Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Another Tuesday and another set of questions, courtesy of Chelsea of Roots & Rings. Want to play along? She posts them on her blog on Monday at some point (there is a link on the right).

1. Do you color? If you do, is it with markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.?
If I am hanging out with my nephews, yes. Otherwise, no. I am artistically challenged. Coloring is not my thing. But I am on the same level as my nephews (ages 2.5-6) so I fit right in when coloring with them! I prefer the big box of Crayola crayons. Preferably nice and sharp!

2. What’s the most organized part (or system) in your house?
I have a file box in my closet where all of my bills and financial documents are in folders, in alphabetical order.

3. What’s the most unorganized part (or system) in your house?
My bedroom desk right now is an absolute disaster. I bet I have a stack of about 40 magazine that I think I am going to read so refuse to throw away.... The desk is also a catch all for stuff I want to keep but don't have a place for. Like my 20 mile and marathon race bibs. And my marathon medal. And a whole bunch of random stuff. I wish I had an invisibility cloak to throw over this desk when my parents come this weekend...

4. If you had unlimited amounts of time and money, what museum would you want to see and why?
Hmm, probably the Louvre. I didn't go when I was in Paris because it was just too overwhelming. But if I had unlimited time and could continue to go back without paying the admission fee, I'd like to check this museum out.

5. What is your favorite part of the fall season?
The cooler fall temps and the colors of the changing leaves. We've had beautiful fall weather here in Minnesota!

6. Did you dress up for Halloween?
Hells no. I am a party pooper. I don't really 'do' Halloween. But I enjoy seeing my nephews all dressed up!

7. Have you started Christmas shopping?
No, but I have started to make a mental list of what I am going to buy whom.

8. Do you crack your knuckles?
Nope. My piano teacher forbade me from doing this as she told me I'd have ugly, puffy hands. That has stuck with me so I have never intentionally cracked my knuckles..

9. If you had to live in another city for a year (all expenses paid), which city would you choose?
Can I pick 2? In the US, I'd like to live in Manhattan - probably on the Upper East Side. Internationally, I would choose Paris and I'd live in the Marais area!

10. Do you have any reoccurring dreams?
Nope, they are different every time, and pretty much all equally weird/non-sensical.


  1. Haha LOVE that you want an invisibility cloak for your desk!

  2. These are fun!! May have to play along! I don't really do halloween either!

  3. The leaves changing is definitely one of my favorite parts of fall. This year though the leaves weren't as pretty as they have been, it was a dry summer. I bet your area was beautiful though!

  4. Proof that we are meant to be friends: we both said Louvre for the museum we want to go to.

    And we are both mentally planning our Christmas shopping lists already. We are awesome ;-)

  5. Omigoodness I didn't know you didn't go to the Louvre! Promise me you'll go in February, OK? It's worth the overwhelmingness of it, promise!

    LOL I love that you are saving all those magazines because I do the same thing. Except mine are stacks of ones I've already READ! Why do I need them still? Who knows...

  6. Lisa - consider the invisibilty cloakes thrown! I wish I had one in our office right now - just haven't had time to clean! UGH! See you soon!

  7. I can't remember the last time that I colored...it's been a while! Well it might have been with crayons when we were out for dinner at a place that has the brown paper down on the table for you to draw on :)

    Hope you have a great visit with your parent's this weekend :)

  8. Omg, all my past race-bibs haunt my drawers too!! Why?!!!! What will I ever do with that bib again? I always keep them for some reason. As if one day I'm going to attach it to the back of my shirt and wear it while I'm running errands???....

    Also, I too am freakish about knuckle cracking! It drives me loco when people do it too!!

  9. I'm not big on dressing up for Halloween either. :) Loved your answer! Hehe.

  10. I kind of agree with you about Halloween- I'd prefer it was reserved just for kids :)

  11. I'm not a fan of dressing myself up for Halloween either. Especially since it's so hard to find adult costumes where you don't look like a prostitute! haha

  12. Oh no!! I crack my knuckles and pretty much every other joint in my body... now I have this horrible vision of being one big ugly puff!! :(

  13. You went to Paris and didn't go to the Louvre?! I spent an entire day in there by myself when I went to Paris for a week in college. And then I went back another evening on the same trip with my friends.

  14. I love coloring! I almost bought a coloring book from the dollar bin at target yesterday. ;) (I also suck at coloring but I love coloring pictures!)
