Thursday, February 25, 2010

What's Your Color?

According to this quiz, found via Nicole's blog, mine is yellow:

You are quite the powerful thinker. It’s this talent that allows you to overcome a plethora of great obstacles. Luckily, this doesn’t affect your ego and you give off a pretty easy-going appearance. You enjoy the finer things in life and also have an attraction to art. If you can help it, you try not to rock the boat. But you also can’t stop yourself from searching for new ideas, methods or styles.

I would say that is fairly accurate - except the easy-going appearance. I think most people who know me well would say I am quite high strung...

But I have been quite fond of yellow lately. It makes me think of the sun. And lemons. Both of which I will see this weekend when I am in PHOENIX!!

I leave tomorrow and absolutely can't wait.

What's your favorite color? If you take this quiz, tell me the results in your comment!


  1. fun! I'm black.

    Nothing can stand between you and your demand for a calm environment. To be free of conflict and disagreement is the only way to live. In fact, it’s this philosophy that probably allows you to be comfortable in conditions that would normally bother others. Your ability to focus is undisputed, and while you enjoy attention, you still have problems understanding how to handle it. No other color out lives by the golden rule as much as you do.

  2. Phoenix?! How fun! It's on my list of possible places to move to after I finish school. Although I've never even been there. Have a great time!

  3. and we have some lemons for you to take home!

  4. Haha, I took that quiz too when she posted it and I'm black which I think is totally wrong. :)

    I love that picture of lemons!

    Wait, why are you going to Phoenix?(I feel like I should know this).

  5. I will wait to reveal my color for my blog post! :) I like quizzes like that.

    Yellow is quite accurate for you. You are a powerful thinker, and you do accomplish amazing things!! And, to be honest -- I think that the statement about you "appearing laid back" is accurate.

    Although you are, yes, quite high strung. You don't show it on the outside. You come off very collected and calm (even if in your head you might be screaming). And your ability to do that take talent!

    CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!! In 2 days! :) Yay!

  6. I took this quiz last week, Nilsa had linked it as well. I took it again and got the same color as last time: Black (and I'd say its fairly accurate).

    Nothing can stand between you and your demand for a calm environment. To be free of conflict and disagreement is the only way to live. In fact, it’s this philosophy that probably allows you to be comfortable in conditions that would normally bother others. Your ability to focus is undisputed, and while you enjoy attention, you still have problems understanding how to handle it. No other color out lives by the golden rule as much as you do.

  7. I'm red:
    You boast incredible willpower and are capable of overcoming obstacles that would normally leave others shaking in their boots. You have a penchant for colorful environments and often impress others with your energetic bursts of energy. Your interests in many areas of life often leave you scattered, but when you focus you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

    I would agree with the penchant for colorful environments! And, strangely enough, when I saw the title of your blog, I thought, my favorite color is now red. It was blue forever, but now I like to wear the color red. Probably because it looks better with gray hair!!!

  8. I'm black! I'm kind of surprised by this for some reason...

  9. Have a fabulous weekend with your sister!!

  10. I got grey! How blah! lol

    Open-minded is the perfect way to describe you. In fact, people often marvel at your ability to try new things. Gentle, relaxed and self-assured, Gray people have the valuable ability to be everyone’s friend. Touting an eye for the aesthetic, your skill for working well with others often leaves others feeling jealous.

  11. That's so funny I can TOTALLY see yellow being your color :) I can't believe you're going to Phoenix, that is SO so cool!!!

    And apparently my color is red... At first I was like... what?? But then when I read the description I guess it's true?

    "You boast incredible willpower and are capable of overcoming obstacles that would normally leave others shaking in their boots. You have a penchant for colorful environments and often impress others with your energetic bursts of energy. Your interests in many areas of life often leave you scattered, but when you focus you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. "

    ps: I meant to tell you that your comment about the waffle shortage made me laugh quite a bit :P

  12. I am so excited about your trip to Phoenix!! Fun in the sun!!!

  13. IM PURPLE!!

    "Spontaneity is the key to your existence" I wouldn't exactly say that is me but I guess it works!

  14. I am black too. It's not entirely accurate, but it's pretty close!

  15. I took this quiz last week ... and I'm RED. I associate RED with anger, so errr ... uh, yeah.

    Have a great time in Phoenix. A little sun at this time of year never hurt anyone!

  16. FUN! I'm Red:

    You boast incredible willpower and are capable of overcoming obstacles that would normally leave others shaking in their boots. You have a penchant for colorful environments and often impress others with your energetic bursts of energy. Your interests in many areas of life often leave you scattered, but when you focus you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

    I feel that describes me very well. Especially the fact that I feel scattered in many areas of my life (at least lately).

    Have a FABULOUS and RELAXING weekend in Phoenix!!!!!! XO

  17. Wow, I'm red, too! I also like the color, so that is a plus! Fun test. Have fun in AZ and give Abby & Ryan a hug - squeeze from me!
    Hope the weather is warmer than it looks by forecast!

  18. I'm black too! I don't know if nothing can stand between me and my demand for a calm environment haha...maybe 21 kindergartners can? lol.

    Have an awesome time in Phoenix, I hope the weather is perfect for you. And be on the lookout for frozen yogurt places :)

  19. I'm yellow too!! I think it really describes me except that my favorite color is actually blue.

  20. I took the test just now - I'm black. It's amazingly accurate!
    I wonder how these tests work...

  21. I hope you had a great trip. I can't wait to hear about it. Kevin and I took the quiz and I got yellow and Kevin got purple. Funny. I will have to get Kevin a purple shirt.
