Wednesday, July 7, 2010

So Many Books, So Little Time...

That's really how I feel - and how all of my book loving friends feel, too. A few of your commented about how many books I read each month. I will say - that is one perk of being single! Instead of the 'good night' phone calls, I pull out a book to keep me company. I keep my reading light on for as long as my heart desires and no one will complain about this cutting into their sleeping hours.

Here's what's on deck for the month of July!

I read Stieg Larsson's first book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last summer. Murder/mystery books are not my preferred genre so I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed the book. Being the easy sell that I am, I bought the 2nd book at the prompting of the Barnes & Noble cashier. But then I never got around to reading it - until now! I started it last night and am enjoying it thus far. According to Emily, it's better than the first so I think I am in for a great read!

Speaking of Emily... Our July Blogger Book Club book is The Secret Garden. I am sort of embarrassed that I never read this classic Children's book - but better late than never, right? I saw the movie as a young child and remember loving it, so I am sure I will love the book. Are you looking for a light summer read? Then read along! Emily posts questions and an occasional guest post throughout the month to keep us all engaged.

I do not know how "I Capture the Castle" got on my reading list. It's one of those books that I have picked up and almost bought at Barnes and Nobles and then talked myself out of buying (shockingly enough, sometimes I can talk myself out of buying a book). This strikes me as a great summer read. It was the first novel published in 1948 by the author of 101 Dalmatians. It's set in a castle in England so should provide a great virtual escape!

"The Last War" is the next book that I will be reviewing for TLC Book Tours. It tells the story of a photojournalist, Flash, and her war correspondent husband. She receives a mysterious letter and finds out that her husband has been unfaithful. After learning of his infidelity, she begins to look back on her marriage and asks herself if she was ever really happy. I'll be reviewing it on Wednesday, July 28th!

What are you reading these days? Have you read any great books this summer?


  1. I loved The Secret Garden!! We read it when I was in the 5th grade, I think :) Sounds like some awesome summer reading!!

  2. The Stieg Larsson book is on my list to read as well. I am waiting for my turn at the library. "Secret Garden" was my all time favorite book as a child. I don't know what it would be like to read it again now. I just remember thinking that there could not be a better book. But, that was me almost 50 years ago! Yikes! I love books!!!

  3. Right now I'm trying to get through The Grave Yard Book by Neil Gaiman and The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope - both for book clubs. I think after I finish those I'm not signing onto reading anymore books than I've already committed to!

  4. I wish I read more books, but I seem to go in spurts of reading a bunch and then not reading for months or longer. I loved the Secret Garden from when I was young though. I remember my Grandmother got me a copy of it...I probably still have that around...somewhere!

  5. I loved the Secret Garden too! It has been so long since I've read it, but just seeing the cover brings back good memories!

  6. I think my favorite book so far has been "Alice I have Been" by Melanie Benjamin. I loved, loved, loved this book!

    I'm also reading a series of books now that is about Wiccans which is most random but also very intriguing. It's a little bit chick lit/little bit mystery/whole lot of interesting.

    I hope you love the Secret Garden. I know I did!

  7. Thanks for the plugs Lisa! I finished Accomplice the other day for a book tour and I am reading Orphan by John Weber for a tour and it kind of sucks. Not sure if I am going to finish it, but Saturday when I need to mail it out. It is just so horrible reading it. Like a little kid's assignment eek ha. It had such a good premise! I am going to either be reading 12 times blessed by jacquelyn mitchard (giving away another of her books today) or she's come undone by wally lamb. though when i am at the library this morning i am going to try to pick up the secret garden so i will be reading that too!

  8. I've been wanting to read the follow up to Larsson's first book but have never gotten around to it. You will have to let me know how you like it. I LOVE the Secret Garden and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. I just finished a book for TLC Tours and have another in the works as well.

  9. I hadn't read The Giver until earlier this year so don't feel to bad about The Secret Garden...which I also haven't read :)

    I have The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on my shelf. So many people loved it, I'm kind of worried I won't!

    I have I Capture the Castle on my Netflix queue! It looks very lush and romantic :)

  10. I tried to get into the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, but just couldn't for some reason. My fiance is reading the third book right now and he's quite enjoyed them.

    The Last War sounds like an interesting book. Looking forward to your review of it!

  11. Looks like a wonderful list of summer reads!! Last time I had a break from school, I almost purchased The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (or something like that...)!

    My summer reads are: "Pivotal Moments of Nursing", And all sorts of NCLEX review books! How exciting!

  12. I am TOTALLY amazed by how many books you manage to read + working fulltime + blogging + training for the marathon! I am trying to get back into reading this summer after FINALLY being done school and since the beginning of June I've read three books! If I can keep reading 2-3 books per month I'll be happy :)

    Right now I'm reading 'Life of Pi', which I've heard people RAVE about. It took me a little bit to get into it but now I'm starting to really like it! I also plan on reading the Secret Garden this month. It's waiting at the library for me right now! I LOVED that movie when I was a kid :)

  13. I am so with you on the books and time issue. Everytime I walk into a bookstore I am in my own private heaven, but then feel like I should be spending that time reading rather than buying books!

    The second dragon tattoo book is AMAZING. I just finished the third. Also great.

  14. I Capture the Castle is one of my favourite books...Funny, sweet, a great main character. Love it!
    I read both Stieg Larsson books and really enjoyed both. He went into so much depth and you really got to know the characters.
    Right now I'm reading "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls and recently finished the memoir "An Unquiet Mind" by Kay Redfield Jamison (loved this!!, soooooo gooood). Soon I will be on to reading "The Blue Castle" by Lucy Maude Montgomery. All I want to do is read this summer!

  15. Oh I agree Lisa!! I am just trying to read, and run and work and do everything i can but there is not enough time in the day! I really want to read Stieg Larsson's books but I haven't been able to get them out of the library yet.

  16. OMG you are going to love love love The Secret Garden. It one of my all time favorites; I've read it 3 or 4 times. It's a beautifully written book. I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  17. I feel the same way!! I have SO many books on my list for summer, and I just joined a book club too so I'm really excited about that. I just finished an Eckhart Tolle book that was AMAZING, and next on my list I either want to finish the Lovely Bones, read this psychology book D has or the last Harry Potter book :)

  18. I've never read The Secret Garden either. Which is just silly. I read (and reread) A Little Princess when I was little, and I'm pretty sure I even owned book, but never took the time to read it. I love the movie, and I know I'd love the book... maybe I should try to read it this summer too!
