Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Loving This!

Oh my gosh, I am loving the yarn-inspired wall art (spotted here, how to video found here) ! I am a math major who loves geometric shapes (yes, I am a dork), so this is quite pleasing to my pallet. Plus it brings back memories of playing with a Spirograph as a child. Loved that toy!

I fear the project is just a bit too much for me, though. I am not very good at 'art projects'. Trust me. Even though this one would require lots of precision and no 'free handing' it, I still fear it would be an epic fail.

Believe me when I say I am a terrible artist. Or call my mom. She'll tell you my artwork as a child was very, um, interesting...

Or take a look at these 2 pictures and tell me: which was drawn by 29 year old Lisa and which was drawn by my 5 1/2 year old Godson/Nephew, James?

When I was showing the drawings we had worked on to my co-workers (I am such a proud aunt!) I kept saying - "wait - did I draw this, or did James?" You can probably tell I did the first one since the names were written quite small (difficult for a kindergartener to write that small). But really, I am about at the same artistic level as my nephews (or perhaps below actually).

But hey - it's important to know your strengths! So I won't be taking on that yarn-inspired wall art project. But I do plan to save that how-to video and maybe in my next house, if I have a wide-open wall, I will commission the help my good friends, Amanda and Brooke, to help me out. They are both very talented at all things artsy!

Are you artistic? Do you enjoy drawing or do you view it as a total chore like I do/did?


  1. LOL I totally understand as I'm terrible at all things artistic when it comes to painting and drawing.
    I like to believe that I'm good at putting clothing together to create outfits and I express my artistic ability this way.
    I also bake and I like to think this is an artform as well though my baking isn't fancy it tastes amazing!!
    Happy Wednesday!

  2. That's gorgeous! I would totally come help if I could :) I've always been interested in art but I found in school I was always better at hands-on stuff like sculpture instead of actually drawing. Funny how I ended up in graphic design lol - thank goodness for computers! :)

  3. That's really neat!!

    I'm like you: so not creative!! I've always wished I could be, but it just wasn't meant to be.

  4. Haha I am not an artist at all either! And when Ben says, "oh I can teach you this," I just laugh. Sometimes people are just born with a talent, ya know?

  5. It does look like a spirograph drawing! I really enjoyed that too. The wall would be an awesome focal point.

    I'm not very artistic. My best friend is really creative with the visual arts, we've tried painting, I sucked.

  6. Psh, artistic? Not so much. I have a creative eye but when it comes to drawing & design it's pretty flat.

    That is a really neat idea, though! I really like it and it looks great on the wall :) I'm sure you could do it. Perhaps a project for when we visit this summer? Wine + yarn + math... well, probably not a good combo but still a neat idea!

  7. Not at all - I actually HATE drawing. With a passion, haha! My mom paints though and is quite good and my brother is pretty good at drawing and artistic things so apparently that bone just missed my body!

    That wall art is very cool though!

  8. Haha that's so funny and cute! I'm not very good at drawing but I do like doing crafts and making my own cards

  9. Ah! You found this too! Isn't it wild? I also looked around my room and went "" lol

    I'm not great at drawing at all, but I want to be so I've started sitting down and just working at it. I figure that if I keep tapping away at it I HAVE to get better, right? lol

  10. Wall art like that is fun! Some places sell what amounts to big wall stickers that you can put up (and then remove without pulling off paint). Maybe there's one in store for you somewhere, somehow.

    I'm a pretty good balance of creative and geeky. I'm a numbers girl by profession. But, at home? I played the piano for 15 years (will play again one day when we have room for the instrument). I love photography. And I've even taken a go at painting.

  11. Lisa, do you have the pictures in america where there are nails on a piece of board/wood, and you cross wool(yarn) between them to make a picture?

    You could totally do that design by doing a big version!

  12. Check out my blog for a Minnesota Bloggers Get-Together!

    (Amber's friend from A Little Pink in the Cornfields)

  13. I am definitely not a good artist (you can ask my mom too) but actually my drawing has improved since becoming a kindergarten teacher. I do specific lessons with my kids about how to draw different things- people, people in action, etc and it has helped me become better at drawing...of course that goes to show where my art skills are...kindergarten level haha

  14. I cannot draw but I feel that I am artistic. I love to scrapbook and crochet of course and that is art I think because i can make things. You are very good at knitting (like my mom) and that is art!! I guess it just depends on your perspective!

  15. I love that yarn-wall-thing! I am not too sure about the man holding the sign in front of it, however...

    But it is very cute!!! I can definitely see that in a library area of a perfect house!

    You are more creative than you give yourself credit for! Your knitting is absolutely beautiful. I wish I could do something creative...I don't even know how to cross stitch! You're cross-stick, crochet, knitting-extraordinaire!

    And about the scanned pictures? When you showed me those in FEbruary, I loved you just a little more:

    1) Not only did your drawing look strikingly similar to our nephews.....
    2) had a "drawering pad" in your purse! I have never thought to do that!
    3) In addition to your "drawering pad" had: a book, knitting materials, and many other purse neccessities......I was waiting for you to pull out a lamp, or perhaps an umbrella. Just as Mary Poppins would!


  16. I agree with Abby - you have artistic talents in so many ways! I loved the pictures you and James drew - thanks for posting them! I love the backward "s"'s, don't you? That was what gave it away for me!

  17. When I was working at afterschool care I got really good a coloring in the lines. But actually drawing? My skills are probably a little worse than yours

  18. I used to be pretty good at artsy things. I even won second place in a state wide duck stamp competition (we had to draw ducks for designs for a stamp) in junior high. But I was always questioning whether I was doing things the "right" way instead of just going with it.

  19. I've never really considered myself to be artistic, but when I was in high school I knew a guy who was mad for art. Totally loved it. In fact, all his subjects were art subjects with the exception of one computer programming class (we choose all our own subjects in UK, I think it's different in US?). Anyways, he once said that he didn't belive that anyone wasn't artisitc, it was simply about finding a way to express yourself and of letting go of norms. Kinda deep, I know, but it really struck a chord with me. Since then I've tried different things and when I let I find that I enjoy the experience and often appreciate the outcome more. The guy who gave me the advice is now a graphic designer making a bucket of money in his dream job. ;)

  20. LOL!!!! So cute!!! I love both drawings ;) I think you should give a try to that wall art thing! You could always get someone to help you! I does look super cool though I have to say :D
