Monday, August 9, 2010

Marathon Madness Monday: Week 10

Marathon training is 1/2 over - 9 weeks down, 9 to go! Portland here we come...

This week, I have an equation and a recipe to share with you!

An equation for a hot mess:

A running path with long stretches that have no shade whatsoever
+ Starting temperature/humidity of 76 degrees F, 91% humidity
+ 17 miles
+ Ending temperature/humidity of 85 degrees F, 70% humidity

Actually, I need a new word to describe what I looked like at the end of the run; hot mess just doesn't do it justice, honestly.

I know might garner a response that will be the equivalent a whole lot of tomatoes being thrown at me through the interwebs, but I just have to say it.

I am so ready for fall.

On my run yesterday, I was so hot, I was begging & praying for it to rain on me.

Scratch that, I was fantasizing about how a good a snow fall would feel.

I guess running 17 miles in heat/humidity makes a person a bit delusional. But really, doesn't snow sound delightful? I don't know how people who live in hotter/more humid areas of the country train for marathons in the summer.

I do, however, have a recipe for recovery...

Part I: Foam Rolling

If you are a runner, and you don't foam roll - you really should. I will warn you, it's gasp-out-loud painful when you start using it, but once you get the worst of the knots worked out, it's not nearly as painful. I honestly think my knees have been healthy while marathon training because of this foam roller.

Part II: Post-Run Recovery Ritual

Now, you might be scratching you head and wondering what gatorade, chocolate milk, leftover pasta, a bag of ice, and the movie, "Definitely, Maybe" have to do with each other...

These items, my friends, are the ingredients for my post run ritual. When the long runs get into the 15+ range, after foam rolling, I heat up leftover pasta, put in an entertaining chick flick, and take an ice bath while eating leftovers and drinking gatorade and/or chocolate milk.

The ice bath is not exactly pleasant, but it helps with the muscle recovery. To take my mind off the fact that I am sitting in a bath full of ice water, I eat some yummy leftovers. And I just happen to have a bird's eye view of my tv from the comfort of my tub.

I realize this is an odd ritual. But each their own. Runners are a quirky bunch - and I guess this ice bath ritual is one of my many, many quirks.

Training Tally:
Miles ran last week: 33
Training-to-date mileage: 245


  1. You must have switched things up...we both ran 17 this week! Your ritual doesn't look odd at all. Foam roller, chocolate milk and ice were all on mine too. I was quesy after mine so I couldn't stomach any actual food until after a nap, which is part of my ritual!

  2. Haha I love this ritual haha. Also I love Definitely Maybe, so cute :)

    Congrats on making it through 17 miles in the heat. As a not really runner I want nothing to do with summer ending haha

  3. Definitely Maybe is one of my very favorite movies!!! Ryan Reynolds is just a total hottie!!!!
    So I can already tell the foam roller is magic. I was sore yesterday but in the way that you are sore after a good massage. I'm hooked. Now I just have to remember to use it everyday!!! I definitely think it's going to save my knees!!
    I can't imagine an ice bath but after my runs I've taken to cool showers. I know all about being a hot mess. I think puddle would be the word to describe me, I'm just ridiculously icky after a run. Saturday I did remember to put a towel in my car to sit on after my run. I wimped and went to the gym, but it did help me set my pace.
    I think it's awesome that you are doing so fabulous on your training!!!

  4. Ohhhhhhh I'm ready for fall too! Your marathon's going to be here before you know it!

  5. I love your rituals! I totally hear you on fantasizing about rain and snow, there's a humidex warning here today and even walking the dogs this morning was brutal. I can't imagine 17 miles in that! <3

  6. I think that's a cute ritual! Unfortunately thanks to my schedule my ritual is "shower fast, go to work"!

  7. I don't think there is any such thing as odd rituals =)

    I've said it before but you really are a trooper when it comes to this marathon training business!

  8. Brutal! It was like that when Abby ran her marathon in October in Mpls, remember? How crazy is that! I sometimes think about fall, as I do love Sept. and Oct., but I can handle a bit more of summer! Glad you were able to get the 17 miles in in that weather!

  9. Good job for getting through that hellish hot mess of a 17-miler, Lisa! You rock.

    I HATE HEAT. Seriously. Hate it. Passionately. I want to move to Antactica. Or Alaska. Or somewhere where the sun never shines.

    (I had a really bad 1st run of training this morning) ...I know...I will eat up those words some day...

    I love your post-run ritual! That is awesome! I was thinking of you yesterday and hoping you were getting fluids and protein!!

    Nice work and being half-way there! Wow, this is going fast!

  10. hahaha.. that sounds like a fine ritual with me.. except eating in the bathroom makes me want to vom!
    way to go!

  11. No to fall!! The weather here hasn't really felt like it's been summer yet, so no fall yet. And I don't want to start getting dark at 4:30pm. It makes me sad!

    And congrats to making it through the 17 miles in the heat!

  12. Haha yay! I SO wish I had a bathtub. Standing in the river is not going to cut it after 17 miles next week :S

    When I used to take ice baths I would have my blackberry and I would read Twitter and Facebook to try and distract myself from the agony of the bath! Haha

    Also, we have the same foam roller!

  13. It was hot this weekend! Great job getting out there for 17!! I know when winter hits we are all going to be wanting summer back!! Maybe we could just have fall/spring all year round!

  14. Love that post run ritual! Sounds perfect to me! It's actually been fall like lately in the mornings. As I drove to work it was foggy and misting on my car. I have a few more summery things planned before August ends so I hope the temps stay warm for a few more weeks. Nice work on completing the 17 miles. Sat after my long run I wasn't too drenched (thanks to lower temps), but I was covered in dry salt. Very attractive. :)

  15. I like the ritual.

    I would like to point out that being Scottish, if it is any where above 20c, I just don't move very much. Running in 30c heat is unfathomable! You are kind of my hero for managing to do it!

    Also, bring on Autumn, I am right with you on that front. I think the season hasve started to change here this week though, so it will be jumpers, boots and jacket weather soon!

  16. I like the ritual.

    I would like to point out that being Scottish, if it is any where above 20c, I just don't move very much. Running in 30c heat is unfathomable! You are kind of my hero for managing to do it!

    Also, bring on Autumn, I am right with you on that front. I think the season hasve started to change here this week though, so it will be jumpers, boots and jacket weather soon!

  17. I can't believe you're already up to 17-mile long runs. It seems like just yesterday that you started your training! Glad to hear you survived, despite the hot running conditions. Just remind yourself, if you can make it through long runs now, you'll surely be able to make it to the finish line on marathon day, when the weather should be milder!

  18. Amazing! I love your ritual as well. :) An odd combination, sure, but definitely a runner combination!

  19. I'm so ready for Fall too! One of the only things that motivates me to run in the mornings before works is looking at the weather and seeing that it will be 20 degrees hotter in the afternoon, making it ridiculously miserable. Every time someone asks me what my favorite thing about summer is my answer is always: "When it ends!"

  20. Foam rolling sounds painful and I am sure it would scare me. As does running 17 miles at once. You are amazing!! The marathon will be here before you know it.

  21. Good job with your training. Half way there!

  22. Back when I was playing soccer in college, I used to love taking ice baths. Well as much as you can love taking an ice bath. There were also 3 or 4 of us soaking a foot or leg in the whirlpool, so while we didn't have a tv to watch it wound up being a great time for gossip

  23. I'm pretty sure my milage-run-in-lifetime is less than your weekly milage.
