Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ten Days of Thanksgiving: Day 1

Today kicks off my 3rd annual "10 Days of Thanksgiving" posts! It seems like we spend so much of the year focusing on what we wish we had or what we are working towards; I am glad that this time of year makes us stop and think about all of the things in our lives for which we are thankful!

Today, I am thankful for my boyfriend.

Yep, you read that right! I have a boyfriend! I've been a bit hesitant to blog about him as I am sort of paranoid and think, "If I blog about it, it will end." But we have been going strong for 2 months, and he's met my parents and gotten their stamp of approval so I feel like now is the right time to tell you about him.

Plus, today is his birthday so I figured it was apropos to start my 10 post series by telling you about him.

About 2 months ago, we were set up on a blind date by a mutual friend (a good friend from college is good friends w/ his sister-in-law). Truth be told, I was a bit hesitant to go on this date. We had exchanged a couple of emails and he came across a bit formal in his email. In fact, I nicknamed him "The Barrister" when talking about him because at times I felt like I was corresponding with a barrister in London, not a CPA in St. Paul.

Our first date was the evening of September 11th. I had done my 20 mile training run that morning so I figured if the date fizzled, I had a viable excuse to leave early.

We met for dinner at 7 pm at a seafood restaurant in Minneapolis. Dinner progressed to post-dinner drinks at a local sushi bar where we sat and talked until 1:30 am!!

Again, let me remind you that I had ran 20 miles that morning. The date was that good, it kept me out well past my usual bed time.

I was quite smitten from the get go and still am today. There are many things that I like about the Barrister (the nickname has sort of stuck... he knows about it and I think he likes it). Here are a few that I'd like to share:

I like that he plans fun and interesting dates - whether it's a great rooftop table, an evening at the Science Museum, or dinner at a French restaurant followed by an orchestra concert.

I like how he has welcomed me into his world by introducing me to his family and friends.

I like watching him interact with his niece.

I like that he makes me laugh - and I like that we have inside jokes that are only funny to us.

I like that I have a huge grin on my face as I think about him while typing this post.

I like all these things, and so much much... :)

Happy Birthday, Barrister! I hope the year to come is your best yet!


  1. Wahooo :) I'm a little proud of myself for predicting this haha. So happy for both of you.

    I completely agree that fun and interesting dates are the way to go. I usually plan them but I like that Eric is always up for my ridiculousness!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad we're talking about him on the blog now. And by we I mean you and me because of course I'm part of your relationship, right? (Barrister if you're reading this it's a joke, I'm not that creepy!)

    Excited for your 10 days of Thanksgiving, I'm starting mine Monday!

  3. YAY!!!!!!!!! So LOVE this post!!!!!! You know I'm so happy for you :)

  4. Yay for you and Barrister! I'm also uber-impressed that your first date was the evening after you ran 20 miles!

  5. :=)

    Happy Birthday, Barrister!

    Great post!

  6. Oh my gosh!!! Such excitement! I love your nickname :)
    FYI hubby and I emailed before we met for over a month and he seemed formal too - formal, yet funny. Turns out that just makes for interesting conversation.
    You are SO brave to go on a date after a 20 miler, though I suppose it gives you something to talk about on the date!

  7. Reading this actually brought a tear to my eye, Lisa! I am so so so happy for you!!!

    I love that he makes you so happy!! Just for that, he gets my stamp of approval. I cannot wait to meet him!

    Just reading this post made my Wednesday better!

  8. I love it. Happy Birthday Barrister!

  9. I was looking forward to this post!! :D I am SO so happy for you!!

  10. Lisa,

    I am so happy we set you up! It's been fun seeing it progress... Katie

  11. So happy for you girl!!! and Happy Birthday to Barrister LOL

  12. I have tears in my eyes! Happy Birthday, Barrister! Anyone who makes my daughter this happy is special to me! Thanks for sharing this news as I've been so anxious to hear more about you two!

  13. I love this!!! I'm so excited for you...and so impressed that you managed to keep this one to yourself for as long as you did :)

    Happy Birthday to him! Hope you guys have a great celebration!

  14. Woo that's so exciting that he's finally making an appearance on your blog :) I'm so happy that you've found a great guy!

  15. I just squeeled and clapped. Eric was like, "what the...." hahahahaha.

    I LOVE the way you wrote this post. It's perfect!

    Happy Birthday to the Barrister :-)

  16. Hi Barrister and happy birthday (in case you are reading this)! Glad to finally meet you on the blog =)

    I love the part about the inside jokes. I may or may not have that with someone right now and it's so much fun, really, to have that with someone you care about!

    You know I'm so happy for your Lisa! Just so, so happy for you =)

  17. Oooo, I really like this blogging idea---the 10 days of Thanksgiving thing, I mean. But, of course, I like much, much more the sweetness to this happy little post. Best wishes for you and the Barrister!

  18. Girl, you are GIDDY.

    So happy for you, though. I remember those happy feelings so well (even after 10 years of marriage), and boy, that first part is so much fun.


  19. AHHH! Why didn't I see this coming? Am I really that clueless?!

    I am so incredibly happy for you!

  20. I'm very happy that things are still going great!!!!!! WOOHOO :) It sounds like you are enjoying every minute of it---and I think that is what really matters!! I love your Ten Days of Thanksgiving and plan to do the same on my blog :)

  21. AW, I love that you can now talk about the barrister! YAY! I'm so glad it's going well for you two. You deserve it, Lisa. Hope you two have fun celebrating.

  22. Happy Birthday Barrister! I can picture you typing with a huge smile :) Plus he survived a smattering of "McDougalls" relatively unscathed. That is pretty good!

  23. Awhh, how sweet! Im so happy for you!!!! :)

  24. :-) He has a cool name! Happy birthday to him!

  25. Oh yay! I thought I was seeing things at first. I'm so happy for you!! I can't wait to find someone that will plan fun dates and make me smile. Congrats on your happiness! :)

  26. SO happy for you Lisa!! That is just great!

  27. Oh, Lisa -- he sounds delightful! Indeed -- something to be thankful for.

    Love your 10 Days!

  28. I can't believe its been two months already! Love seeing you so happy as he sounds like a keeper and def looking forward to meeting him!

  29. Wow, congratulations Lisa! I'm very happy for you.

  30. I'm so excited for you! And I can't believe you've been keeping this a secret! Although I completely understand the reasons for doing so. But still, I'm really have for you and your new guy!

  31. So, so happy for you friend! Happy belated birthday, Barrister! Hope you both had so much fun yesterday.

  32. I am very excited for you! I hope you were able to do something fun to help him celebrate his birthday!
    I see that you are reading Water for Elephants for a Book Club. I just started it the other night for a Book Club and I'm anxious to see how it is. I've never done one before so it's a little outside my comfort zone.
    Take care! :)

  33. Yay! I'm so happy for you! Tell
    Barrister I say happy birthday!

  34. Oh, I am sooooo happy for you!! He sounds great - especially if you stayed up until 1.30am talking on a first date!! Way to go Lisa.
