Monday, June 7, 2010

Marathon Madness Monday: Week 1

My training for the 10/10/10 Portland marathon commences today.

Today I begin an 18 week journey that will prepare me to run those grueling 26.2 miles. It’s hard to believe that the human body is capable of such a thing. But I’ve done it before, and I will do it again.

And this time around, I am such a smarter runner. Oh, how naïve I was back in 2006. I didn’t know about the wonder that is Body Glide. I didn’t know about the importance of a proper taper in the final weeks of training. I didn’t know how painful those 26.2 miles were going to be - especially the last 6.2.

It will be different training for this marathon, knowing what to expect on race day. I imagine it’s probably akin to the way a mother feels as she prepares for the birth of her second child; she knows the pain she is going to experience, but at the same time, she knows it’s all worth it in the end.

As I train for this race, I will be in good company, albeit virtually. Lauren & Amber are both running the Portland Marathon with me, and Gracie is running a marathon around the same time. It'll be comforting to know that I have friends who are going through the same trials and tribulations of marathon training.

It will be a different experience from my marathon training in 2006. When I trained for the 2006 marathon, I was running away from the heart ache resulting from my break up with The Charioteer. I was running to cope. I was running to create a physical pain that would take the place of that heart ache.

This time, I am running for me. I am running to prove to myself that I can do this again - I can run 26.2 miles.

Let me tell you – it’s a much better feeling to run for yourself v. running to escape something.

I know the next 18 weeks are going to be challenging, but the masochist in me is looking forward to watching myself grow as a result.

Each Monday, I’ll do a brief recap of the previous week of training. I will try not to bore you to tears as I know now everyone shares my passion for running!

Here’s to the start of a healthy, successful training program!


  1. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, mostly virtually but hopefully in person in August too!
    I know you can do this! =)

  2. Yay!!! I know it's hard, grueling, tough but it's also an amazing feeling of accomplishment!!
    Body Glide is definitely one of the runner's best friends!!

  3. Yay! I'm so excited for you about this!!!

  4. Can't wait to hear all about your training Lisa! Seriously running a marathon is no joke! You are going to do great though!! I am so excited for you!!

  5. Good Luck Lisa! I look forward to reading about it, and I know you can do it! You seem to be a running machine!

  6. Woohoo! I'm looking forward to the Monday training updates!

  7. Good luck! Do keep us posted. How many do you run today? I'd love to keep track of your plan, and perhaps use your schedule for a "get in shape" plan of my own...

  8. I can't wait to follow along with you!!!

  9. This is so incredible!! I don't know what Body Glide or proper tapers are but they sound intense. I REALLY want to become a runner - the thought of 26 miles right now just baffles me, but one day I'd LOVE to be able to run even half that!! Good luck! You're amazing!

  10. I've always said marathon training is half physical and half mental. Clearly, you've got the physical stuff down - you've done one before and you've been running since. But, from this post, it's clear you've got the mental side down, too. Though, don't be surprised when you have a bad run or two ... I remember training for #2 thinking I knew exactly what to expect ... and suffered through some really awful training runs.

  11. GOod luck. We will all be here too! I need to figure out if I'm going to train for a fall marathon. My life is sorta topsy-turvy right now.

    PS: How do you like your book club book?

  12. Happy beginning of marathon training! It's going to be fun to follow you through this and of course I'll be cheering for you! (sadly not in person!)

  13. Were you always interested in running? I can't seem to get into it. I don't know if I should just try walking more and then try running slowly here and there, but I just am not motivated to be out and about running. What motivates and drives you to continue running?

  14. You are amazing and I am completely in awe of your running abilities. You are going to completely rock your marathon. I just know it and I'll definitely be here virtually cheering you on.

  15. Go Lisa!!! Just know you have my constant 110% support through this challenge! Consider me your little cheerleader from Tucson!

    Wish I could be there to watch you on 10/10/10!

    Here's to a few months of safe, productive, and FUN training! You rock!!!

  16. Good luck! I know you'll do wonderfully :)

    I would love if you'd share your training tips, I'm just starting out running and I'm finding that building my cardio and endurance up is really tough! If you have any suggestions I'd really appreciate it :)

  17. Good luck with the training! I like reading about people's training programs becuse they really motivate me to get off my butt, so I'm looking forward to reading your updates.
