Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Music, Books, Miles, and Looks of February


I am having trouble uploading videos this month - gosh I am terrible with technology! I bought 2 new albums in February, which I love: Mumford & Sons "Sigh No More" album and The Script "Science and Faith" album. I have listened to both of these A LOT. Both albums have one song that is main stream, but my fave songs from the albums are ones that aren't played on the radio.


I read a lot in February, thanks to my vacation!

Shaghai Girls by Lisa See - this was the February blogger book club book and it was great. I had a hard time getting into it initially but ended up really liking it!

A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway - This was a fast, easy read. It's a memoir of Hemingway's time in Paris. I really enjoyed it - it was fun to read about areas I visited while in Paris!

A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay - This author wrote Sarah's Key, and I loved it so I picked up this book for my trip. It was pretty good, but not nearly as good as Sarah's Key.

Murder in the Marais by Cara Black - This was a great mystery that I read in Paris. I was staying in the Marais so it was really cool to read a book that was set in the quartier where I was staying! It was a great mystery so if you like mysteries, check this one out!

One Day by David Nicholls - This was probably my favorite book that I have read this year. It tells the story of two college friends. The book follows the two people throughout their lives, specifically on July 15th of every year. So each chapter covers a different year of their lives. It was well written and I am excited to see how they will turn this into a movie!


*insert crickets* Hmm... Not sure how many miles I ran last month. Not that many, unfortunately! I've gotten back on track now, though. My goal for March is 50 miles, which is totally doable.


My favorite look was the dress that I wore for my 30th birthday party! I think it looked so Parisian!


  1. You JUST got Mumford??? It's the best album in the whole WORLD, and every single song is amazing!! I love his voice, I love the musicianship, I love the feeling of the songs - how he can be singing a beautiful ballad that's full of absolute heart-wrenching despair (White Blank Page), and the foot stomping, hand clapping anthems are so infectious and so full of triumph that you can't help but sing your heart out. SOUL-stirring stuff!! :)

  2. I think running along the Seine counts for as many miles as you want! And wahoo for all that reading you got done - February was a great month! :)

  3. You rocked February! So glad that you were able to take a week or so and just relax and read. I'm adding these books to my library list asap. I love that picture, you look gorgeous and so happy.

  4. You are a SPEED reader! I'm so glad you had such a great trip to Paris, and especially that you made time to relax and read, which is what a vacation should be! That dress was even prettier in person! Love it!
    Hope March rocks for you, too!

  5. I love that dress on you - looks so good!!

    I will have to check out the book 'One Day' - sounds interesting!

    I ran about 58 miles in February I think. I love using Dailymile and to keep track of my mileage. 58 really doesn't feel like very much considering we were up in the 120 - 140 range last summer. Geesh!

  6. I love the Mumford & Sons album so much. One of my favorites right now. I think I downloaded it back in November/December. Still in love with it. Glad you are too :)

    That dress looks just so fab on you!

  7. I hope march is better for you on the running front! Traveling to Paris sure does beat running though!

  8. I really want to read Hemingways stuff but it always gets put on my back burner. The last book you mentioned sounds very interesting as well!

  9. Id say you have a pretty good excuse for not running in February! All the reading must make up for it, right?! :)

  10. I am loving One Day too :) Thanks for recommending it!

    Looks like you had a good Feb. Don't you wish you could have a vacation every month?!

  11. LOVE the Parisian dress! It's perfectly perfect on you!

    You made me laugh with your "crickets" on "miles" you've done. Wow - I'd have "crickets" noted since last summer!

    Really? Sarah's Key? Someone else mentioned but I barely paid attention. However, since you like it, that's another story. Library or purchase, whaddya think?

    And I'm delighted you read MURDER IN THE MARAIS! I still have it brand new on top of TBR stack. It's taking me forever to read/finish LOVING FRANK. But I'm liking it. (you know, work takes up a lot of time - imagine the reading we'd get done otherwise!)

  12. I LOVED One Day, although part of me wishes I could change the ending, I do admit it worked for the book. But I am very curious as to how the movie turns out and can only hope they don't ruin the book

  13. wow you did read a lot!! good for you!!! You look so pretty in the picture from the party!!!

  14. I love that picture.

    I am trying to decide between a Nook and a Kindle.

  15. Once again, I love your dress. LOVE IT!

    What a great month!! Hopefully it warms up way up there so the March Meltdown can contribute to a fabulous March to follow a fabulous February!

  16. Just picked up Sarah's Key at a closing Borders this weekend. Looking forward to it.

    Glad you like Murder in the Marais! I loved Moveable Feast, too!

  17. I have been SO bad at reading this academic school year. I don't think I've finished more than ONE book which is so not like me and makes me really sad. Reading is probably my favorite thing to do. However, I am going on Spring break tomorrow morning (!!) and I got Jodi Picoult's new book : ) I love her!

  18. Wow - you did read a lot in February!!! I have SO many books at home in a stack to be read, and I really want to get around to reading them.

  19. Hi, 2 quick things; first, I loved your comment on my solitude post!! I knew you would understand.

    Also, Im going to give you my email because talking through comments isn't exactly effective! :)

    I was wondering if you could tell me some of the MSP and surrounding area neighborhoods that would have good/safe/pet friendly rentals?! Im just looking for some basic ideas so I can start looking on craigslist.
