Friday, January 14, 2011

Taking to the Skies...

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a fantastic week! I am in the best mood ever! Why? Well, first off, I have some exciting news which I will share with you next week (no, it has nothing to do with boys. I am done with dating for awhile). The other reason for my good mood is that I am flying to Tucson tonight after work to visit my little sister, Abby and her husband Ryan!

That's us last February - notice that she's in a pea coat and I'm in a tank top!! Her blood has gotten a little thin since she moved south!

Truth be told, we had bit to a tenuous relationship growing up... Actually, that is an understatement. I tried to play mother hen was completely over-bearing - as I described it in my wedding speech, I was a "helicopter sibling." (I'm sure you're familiar with the term "helicopter parent.")

Luckily, we both did a whole lot of growing up and now I can say that she is one of my best friends and someone I turn to for advice quite a bit. My mom is probably smugly smiling as she reads this as for years she has told us we would be best friends some day.

This will be a quick trip but a fun one! I arrive late tonight and fly out Monday morning, but we'll get 2 full days together! I can't wait to go for runs (without worrying about losing a body party to frost bite!), drink coffee, talk face-to-face, road trip to Phoenix to visit my friend Heidi, and GRILL!

I'm sure I'll take pictures and do a recap at some point this month!

I'll leave you with one final pic of us and a funny story.

So when Abby got married - some people thought we were twins... Like one of the ushers actually said to Abby's husband: "I didn't know you were marrying a twin!" The photographers then referred to us as "the twins" for the rest of the weekend. I see some resemblance - but twins? I think that's a stretch... After her wedding, this was my profile picture on facebook for awhile. The sister of a good friend saw it and thought I had photoshopped my head onto the body of a bride. I thought that was hilarious - and a bit ALARMING that she thought I'd actually do that.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone! Tell me - do you think my sister and I look like twins?


  1. You are very. very alike! Have lots of fun visiting your sister! xx

  2. Have a great weekend with your sister. You two do look very alike, I can see why poeple might think twins.

  3. "and a bit ALARMING that she thought I'd actually do that. "

    I just laughed out loud at this line. Hahahahaha!

    You and Abby DO look a lot alike. AND you look even more alike in person!! Not that I've ever met Abby in person, but when I met you in person i thought you looked a lot like Abby's photos! SO I can totally see how the photographer made that mistake :P

    I'm excited for you! You're going to have such a fun weekend!!

  4. You definitely look like sisters, but I don't think you look like twins!! It totally does not look like you photoshopped your head onto her body...though that is rather hilarious.

    Have a great trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you return and hearing your exciting news :)

  5. You two do look very much alike - not sure about twins! Have fun this weekend!

  6. Hope you have such a fun weekend! I wouldn't say twins, but you definitely are sisters!

  7. Great post.
    Have fun! Excited to read your news next week! :)

  8. I love that story -- not only is it hilarious that she thought we were twins, but that she actually called you out on photoshopping your face?! Haha!! We do look strikingly similar in that photo -- but not twins!

    I am SO excited for our weekend together! We are going to have such a great time. It will be short - but I cannot wait for a weekend to just enjoy! :)

    And you're right -- if you would've asked me 7 years ago if I EVER thought we'd be best friends...I would have laughed. Mom is probably smiling right now ;)

  9. You definitely look like sisters. Twins.... ahhh... maybe?

  10. Fraternal twins? Yes! I am so excited for you and while watching the events in Tucson this week, I can't help but notice that everyone is wearing short sleeves, no coats, boots, scarves & thick mittens! What freedom that will be! The hard part will be returning to bitter cold temperatures on Monday! I don't think it's going to get above 0 that day! Enjoy it while you can and give Abby & Ryan a big hug from me! And I am smiling about the "best friends" comments! Told you so!

  11. Have an amazing time!! You guys do look alike and are both drop dead gorgeous, but I wouldn't say twins :)

    And please explain "helicopter" - my foreign little brain isn't familiar with that at all!

  12. I think the two of you could definitely pass as fraternal twins but there is absolutely no mistaking the fact that you are indeed sisters.

    Have a fabulous, fabulous time!! I can't wait to hear all about it. Safe travels!

  13. I can see the similarities, but definitely not twins. And seriously?! Who would photoshop their head onto a body! That's insane!

    Have a FABULOUS weekend!

  14. You guys do look a lot alike, but I don't think I would think you were twins! People mistake my brother and me for twins ALL THE TIME, so I get it. Ha!

    Sounds like you're going to have a fun, fun weekend! Yay!

  15. Have fun!! The twins the top picture you look like very similar sisters, but yeah, in the wedding picture you totally look like twins :)

  16. You definitely look a lot alike, but not like twins.

    Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Lol thats hilarious. Please don't ever photo shop a pic of you into a wedding dress haha :)

    I hope you have an awesome time in Arizona and I can't wait to hear your good news (even though I think i figured it out, same way I figured out your last announcement- you underestimate my stalking abilities hehe)

  18. You and your sis really do look strikingly similar. I definitely wouldn't have been surprised if you'd said she was your twin. I hope you've been having a wonderful weekend!

  19. Related, yes. Twins, no. I mean, I don't think I'd look at you two and think twins. Though, if you told me you were fraternal twins, I might believe it. Twisted, eh?

  20. I can't wait to hear what the big news is! I hope you had a fabulous weekend. I think you and Abby look similar, but def not twins. Ah man, I could really use some sunshine right about now. I bet you loved getting some serious vitamin D and girl talk!

  21. Yes, you do look like twins -- and isn't it lovely to begrown up and friends? Hope you had a good visit with your sister.
