hope you had a restful weekend!
