Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Marathon Madness Wednesday: Week 12

I am thrilled to report that my 18 miler on Sunday was fabulous. I really, really needed this to be a good training run as I was really starting to doubt myself. I know that I likely have some craptastic training runs ahead of me, but during those runs, I will think of this 18 miler, take a deep breath, and know that it's all going to be ok (and pray to God that I have a good day on the day of the marathon).

Interestingly enough, I actually ran these 18 miles about 2 minutes faster than I ran 17 a couple of weeks ago. That's pretty impressive/surprising. Granted, the conditions were horrible on the day of my 17 miler. It was still pretty warm when I did my 18 miles on Sunday, but not nearly as humid. Also, I got up at 4:30 so I could start running around 5:30 and that really seemed to help as well.

I thought it'd be interesting to do a mile-by-mile comparison. Well, I am using the word "interesting" loosely. I realize it's going to bore most of you to tears!

Ok, so my pace did begin to deteriorate a bit at the end, but I am still happy with it. Especially since my pace seemed to deteriorate as the temperatures warmed up... It should be significantly cooler when I run the marathon in October (fingers crossed).

The difference in how I felt between these two runs was like night and day. I definitely "hit my stride" on Sunday and had that "I could go on and on and on" feeling. I did NOT feel that way when I ran 17 miles earlier this month. I had to walk quite a bit that day... At the end of that run, I dumped a bottle of water over my head, in an effort to cool off and to disguise the tears that I thought might start falling... and I might have sort of collapsed onto the ground and laid in the fetal position... In a play ground area, by the way. Um, let's just say I got some strange looks.

This is a step-back week for me so my long run is only 13 miles this week, which sounds like a breeze. Training for a marathon definitely skews your perspective on what I consider a "long" run!!

Training Tally:
Miles ran last week: 36
Training-to-date mileage: 311


  1. Reading this BEFORE heading out for inspiration!

    Look at those splits! You ROCK!!! I am *praying* this goes better than my 17-miler a few weeks ago!

    Here I go!!!

  2. Look how strong you are in that miserable middle stretch! Wow, great job!

  3. I noticed that you seemed to pace it more from begining to middle. I totally agree with Gracie about killing it during the tough middle!!! You ROCK!!! I run horribly when it's hot, I usually feel like I'm plodding and I want to die. I guess I need to force myself outside for more runs in the summer rather then retreating to a treadmill :)
    I am so so happy this went so well!!!

  4. It's so great you have two drastically different long runs under your belt ... now you know what it takes to get through a tough run and also how great it feels to have a really good run!

  5. You are a MACHINE. :) Amazing, amazing determination, perseverance, and results!! Way to go!

  6. I am so impressed - that is amazing!! You should definitely be proud of yourself and your improvements.

    I'm actually super impressed about the 4:30am wake-up on the weekend! Now, that's dedication!!

  7. Your breakdown of the mileage didn't bore me to tears. I love looking at the mile-by-mile....and try to think of "what was I doing/thinking of then?"

    WAY TO GO! I can't believe you cut 2 MINUTES from 17 to 18! That is crazy! Keep this run in mind. You know once you hit 18 you can do it all! (Well, it's weird we think that way...considering there's still another 8 to finish the full 26.2...but - you know what I mean! ;) )

    And my heart breaks for you about the 17 miler. Ish. I think I'll be having some of those considering we have heat advisories daily.

  8. I am never ceased to be amazed by you. Seriously your mileage, your times, your dedication to your training. AH-MAH-ZING!

  9. I'm impressed by your mileage...I can't even run 5k!!

    You are going to rock that marathon!

  10. Yay! So glad yours went well too! It's amazing how different we can feel from week to week. 4:30 AM? What happened there - didn't think you liked those early wake-up calls! Haha! Have a wonderful step back week.

  11. Oh I love numbers and comparisons so I enjoyed that part! Great job Lisa on the 18 miler! Really awesome that you ran that far and felt good!! I am sure it will be cooler in October which will help you run well!

  12. All I can say is YOU ROCK. Seriously.

  13. I hope you don't mind that I am laughing by butt off at you right now. I am imagining your water dumping fetal position and cannot stop giggling.

    Go you! How awesome that you are able to maintain your pace like that!! and a good pace at that too! woo woo

  14. Nice work, chica! That's awesome that your time was so much faster on this run and you felt better (and weren't lying in the fetal position in a playground at the end of it). I'm with you...step back weeks are awesome. Can't wait to run my *short* long run this weekend in Monterey!

  15. WOW! This is so, so, so inspiring to read. You're just rocking it, girl.

    311 miles?! SERIOUSLY?! Holy crap!

  16. You are totally ROCKING it girl!!! I wish I could run like that!

  17. Congrats! That is an amazing accomplishment!

  18. Lisa, did I mention that you are amazing?!

  19. Wow, very impressive to go faster on 18 miles than 17. I hope you are in that awesome grove for the marathon!
