Friday, November 12, 2010

Ten Days of Thanksgiving: Day 3

Today I am thankful for my successful marathon.

As you all know, marathon training consumed most of my summer. I spent hours running. I spent hours staring at my marathon training plan. I spent hours exchanging emails and bbms with Amber about, you guessed it, marathon training!

Cue the song: You're My Obsession.

Yes, it became an obsession. A healthy one in my opinion, but I know some people might disagree with that statement.

I am thankful that all the time spent training led to a successful marathon where I PR'd. Now I feel like I can hang up my marathon shoes and set my sights on other goals.

Goals like a sub-2 hour half-marathon. Goals like improving my core strength. Goals like possibly buying a road bike and giving that sport a try next summer.

I am thankful that I ran a successful race, but I am equally thankful that it is all behind me!!


  1. Honestly I admire you so much for being able to do all that training. I struggle to get the training in for my 1/2s so I just can't imagine the time running 20+ miles. Biking can be so much fun!! You have lots of good things to look forward to :)

  2. I am so proud of you for running such an amazing race in Oct!! You rock, Lisa!

    Yesterday, while I was running my 20 mile training run - I reallly wanted to quit at 18 out of pure boredom. But, I thought about you and how determined YOU were in the training and the results that came out of it!

    Needless to say, I kicked myself in the butt and kept going!

    That's so neat you are thinking about road biking! It is sooo fun! I'm too scared to do it by myself still though for some reason. Plus, you get to cover 60-70 miles in a couple hours! Which boggles this runner's mind!

  3. I love the bike trails. Great idea!

    Hope you are enjoying the week of birthday festivities!

  4. I am still amazed that you and Amber finished the marathon! Even though I've signed myself up for a half marathon, a full marathon still blows my mind!

    Road bikes are's fun to get out and go far and fast :) (well faster than I can run!)

    ps- I definitely recommend getting a pair of padded shorts. Your butt will thank you :)

  5. I'm SO THANKFUL for the marathon, for your support during training and for the super fun roadtrip/vacation we had. I still can't believe it's over sometimes even though it's been over a month now!! Time is just flying :-)

    Happy Friday! XO

  6. Ooo, a road bike! You go, friend. next thing you know you'll be doing an Iron Man competition! Or do they call them Iron Woman!?

  7. You go girl!! I need you to send some of your motivation and inspiration my way!

  8. Very cool! I love that your training let you reach your goal and you are thinking about other fun adventures to try!

  9. I've really wanted to get a road bike for the longest time! It just sounds like a fun way to exercise!

    You did so amazing at your marathon! I would probably be willing to hang up my marathon shoes for a while after coming off a high like that. :)

  10. Nice work, chica! The road bike will be a blast for you I'm sure. And I bet the barrister would enjoy having some company on his rides around the city. ;)

  11. Because of you, I'm really thinking of picking up running as a way to exercise. Nothing like me though to wait until it gets cold to get motivated.

  12. Your marathon WAS quite the success--and quite the inspiration!!! :) I commend you for the dedication you put into your training! I also commend you for taking the "post-marathon-letdown" with such grace :) It has to be strange to not have that daily focus anymore. Then that you have A BOYFRIEND I guess you can put your focus elsewhere :)

  13. Haha I like that you accidentally wrote sub 2 hour marathon.... aim high haha.

    Anyway, I'm very proud of you for how hard you and Amber both worked for the marathon and excited to see you strive for new goals :)

  14. Running a marathon is such a huge accomplishment, and you should be so proud!!

  15. I,too, think your marathon accomplishment was awesome, especially because I can't even fathom running one! It took so much perseverence but I knew you had it in you! I think biking sounds like a great new "obsession"!
