Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. If your name was a verb, what would “to Lisa” mean? (Insert your own name though…)
"To Lisa" would mean to abruptly cut across 3 lanes of traffic out of the excitement of seeing really cheap gas. I did this a couple of years ago when driving with my friend Heidi and she still likes to tease me about it!

2. What myth have you always wanted to prove or bust?
The myth about how long a swallowed piece of gum will stay in your stomach. I believe I was told it would stay in my stomach for 7 years when I was a child. That just can't be true.

3. If you had the ability to get a message out to the entire world, what would you say?
If at all possible, try to live on your own for at least a year at some point in your life. While I know it's not possible for everyone, I think it's an important experience to try to

4. I know you’ve answered a similar question before, but it’s been awhile. Please name your current top 10 blogs.
I am going to skip this question. It's just too hard to do and truth be told, I am sort of too lazy to do all the hyperlinking today!

5. Do you have a junk drawer?
I just don't have the space in my condo to have a junk drawer. Even if I had a spare drawer, I still don't think I would have one because junk drawers kind of drive this OCD girl up the wall!

6. Bottled water or tap?
Filtered tap water.

7. As a kid, did you have a favorite Biblical story?
David & Goliath - I am root for the underdog!

8. What is your favorite black and white movie?

9. Aside from your engagement/wedding rings, what is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own? Does it have a story behind it?
I am actually not a jewelry person so I don't have any super meaningful jewelry because the people in my life know that jewelry is not the way to my heart. The only jewelry I will wear on a daily basis is a future engagement/wedding. I do have some fun pieces that I try to make a point to wear, but that's about it!

My mom is the same way - she is so not a jewelry person!

10. What sports/activities do you hope your kids will be involved in? (Answer for both a boy and a girl)
I really don't have anything specific in mind. I want them to pursue whatever it is they are interested in. That said, I would like them to take piano lessons and try a musical instrument.

Oh, and if I have a daughter, I would like her to try ballet or gymnastics!


  1. LOL 2 years ago when driving up to PA to see my Godfamily I was driving the first part of the trip. I knew I had to stop in WV in one particular town because the gas was the cheapest and it's where we planned to stop up and back. I kept asking if this was it if this was it and wasn't getting an answer, it was about 6:30 or 7 in the morning so then my mom goes oh yes this is it and I cut across 2 lanes of traffic to get there then at the top of the ramp I cut in front of a huge 18 wheeler. My mom made my dad drive after that.
    I love jewelry but I always forget to wear it. I don't wear rings because I've never found one that I love and my fingers are fat.

  2. That is interesting about the 3-lane cut for cheap gas! Glad you made it safely ;)

    I am the same on jewelry. Really not big on it. Plus, I lose all of it. So there's really no point. In fact, sometimes I think wearing jewelry makes me look dumb!

    And the whole gum and in the stomach thing? That is a myth. So yay! You can go swallow gum, and it will not reside for 7 years :D

  3. Haha I was told the same thing about gum, but I'm not sure I entirely want to go about busting it :)

    And I'm sorry but question #4 made me think of this ("a while" -- "a lot") - http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling - what can I say, it's effective LOL

    And you know what? I've never seen Casablanca!

  4. I've heard that gum thing too - that it takes 7 years to digest!

  5. The "to Lisa" explanation cracked me up. =)

    I'm definitely hoping that if/when I have a little girl, she will be up to try ballet for awhile. Hopefully she won't be foolish and quit like me... I think that's the one thing I regret!

  6. Gum does not stay in your system for seven years! I swallow my gum on a daily basis (I realize this is probably not a good thing to do, but I just do it without even thinking!)

    I laughed out loud at question # 1!

  7. I don't think I told you about the gum thing, but who knows! I just know that swallowing gum isn't the best thing for you, but I may have followed tradition and told you kids that to keep you from swallowing it! Your Dad has crossed 3 lanes of traffic for sillier reasons than that! LOL! And I love jewelry on other people, just not on myself but will never understand why!

  8. To "Little Fish" would probably be to be so lost in your own world that don't realize anything going on around you.

    ie: Little Fish: "It was such a nice day out I took a long walk in the park along the river, it was great."
    Other Person: "Oh my God, you were there?!?! You saw it?!?!"
    LF: "Saw what?"
    OP: "Saw what?!?! Brad and Angelina are there filming there new movie, plus reporters and marine biologist are there because a creature thought to be extinct for 500 years was just spotted and there was the Gay Puerto Rican Polish American Policemans parade going on today!"
    LF: "Huh, wow, I totally didn't notice."

  9. To "Little Fish" would probably be to be so lost in your own world that don't realize anything going on around you.

    ie: Little Fish: "It was such a nice day out I took a long walk in the park along the river, it was great."
    Other Person: "Oh my God, you were there?!?! You saw it?!?!"
    LF: "Saw what?"
    OP: "Saw what?!?! Brad and Angelina are there filming there new movie, plus reporters and marine biologist are there because a creature thought to be extinct for 500 years was just spotted and there was the Gay Puerto Rican Polish American Policemans parade going on today!"
    LF: "Huh, wow, I totally didn't notice."

  10. Cheap gas is worth several lane changes.

    I never lived alone. I wish I did at least a year. But I had a roommate all through college, moved back home after graduation, and got married two months later. But I agree with you. Just like I also think everyone should work in the food industry at least once.

  11. Haha, I've done some stopping short for cheap gas- or occasionally visiting out of the way gas stations for cheap gas haha.

    I'm the same way about jewelry- I always forget to put it on haha, except my engagement ring obviously (though I do forget it occasionally haha). If I do wear jewelry it's usually earrings.

  12. LOLING about you cutting through three lanes of traffic for cheap gas! But cheap gas is hard to find these days!! Haha

  13. I'n commenting on three posts at once here so - waffle makers are amazing! It look like you has fun is Tuscon, and for me 'to Lisa' would be to talk loudly at the moment when the music cuts out!

    My most prized jewellery other than my wedding stuff are a locket from my mum, a ring that was hers, and a necklace from Dave's sister.

  14. I love your answer to #5. Is it weird this at yearn for a junk drawer? I just don't have the space in NYC.

  15. I agree about the jewelry thing. I hardly ever wear any...I force myself to remember to wear earrings to work! But once i get an engagement ring/wedding ring I wont be taking that off!

  16. If you ever visit my house, I don't recommend opening any drawers. =)

    Cutting across lanes of traffic is entirely acceptable for cheap gas or good coffee.
