Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Little Bloggy Break

For reasons that I don't want to get into at this point, I've decided to take a little step back from blogging. I want to take extra time for myself during the busy holiday season. I won't be gone for too long, though! You know I couldn't stay away forever, I'd miss you all too much! I will most likely be back at some point in January.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!

If you want to keep in touch, you can always reach me at lisasyarns {at} gmail {dot} com


  1. Enjoy the break and your Christmas. You know I'm always happy to talk!

  2. Aww, I hope everything is okay! Enjoy the holidays, and hopefully see you back again soon in the new year :)

  3. Love you! And expect lots of text messages. =)

  4. Hope everything is okay Lisa! Enjoy your break and Christmas! :)

  5. You will definitely be missed! Have a happy and safe holiday, Lisa! :)

  6. I'm so with you on the bloggy break. Tomorrow is my last post for the year and I'm kind of glad about it =) I know we'll talk lots over the next few weeks!

  7. Have a great Christmas Lisa! (this is why you need twitter so we don't have to go for eeeeeever without talking to you!! ;) )

  8. Have a great Christmas and New Year!! We'll miss you while you're gone!

  9. I've had an unofficial break for a while. You will be missed. I hope you have a great holiday week!

  10. Aw, I'll miss you while you're on your break. I hope everything is OK! Big hugs!!

    I'll have to find you on BBM so we can keep in touch while you're away! :)

  11. I will be missing your blogging!! -- But definitely understand the need for a little break with so much going on! Love you!!

  12. Aww, I'll miss you blogging but I understand. I hope everything is okay and sorry in advance if I BBM a bit more often cuz I am kind of used to knowing what is going on with you!

  13. I will miss your posts :( But I know---I go on blogging hiatuses myself!!! Happy Holidays :) :) :)

  14. I hope you enjoy the holidays and have a great time with your family. I totally understand that you might need a break from blogging, but I hope that everything's ok, and that you'll be back soon!

  15. Like everyone else said, I'll missing catching up with you! And hope you have a merry Christmas and happy new year!

  16. Enjoy your break, we will miss you!!
    Oh and I will likely be in MSP for an interview in January, so I may email and see if you want to maybe meet up for coffee or something :)

  17. Have a wonderful holiday, and I hope to hear from you in the new year :-)

  18. Merry Christmas, Lisa! Yes, take a break (you'll probably get 10x more stuff done) but we'll be watching for your return. In the meantime, enjoy the spirit of the season and all the music!

    Big Hugs,Oh

    PS And then there's Paris!!!!

  19. Have a great holiday! I hope Santa is kind to you and you get a big wet kiss on new year's. {{smooch}}

  20. Enjoy your break and the holidays! I hope everything is ok and that you come back rejuvenated in the new year!

  21. Just stopping by to say "hi" and how cool it is that you get around to comment on so many of our blogs.

    And now you're coming to visit - how cool is that?

    Speaking of cool, it's freezing here. But you're good at handling cold weather, right?
    Ugh, it's not fun, though. So, I'm just gonna read...and wear flipflops... 'til it's nice outdoors again.

  22. Thanks for popping in on me, even though you've been on break. I hope things are going OK -- sometimes a break is exactly what we need.

  23. Hope you're enjoying your break!
