Sunday, October 10, 2010

I did it!!

I will do a full re-cap of the race when I am back home and not so uber exhausted.... But I wanted to quick post and let you all know that I did it! I made my C goal - which was to come in under 4:30.

My chip time was 4:22:10.

According to my Garmin, the course was actually 26.48... So a little longer than 26.2!

I was exhausted at the end, but the race went well. It did rain for the entire 26.2 miles. Of course the rain stopped right as we were finishing and now it's a beautiful afternoon. And so it goes, right? I was pretty nervous about the rain up until when the race started and I made the conscious decision to just freaking let it go and do the best I could!

And that's exactly what I did. I couldn't be happier with my performance.

Full re-cap will come later this week. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! Thanks for all the emails, facebook messages, text messages, and even a vlog!!! I am so touched and feel very loved!


  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome! I'm so happy for you!! Can't wait to hear more about it!

  2. CONGRATS!!! Great job on the marathon! So happy for you! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. WAHOO!!! So proud of you! And in the rain the whole time - double awesome!

  4. Well done marathoner!!

    Great finish time as well.


  5. Your time is impressive - great improvement. SO proud of you!

  6. CONGRATS!! I am so sorry the Portland weather did not cooperate for the runners today. When I woke up this morning and heard the downpour from my bedroom I thought of all of you!

  7. Congratulations!!!! I am so happy that you beat your goal!!I was tracking you and cheering you on all morning. ;) How was the drink? Was it doable?

  8. Wow! You did amazing! Congrats! :) Sucks about the rain, but you get used to it after awhile. I've learned to love running in the rain.

  9. Woot! Woot! Safe trip home! Hope your body is not rebelling too much!

  10. Running in the rain is one of my biggest hates. I'd seriously rather run in the cold and snow than rain. So, hats off to you for adopting a good attitude, pushing through and winding up with a great time! Can't wait to hear your recap soon!

  11. Congratulations Lisa! I'm so happy for you!
    Can't wait to read your full recap!

  12. Whoa hoo! So proud of you for killing your PR from your 1st marathon! Don't know how you ran 26.48 miles at all, forget about in the rain!

  13. So, so proud of you! I'm glad that you PR'd even with the rain. You are amazing.

  14. You already know this but so proud of you =) You are amazing, and inspiration and I knew you could do it! Enjoy the accomplishment for you did a big thing!

  15. You already know this but so proud of you =) You are amazing, and inspiration and I knew you could do it! Enjoy the accomplishment for you did a big thing!

  16. I'm so proud of both of us and SO HAPPY you got such a great time, that truly is amazing!

    I'm sitting here in Starbucks, looking at the GORGEOUS weather outside in Portland and shaking my head. Just our luck right?!

    I already miss you!

  17. I am so, SO very proud of you!! Congratulations!!

  18. You smashed it, girl! Way to go! I was tracking you online and kept saying, "Go! Go! Go!" You could hear me, right? ;)

    I am so proud of you and inspired! I couldn't imagine running that distance in perfect conditions, much less in rainy weather. Congrats!

  19. Congratulations Lisa!!!!!!! I am happy for you!!!!!!

  20. Congrats, Lisa!!! I can't imagine doing the First 26.2 in the rain - you and Amber are troopers :) Be proud of yourselves!!!!

  21. ah, correction - not your "First", but still impressive in the rain, either way!! ;)

  22. Congrats on the marathon and making your c goal! It sounds like you and Amber had a blast together from her posts, but I'm sure the high for you guys must have been the actual marathon. So congrats once again!

  23. Congrats!!! Through rain or shine right? :)

  24. I can't wait for your recap, you did so well!! I'm so proud of you for pushing through your training and doing this- you and Amber are rockstars, decidedly :)

  25. Congratulations!!! Look forward to more details!
