Monday, June 14, 2010

Marathon Madness Monday: Week 2

Happy Monday, readers. I am in much better spirits than I was on Friday! Phew! It's amazing how restoring dinner with family, training runs, and a comforting chili recipe can be. Yes, I eat chili, soups, and stews year round. It's how I roll.

Today I am going to talk about my training plan. I'll be using the Intermediate I plan developed by Hal Higdon - aka my running idol. I got to meet him last year at the Twin Cities Marathon expo, but was so star struck, I was too shy to ask for a photo! I wonder if he will back this year?

Every runner has their own approach to training; I have always relied upon Hal. He got me to the finish line for my marathon in 2006 and the various halves I've done. His approach works for me, but I know it doesn't work for anyone. I've done his 15k, 1/2 marathon beginner & intermediate programs, and marathon beginner program, so Hal and I are sort of running bff's in my warped little running world.

I won't bore you with the mundane details, but my mileage will gradually build over the course of 18 weeks. My longest run will be 20 miles - I will do 2 of those this time instead of one like I did last time I trained for my marathon (did the beginner plan for that marathon).

Sometimes it's daunting or intimidating to think about those long runs or the weeks where I will run 43-44 miles. I'm glad I have my experience from the marathon of 2006 to draw upon. And when the memory of those training runs is too foggy for me, I pull out the photos from the race day, one of which I will share with you today.

Now, when you look at this photo, which was taken around the last mile, keep in mind that I was NOT planning on running in a sports bra. Who knew it was going to be 85 degrees by the time I hit the 2nd half of the marathon? I didn't. So I ditched my t-shirt around mile 15. Had I known I was going to do this, I definitely would have worn a different one.

I pulled this photo out when I was in the midst of losing 35 pounds in 2009 (a subject for another post some other time). I pulled this photo out when I was getting back into running after taking a very long break from it during grad school.

And now I have this photo on my bedside stand. It's a reminder that I can do it. I will do it.
Like many challenges in life, I just have to take it a week at a time.

Training Tally:
Miles ran last week: 24
Training-to-date-mileage: 24


  1. Love that photo! You're so focused!!!

  2. Love this post, love the photo, and love that you ended it the way you did. I can totally sympathise as we have the MB Marathon next weekend (on my birthday - did somebody say awful day to throw a party? Haha)!!

    Good luck, you can DEFINITELY do this!!

  3. Go Lisa! You are incredible. Honestly. There are so many of out here in blogland cheering you on, if only we could all be along the sides of the road when you're doing your runs.

  4. You were always very focused and I know you will do well! I hope it isn't too hot the weeks you have to run that many miles! If the summer stays the way it is now, that won't be a problem! I want summer back, though!

  5. Love the marathon photo! You inspire me to run a marathon but I just don't know if I can or will. I love the shorter distances and the time to train for a marathon seems daunting! keep up the great work!


    Also, who doesn't eat stew all year round? It's only summer hear for like a month, and the rest of the time it's cold. Mmmmm stew!

  7. You rock the sports bra!! It's important to have those photos as reminders of what you can and will do. I'm glad you had a relaxing weekend, those always help!!

  8. Girl, you look amazing in that running photo. I know you can do this =)

  9. Oooh I love that photo - you look smokin' hot!!!!

    Yup, we CAN do it and we WILL :D Can't wait!

  10. You're going to be amazing! If there's anyone who can do this, it's you miss! You look so focused in that photo, I'm kinda blown away!

    Thank you so much for pointing me in the direction of Hal's training plans! I feel so much better now that I have a plan :)

  11. You look AWESOME in the picture! I think you are going to be so prepared for this marathon- you and Amber are going to have an awesome time running it!

  12. You definitely know what to expect with this second marathon. All I will say is ... don't be surprised if you have a bad training run (or more than one). I remember thinking I knew exactly what to expect, since I'd been through it before and perfected a training that worked for me. It was HUMBLING to have a bad long run, but put me right where I needed to be.

  13. What an inspirational picture! I can't believe you ran a marathon in 85 degree weather. Go you!

  14. That is awesome!!! I can't wait to hear more about this! You're definitely inspiring!

  15. I am so proud of you, Lisa! You are going to rock this.

    I, too, am a lover of Hal Higdon. When you sent that signed copy of his book - you made me one happy lady! ;)

    Glad to hear that your weekend revitalized you and that things are looking up! :)

  16. You look pretty rockin in that photo. It is my dream to run in a sports bra...someday. Just too conscious of my love handles, which are more pronounced with my short torso. Keep up the good work!

  17. Hi! I just found your blog by way of a few others and had to start following - looks like we have a lot in common - I'm a runner and a knitter too!!

  18. Whew! Good for you! I have to rest just thinking about all of that running!

  19. I love that photo and think it's great that you keep it by your bed so that you can inspire yourself. Good luck Lisa!
