Monday, March 21, 2011

Motivation Monday: 10 Mile Training Update

Good morning & Happy Monday! I had a great weekend and got some exciting news on Saturday! Charbelle, my training partner for the 10 mile race, got engaged on Saturday!! Click over, congratulate her, and check out her bling!!

Are you noticing a pattern here? Amber and I trained for a marathon together and she got engaged! Charbelle and I are training for the 10 mile race and she got engaged. Hmm... Perhaps I am a good luck charm! So maybe if you are looking to get engaged, you should train for a race with me. ;)

This week I got 4 training runs in, which I am really happy with. My long run was an 8 miler. I was planning to do this outdoors as the weather forecast looked good when I checked late in the week.

Mother nature had something else in mind, though. I woke up to rain on Sunday morning. Even though I ran an ENTIRE MARATHON in the rain, I just could not make myself put in 8 miles in the rain. Plus, it was a cold rain. So I went to the gym. Luckily I scored a treadmill right next to a fan. Sweet!

But those might have been the longest 8 miles of my life. I have no idea how people train for a marathon on the treadmill dreadmill. Even though I listened to music + watched cooking shows, I still nearly lost my mind on this run. It's a treadmill personal distance record for me as my longest treadmill run was 6 miles.

But I put the miles in. And that's what matters. Next week, rain or snow, I am doing my 9 mile run outdoors. It will be my last long run before the race, which is 2 weeks away! Eeks! So excited!

What is the longest you have ran on a treadmill?


  1. You must be good luck! Great job on the 8 miles on the treadmill! I think the longest I have made it was just over 7 miles. keep up the good training! It was raining here this morning and I just could not get myself to go outside and run in it!

  2. Hoot=dreadmill!

    Go away snow and rain.

  3. I've done six miles on a treadmill at one time, then went back and did a few more later, so consecutively it was six. It flew by, but maybe because I was single at the time and decided to take in the surrounding eye candy!? Who knows.

    Can't believe that you're race is just two weeks away! How exciting :) I know you'll totally rock it!

  4. It sounds like more rain and snow for us this week - boo hoo! It would have been great if you could have done your run outside! Is running on a treadmill the same as running outdoors, or is it harder? I always felt that whatever I did on the treadmill was more exhausting, but I mostly walk(ed) on mine.

  5. Haha you must be a good luck charm! I don't really enjoy the treadmill either, but if there is tv on it, even better. And it makes for people watching at the gym easy :)

  6. You amaze me. I have no idea how you ran so far on the mill! Or how you keep getting girls hitched, haha!

  7. I know how you feel about doing long runs on the 'mill. I actually read on my kindle during my 10 miler on Saturday. I had to run a bit slower to make sure that I wouldn't fall off, but it was worth it to keep my mind occupied.

    Congrats to your friend on her engagement!

  8. Hahaha I am LOL'ing at this blog post. You are TOTALLY a good luck charm.

    Last Tuesday I headed out running with my neighbour and a MILE in it started POURING. I finished off the 6 miles because we'd already started but I definitely would have bailed if it had been raining before we started. Having the motivation to go for a run in the rain is way different than running a marathon we've trained for months for in the rain isn't it?

    Also, I ran 10 miles on the treadmill last summer when there was all that smoke in the sky and it was HORRIBLE. I think that weekend was supposed to be an 18 mile run but there was NO WAY that was happening so 10 had to do!

  9. Congrats to Charbelle! Wow -- that is a bit of a trend with your training partners! Too funny

    Good for you for getting 4 TRAINING RUNS in despite your CRAZY schedule? You rock, Lisa!

    I, too, don't understand the dredmill. 6 miles is my absolutely max. One time I did 10 on the tredmill, and I wanted to lose my mind. I got SO bored!

  10. Well, all I can say is good for you and you have my deepest respect!

  11. Ummmm, like 12 seconds. Maybe, just maybe 13. :-)

  12. I would like to start training with you. Like, now. Or maybe once your 10-mile is done with. But let's set a date because your good luck charm is too good to pass up! ;)

    The most I've run on the treadmill is 4 miles and IT. WAS. AWFUL. I haven't run on the treadmill since then because it was such a bad experience. Ha.

  13. Hey, at least it's better than being a bad luck charm - and causing divorces. =)

    I think I had to run a 15 or 16 miler on a treadmill once. It was a long, brutal run. I don't think I've run a long run on a treadmill since!

  14. Nice work, Lisa! I love that you're a good luck charm for engagements. Pete would groan if I told him that and then said I was training with you. :) My younger bro (age 25) just proposed to his gf of 7 years this weekend! I had no clue he was doing it and he had a surprise party planned for when they got back from their weekend trip.

    Long runs on the treadmill are so annoying. Way to hang in there!

  15. I have a serious phobia of treadmills. (When I was younger I used to think I'd get on and it would go too fast and it would suck me underneath). I prefer elliptical machines - especially because you can work your arms that way too. But really? I just don't like running. Go you!

  16. Haha I love that you are a good luck charm for people getting engaged. Perhaps you need to train by yourself for a race? hehe.

    I am clearly not much of a distance runner so I've probably done like 4 miles on a treadmill, but I'd obviously rather be outside. However my body likes the treadmill better and I'm a totally baby about running in rain/snow/cold :)

  17. We are going to try out this salad this week! I've been meaning to ask you for the recipe so thanks for reading my mind!

    PS: for your face have your tried cortizone cream? That stuff is magic. Just a thought as Elle has sensitive skin and I tried it out as well. Just a thought to keep in mind once if or when you decide to try introducing yourself to dairy again.

  18. I hope the weather clears up so you can get outside. Running on a treadmill sounds boring.

    I don't run. At all. And if I am? Chances are I am being chased by a big scary person with a gun or a big wild animal. =)

  19. You go, girl!!! So proud of you :) Friday was the first time I've run since my fall this winter. My ankle was a little sore after--but it sure felt good. Jas and I just got home from a run this evening. The weather has been gorgeous here---but we're supposed to get cold again and even have snow! UGH!!! I much prefer running outside than on the treadmill---but I'll do what I must :)

  20. I honestly have no idea who people can run that far on a treadmill. I hate it. I have never ran more than two miles on a treadmill.

  21. I hate treadmills. I trained for a half marathon on a treadmill (in Iowa) and when I finally ran the marathon, I almost died. It's not a good idea. It is not only boring, but the muscles you use are different! I think my longest was 10 miles (of hell).
