Friday, June 25, 2010

Upcoming Product Review & the Upcoming Weekend

Happy Friday, dear readers! Back in May the fine folks at CSN Stores sponsored a giveaway and next month they'll be sending me a product to review. CSN Stores has 200 stores with all kinds of items from dining room tables to kitchen gadgets like the waffle maker that J won in May to wine racks. It's fun/dangerous to click through all the options of things to buy. Even though I've lived in my condo for nearly 5 years, there are still plenty of things on my want/need list!

So next month I will be reviewing this Cuisinart Blender!

You can bet that one of the first things I'll be making is a Green Monster. Not sure what that is? You can read about it here. It's all the rave, especially in the runner community. In fact, just this week, Sassy made a Green Monster smoothie-in-a-bowl. Green Monsters intrigue me. I am also looking for filling breakfast solutions so can't wait to give them a shot!

Now, moving on to the upcoming weekend! First off, I have to say TGIF. I've had a great week, but it's been one of those I'm-so-exhausted-I-collapse-into-bed-each-night kind of weeks. The kind of week where unopened mail is piling up and my mental to-do list is a-growing. Besides catching up on sleep and relaxing a bit, I am looking forward to:

  • Staying in tonight. I plan on watching the movie, Valentine's Day, while working on a crochet project that I won't be able to reveal for quite a few months... What am I making? A couple of you know, but the intended recipients don't, so you'll just have to wait until later this year!
  • A date with my boys. I'll be babysitting for my 2 nephews on Saturday night so my brother and his wife can go out for dinner to celebrate my brother's birthday, which is tomorrow! I think I am as excited for a night in with the boys as they are with a night out without the boys! It's a win-win situation for everyone involved!

  • A short long run. This week is a 'step back' week for marathon training, so my long run is only 6 miles (it was 9 last week and will be 11 next week). I love the build, build, step back approach of Hal Higdon. It's lovely to get an easier week every 3rd week. Although I do wish this step back week fell on the weekend of the 4th! Oh well. Marathon training is all about dedication - and that means running on National Holidays like the 4th of July.

What's are you looking forward to this weekend?


  1. Sounds like you have an awesome weekend planned and perfect for a weekend after a tiring week! I am at the Cape this weekend so I'm looking forward to a bit of sunshine and relaxation, mixed with a few more wedding details of course. I was thinking I was done and then I remembered a bunch of other stuff, oops.

  2. That's an intense looking blender! :)

    I'm looking forward to getting my tattoo finished today, so I can be 100% done! I'm not big on being brave so I'm looking forward to having it all completed lol

  3. S has a blender that I love, it's fabulous and he makes the best smoothies!! Your weekend sounds fabulous!! Another cute movie is I hate Valentines, it was a blockbuster only release that I bought when the store near my house closed.
    Your date night with the boys sounds so fun!! Just think if your run your longer run over the 4th weekend it does mean that you can have that extra brownie or not but it does give you wiggle room for the calories, just a little :)

  4. Do share how the blender works out! I've had mine for years and it's getting a little war-torn... but YAY for green monsters! I've been on them about two weeks now and the biggest difference I find is that my skin hasn't broken out in WEEKS which is huge!! :)

    Happy weekend - tonight we are off to see RENT, so very excited, and tomorrow I'm doing my radio show - which though terrifying is also pretty exciting :)

    Have a good one!

  5. I love green drinks. I actually have a juicer and should be using it more regularly than I do.

    I am looking forward to vacation in the Blue Ridge Mountains! Have a lovely weekend, Lisa!

  6. After you make a Green Monster, I think you also need to make Beergaritas. What's that, you ask? Frozen limeade concentrate, tequila, triple sec, beer and ice. Best margaritas on earth (and darn potent, too!). Have a great weekend!

  7. Can't wait for your blender review: mine is on it's way out. It only blends after it has had it's coffee and basically it has an authority issue.

  8. I can't wait for sleeeep as you already know =) And to hopefully laze by the pool and read a bit tomorrow, weather cooperating.

    Can't wait for the CSN Review of the blender! Super exciting. Glad you got hooked up with them!

  9. Sounds like you will have a great weekend!

    We are off to a wedding tomorrow and I am pretty excited! I love weddings

  10. Oh I need a new blender SO BAD. I just made a green monster this morning actually and I think my blender is on it's last leg. Funnily enough, I didn't even use it ONCE for the first, oh year or so, that I had it!! Then I got on my healthy kick and started making fruit smoothies in it all the time!

    Some of my friends want to go out Saturday night but overall I'm hoping for a very laidback weekend as well!

  11. Sounds like my kind of weekend! I like the new blender! I plan on doing some reading and laying out by the pool.Have fun with the boys!

  12. I still have yet to use my Waffle maker! I know I have been slacking!!

  13. Oh lord do I need a new blender. I really want a Vitamix, but don't want to cough up the $350 for it. I have a Cuisinart I bought for college and it's still kickin'. It just doesn't love me so much when I make smoothies chalked full of ice and frozen berries and bananers.

  14. I hope you're having a fantastic weekend!! Mine has been wonderful so far. Enjoy your time with your nephews!
