Thursday, July 15, 2010

Color Me Excited!

So I feel a bit juvenile saying this, but I am so excited for this movie...

As a young girl, I adored Beverly Cleary's books. Ramona was such an endearing character, wasn't she? One of my favorite moments from that series was the time when Ramona brought an egg to lunch. She thought it was hard boiled so she thought it would be funny to crack the egg by slamming it against her forehead. It totally wasn't hard boiled so she had egg yolk running down her face. I do not know how old I was when I read it, but I still vividly remember thinking that was so funny - and at the same time I felt so bad for Ramona.

I could relate to Ramona since I have an older sister. As a child, I wanted her to like me and play with me and let me play with her friends and I didn't always understand never understood that she needed space and privacy. I am sure she can relate to how Beezus felt and just wanted her bratty, annoying sister to leave her the heck alone!

I think it looks like a great movie - and it has a great cast! John Corbett (hello, swoon! Love him), Bridget Moynahan, Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Duhamel, and Sandra Oh. Great cast, right?

I might have to go see this when it hits theaters...

Did you love Beverly Cleary's books as much as I did? What other books did you love as a young reader? Besides Cleary's books I also loved Judy Blume, the Anne of Green Gable series, and The Baby Sitters Club series. And many others! I always had my noise in a book as a child (and still do as an adult!)


  1. I didn't realize this movie was coming out this summer. If you lived closer we would totally have to go see this one in a theatre! I loved Beverly Cleary!! I also loved Judy Blume and the Babysitters Club!! I too always had my nose in a book. I read Gone with the Wind the summer before my 8th grade year at the beach.

  2. I'm a big Ramona fan, and Mister's mom is big into kid lit, so I think if I wanted to go I might have a partner in crime... :)

  3. Oh, how I wish we could go to that movie together!!!!

    Do I love under a rock if I've never heard of any of that cast? :(

    I adore Romona! -- Love those books.

    It's funny that you relate to her, because I always related to her in the same way. And definitely never "got" that whole "giving your older sister space" ;).

  4. Yep, I loved all the Beverly Clearly books too. And Judy Blume. I remember having all the Nancy Drew books in our house too (leftovers from my sister, she is 7 years older). After all of those, I moved onto Christopher Pike books. I think that was about the end of them, I moved onto more adult books after that I think.

  5. Ohhh Beverly Cleary! My life would not be complete without her - can't wait for this movie either!

  6. When I first saw a trailer for this movie a couple weeks ago, I had to check to be sure that it was in fact what I hoped it was: an adaptation of a childhood book. I also enjoyed Judy Blume and Baby-sitters Club. I also read a lot of Americal Girl books and later Goosebumps books.

  7. If we lived closer we would so go to this as a movie date. I am excited for the movie too and hope to drag my two younger cousins to it. If not, I'll take myself.

    Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, The Babysitters Club -- all among my childhood favorites.

  8. I recently got a pack of beverly cleary books for cheap through scholastic! i loved the books when i was little.

  9. I saw a commercial for this and I think I screamed because I was so excited!!!! I agree with you on all of your favs, and Nancy Drew. My mom has all of my books in a box in their attic so I hope I can share them with my daughter some day!

  10. I have been excited for this movie since I first heard about it!!! I wish we could go see it together, I have absolutely no idea who would go see this movie with me (probably not even my mom would see it!) I might have to wait for DVD! :)

  11. I barely remember reading as a kid. I know I liked Judy Blume books and maybe Nancy Drew (dating myself!). But, I don't recall reading any other series....

  12. I was excited when I saw the trailer, too! I remember reading those books to Abby, I believe! I'm sure they were yours to start with but they were so funny! I hope they do justice to it! If we lived closer, we could go together! I doubt your Dad will want to go?

  13. I am soooo excited to see this movie! I loved these books growing up.

  14. Holy moly! Thank you for posting this. I had no idea this movie was coming out. I must be living under a rock. Needless to say, I read a lot of Beverly Cleary, Judy Blume and Babysitter's Club as others have mentioned. Good memories...

  15. I have NEVER read that book?!! What?? Haha!!

    I always get super excited when they make my favourite books into movies though. I am DYING for them to make a movie out of Archie and the Gang (comic books). Loved those things when I was a kid! Haha

  16. Ramona the Spy was my very favourite!

    I read the Anne of Green Gables nooks too, and was OBSESSED with The Babysitters Club. Have you seen the film? I read all of Judy Bloom, alot of Enid Blyton, Michelle Magorian, Beatrix Potter and Roald Dahl as a child. I absorbed books then as much as now!

  17. I loved those book! I can't wait for this movie. Too bad we can't go to it together on opening night.

  18. The only book I remember reading is "Ramona Quimby, Age 8" but I know I read more than that - especially since I TOTALLY remember that scene you mentioned! Hehe!

    I loved reading so much when I was a kid. Everything from The Baby-Sitters Club to Judy Blume to Sweet Valley Twins. AHH!

    And I'm totally excited for this movie as well.

  19. That movie looks fantastic. I don't think I read too many of her books, but I liked what I read. For me it all started with Nancy Drew when I was six or so. Ned Nickerson will always have my heart!

  20. I love love love Romana! My favorite was Ramona forever!!

  21. I really want to see this. I loved the books when I was little, but don't remember a lot about them. Actually the only scene I really remember is that egg scene. There actually was a Ramona tv movie (or maybe it was pbs-type tv show) and I can still see that egg part in my head!
