Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Goals

I'm a bit late on posting these, but better late than never! I don't usually do resolutions, but I do have some goals for 2011. Here's what I am hoping to accomplish!

  • CFA, Level 1 - I will take the 1st CFA exam on June 4th. I almost didn't post about this for fear that I won't pass and then everyone who reads this will know... But I am not even letting myself think about the possibility of not passing. CFA stands for Chartered Financial Analyst; it's a rigorous course of study that will be super challenging, but it will really help me advance my career. Studying for this test will consume my life for the next 5 months... but the nerd in me is excited about it!
  • Sub 2 hours - I am hoping to run a 1/2 marathon in less than 2 hours. My PR is 2:04 so I KNOW I can do it. I'll be running the Fargo 1/2 so hopefully I'll achieve this goal there where I know my parents will be cheering me on. If not, then I will just have to register for some more races in the summer and fall.
  • Texting while driving - I have this nasty little habit of texting while driving. It needs to stop. Nothing I have to say is THAT important. Enough said.
  • Letting go, looking forward - I'm just going to say that 2010 really, really sucked for multiple reasons. I want to focus on letting go and setting my sights ahead on the future. At this point, I do not feel I will gain anything by re-playing the events of the year past over in my mind. Maybe when the pain I've experienced isn't so fresh, I can re-visit those memories and learn something. But for now? I need to just let it go.
  • Green monster - I tried having a Green monster last summer when I was training for the marathon but I just wasn't sold on it... I think I need to play around with the ingredients a bit... So I am hoping to experiment and come up with a flavor combination that I love! When/if I find one, I'll be sure to share it with you. And for all you green monster lovers out there, I'm open to suggestions! (I tried one with peanut butter this summer and I think that is the ingredient that killed it for me...)

What are your goals for 2011?


  1. It is illegal to text or talk on your whole while driving without a hands free device so I don't use my cell phone at all while driving because I don't want to get a ticket!

  2. All good! Knowing you, if you resolve to do it, you will. I put my phone out of reach when I drive to remove temptation.

  3. Thanks for filling me in on what CFA stands for - you know I see that often with people I deal with but never bothered to see what it really stood for. I've never tried the green monster - they still scare me for some reason, I think I'll gag!

  4. I have a feeling you are going to accomplish all of these and more this year :)

    I lived on Green Monsters this summer! I used Almond Milk though - I found the taste way better than regular/soy milk. :)

    Also, I'm proud of you for wanting to just let go. The past doesn't need to accompany you into this year like a weight around your neck - what's happened has happened, all you can do is move on with a positive spirit and that's exactly what you're doing!

  5. One big goal is to be a lot better with my budget; I have a budget but sometimes I let myself play with it a bit too much.

    And to lose six pounds =)

    I admire anyone who can drink Green Monsters. They just don't sound/look good to me!

  6. I agree - put it all behind you! And I truly do hope you keep to your resolution of not texting while driving! I've tried it but we live in a tiny town with no traffic and I still can't do both! That is a tremendous resolution - could save your life and mucho $$$$$! When is the Fargo marathon? We'll be there!
    And I know you - "You will pass that test!"

  7. I tried a green monster too last year and hated it! It might have been the combination I had, but so so bad! I would like someone who has made them before to make one for me :)

    It's becoming illegal to text/talk while driving here soon...hopefully that stops a lot of people because the ticket is apparently really expensive!

  8. These all sound like great, healthy, self-growing goals!

    I really like the letting go, moving forward one, because I know I'm pretty good at holding on the past, dwelling on what has happened, rather than realizing that it's over and it's time to move on. I think letting go is the best thing you can do for yourself right now.

    Good luck with the green monster, btw! I just can't get into it!

  9. It's illegal in B.C. to text/talk on the phone while driving so that has REALLY helped me curb my habit of doing it. But I still do it a bit too much so need to work on that.

    I personally like the addition of peanut butter to the GM but also think it's GREAT with protein powder. This morning I had one with banana, chocolate almond milk, spinach, a scoop of strawberry-vanilla whey protein powder and ice! YUM!

  10. I know you'll accomplish these goals! I think goals are better than resolutions. Resolutions are usually about "losing thing", "quitting", "restricting" -- goals are about doing. I read this cheesy book once (that Ryan made me read) -- but it's all about *positive thinking*. It really did make sense. Like, instead of praying "PLease don't let me get sick"'re supposed to pray "Please give me immunity from illness and health!"

    Good stuff. ....on a glass-half-full kind of day.

    I need to quit txting while driving too! It just plain dangerous lol.

    I've never tried a Green Monster, but they seem interesting. If you find one that's bareable..pass it on to me! I'll give it a whirl.

  11. I just have this thing with smoothies where the consistency makes me gag. Blech...I don't know what it is! Oatmeal also makes me gag. It's like my body doesn't want me to be healthy, ha! ;)

    I'm pretty good at not texting while driving, but I'm still too attached to my phone while waiting at stoplights. I want to be better at just letting it go for when I'm in the car. :)

    Good luck on all your goals for 2011. I know you're going to rock 'em hard!

  12. I think green monsters are better when they are runnier, so I always use a lot of liquid. A banana is a must too.

  13. They banned texting while driving in my state... I don't really ever do it except when stopped at red lights, but I will occasionally glance at my e-mail... oops!

    Great goals though :)

    My green monsters are not so green since the raw spinach bothers my stomach, but i'll still add a tiny bit just for a few nutrients sometimes. I don't put peanut butter in though- I'd rather fully taste my pb and I'm not sure i would like it in a green monster. I do frozen banana, mango chunks from trader joes and the spinach. I also sprinkle some chia seeds on top.

  14. I need to stop texting while drivng as well. Maybe we can call each other as a reminder instead of texting? I really am bad about texting.

    My goal is to laugh more, have more fun, and make big things happen.

    And have more wine dates via video chat with you.

  15. These are great goals, Lisa!! :) :) I didn't really set "goals" for 2011---but instead, made a list of what I'm looking forward to in 2011. I bet you can guess SOME of the things I'm looking forward to :)
    Here a few...

    Looking forward to 2011 Because ...

    1. I get to marry Mr. B!
    2. I will finish my first year as an English teacher (WOW!)
    3. I will get to become an "aunt" to MANY of my dear friends' babies!
    4. I will get to go on a honeymoon!
    5. I will FINALLY get to see U2 LIVE!!!!!
    6. I will be surrounded by many people I love and cherish on July 16th!!!!!
