Friday, May 14, 2010

Giveaway Time!

Happy Friday and hello from Tucson. I'm so excited about being in Tucson, I want to find a mic, hook up some speakers and speaker stands and announce that it was 90 degrees here yesterday. Alleluiah, I have officially thawed out people! You probably don't want to hear me gush on and on about how great it is to be on vacation - so instead I will tell you about a fanstastic giveaway that is being sponsored by CSN Stores.

You have a chance to win a Cuisinart Round Classic Waffle Marker!!!

As I said in my miscellany post on Monday, I think a waffle iron should be on every person's bridal gift registry. One of my favorite parts of my weekends at home or at the cabin are the big family breakfasts that my mom prepares. Luckily there is an awesome gluten free baking mix that makes fantastic pancakes! I keep a bag of it at my parents' house and cabin so that I can also enjoy waffles and pancakes along with the rest of my gluten-eating family!

There are three ways to enter this giveaway*:

1. Leave a comment & tell me how you like your waffles - I like mine with whipped cream & freshly sliced strawberries!

2. Become a follower and leave a comment telling me you are a follower - or if you are already a follower, leave a comment telling me you are already a follower.

3. Post about this giveaway on your blog and include the link to your blog post in a comment.

The giveaway is open until 10 pm on Thursday, May 20th. I will announce the winner on Friday, May 21st. I will then pick a winner using a random number generator and pass your info onto CSN stores; the waffle iron will be shipped directly to your residence!

Good luck!!

* Giveaway is only open to US and Canada residents


  1. Oh my goodness how funny I gave a belgium waffle maker to S for Christmas and my Grandmother gave each of the grandchildren and children their own waffle makers!!
    I like mine with peanutbutter but I never really eat them that way anymore that was a growing up thing. Now it's just butter and syrup!!
    You can gush about vacation I want to hear all about what's going on!!

  2. I love waffles. I like them with PB as well, but that's usually for lunch the day after... When they're freshly cooked, butter and real maple syrup!

    And I already follow you.

  3. Mmmm...waffles! I like mine with syrup and maybe a little powdered sugar, and some fruit. Yum!

    Enjoy the vacation!

  4. We got a waffle iron as a wedding gift, and it might have been my favorite item!

    I like to add cinnamon and a little vanilla to the batter so they have a french toast taste similarity. Mmmmmm!!!

    I am a follower!!!

  5. You are going to laugh out loud when you get your package!! Too funny this is a breakfast-related giveaway :)

    I like my waffles EXACTLY the same as you! :)

  6. Mmmmm, waffles! Good thing I just got up and haven't had breakfast yet. I just might have to whip some up... but, I don't have a waffle iron. I eat the frozen ones! Ha!
    I like my waffles with fruit on them too! Especially strawberries. If I don't have fruit some simple maple syrup and butter is good! :)

  7. I love that you're doing a waffle iron giveaway. I love breakfast food but don't get up early enough for it most mornings, so I do breakfast for dinner instead.

    I like my waffles with butter and maple syrup. Or if I'm wanting something more savory, peanut butter.

  8. And I already follow you! =)

  9. I love waffles with syrup or whipped cream or blueberries or strawberries! They are just so good!

  10. Seriously!? What an awesome giveaway! Love this!

    I love my waffles with too much butter bit of butter and a little bit of syurp, perfectly crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside. YUM. Mouth is watering now :)

  11. Evidently I wasn't a follower before!? That's ridiculous of me; sorry about that. Anyway, I am a follower now!

  12. What a great giveaway!! I love waffles.

    I'm a fan of waffles with blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. With some whipped cream of course!!

    And, I'm a follower!!

    So glad to hear you're having a good vacation :)

  13. I haven't had waffles in forever! When I do have them, I like them just with maple syrup and that's it. Plain and simple!

    I already follow you and LOVE reading your blog!

    ps- I love that this contest is open to Canadian residents :)

  14. Don't count me in your giveaway, because we already have a waffle iron. But, I just had to be the voice of the non-waffle girl. Waffle irons take up very precious space for many people who have limited space in their kitchens. I can rattle off a few other small electric appliances I'd want first before getting a waffle iron. Just saying. =) That said, my husband insisted we get one, so I caved. For him.

    Have a great vacation and enjoy that warmth and sun!

  15. Well, I DO love waffles, but I already have a waffle maker so you can count me out :)
    I make my waffles whole grain and usually add in oats or else my blood sugar goes crazy later. The best toppings in the world are yogurt and fruit. It's tasty and filling!

  16. Yum, I love me some belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream (but not too much). Such an awesome Sat/Sun morning breakfast. Have fun in the sun, lady!

  17. Most of the time I love waffles with powdered sugar and maple syrup. Of course I need to make sure there's sugar and syrup in every single square. But if I feel like splurging I LOVE anything topped with whipped cream.

    And I thought I was following, but I turns out I wasn't. So now I've corrected that and I'm officially a follower!

  18. How could I resist giving this contest a whirl? It's cold and rainy and totally time for comfort food and waffles are comefort food extraordinaire!

    So, how do i like them? With some butter spread into every little square noon and then syrup. Yeah, that's my American girl way.

    Also, however, with real whipped cream (hand-whipped) and strawberries that are quartered and already slightly sugared. AND a cup of black coffee. Must have that as well. Even if I don't drink it all.

    signed, Oh

  19. Glad you are having fun in Arizona :) I think my favorite topping for waffles is some strawberries and banana- a little maple syrup never hurt anyone either!

  20. Unfortunately Ryan and I are not big wafflers. So don't count us in - I would hate to win this above someone more deserving ;)

    Is it weird that I would take a frozen ego waffle over homemade??

  21. Hmmmmm! I LOVE waffles! Great giveaway!! I also like my waffles topped with fruit and whipped cream OR with PB and syrup is my second favourite combo!

  22. my husband wants me to enter this because we lost our waffle maker when we moved 3 years ago and he is still sad. i like my waffles with syrup.
