Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Good morning and happy Tuesday! Here's another batch of questions from the lovely Chelsea of Roots and Rings!

1. What is your cleaning style like?
I sort of go in spurts - I'll just pick up week to week and then I will go on a cleaning spree and will do a deep clean. That said.... I recently hired a cleaning service because life hs gotten a bit too busy lately and I just couldn't find the time to clean.

2. What is your favorite thing to add to an outfit to take it from casual to classy?

3. Do you like stormy weather?
I like thunderstorms, as long as I am not out running or planning on running. I do not care for winter storms. They make my commute horrible. I mean, it's a nice thought to be 'snowed in' but that just never happens because there is no such thing as a "snow day" in Minneapolis/St. Paul.

4. What is your favorite cold treat on a hot day?

5. What is your favorite warm treat on a cold day?
Hot cocoa or a bowl of soup.

6. Who is your favorite animated character?
Even though I am deathly afraid of mice, but I think Ratatouille is an adorable character.

7. What do you keep your jewelry in?
A jewelry box.

8. Do any of the rooms in your house have a theme?
All of the art in my bedroom are Paris prints. That's about it for a 'theme'.

9. Do you watch any interior design TV shows – if so, what is your favorite?
Never. I suck at things like interior design - watching a show on tv is not going to help someone like me.

10. When was the last time you did something risk-taking?
Before I could apply for my new job within my company, I had to get the permission of my boss since I had been in my previous role less than a year. He had the right to tell me that I couldn't apply, but luckily he let me as he knew it was in my best interest as my new job was a promotional opportunity and a perfect fit.


  1. I don't mind a really good rain storm either (as long as I am home and don't have to go anywhere). There's something comforting about it, I suppose.

  2. Bravo on the cleaning service! I agree with you on winter storms. It's great to be stormed in but it causes so many problems and is so dangerous to human life!

  3. I am sure you will appreciate the cleaning service. I loved it when I came home from a long day at work and walked in and my house had been cleaned!!! It's a great thing!!!

  4. I hear you on not liking winter storms! Maybe if I was already in the mountains in a cabin with a fireplace, sure snow away. But not when I have to drive to work..just not my idea of a good time :)

  5. I don't mind the snow in November/December when I'm in the "mood" for it. But come January/February I just want it GONE!!!! Haha.

    I am what I would call organized-messy. My place LOOKS organized, but as soon as you open a drawer or closet you see just how messy I can be ;)

  6. A cleaning lady sounds awesome for all the deep cleaning! I hate mopping the floors and dusting... I would love to have a cleaning lady for that. Oh, and for laundry!

  7. hahaha i am so with you on number 9 and i am jealous you hired someone to clean for you. it is my life dream to be able to do that. i am one full time job away from it.

  8. I dislike all storms and generally would prefer it was sunny every day. Is that possible?

    We have someone clean once every other week (I remember I talked to you when we were first thinking about hiring someone). Once I realized how easily I could pay for it with one tutoring job, I was like I would SO much rather tutor a kid than clean, wahoo! I mean sure I still have to do some cleaning but overall it's probably the best decision I have made maybe ever. Haha... I really hate cleaning.

  9. Ooh, so jealous of your cleaning service!

  10. I love a thunderstorm, but I HATE snow storms.

  11. I WANT A CLEANING LADY (or man...or robot...anything)!

  12. Jealous that you have a cleaning lady!

  13. Totally with you on the rain storm thing. I'm not super great with interior design either, but I love looking at the shows and what they come up with!

    Also, way to go on the cleaning service! Always nice to take something off your plate when you are busy!

  14. Hot cocoa -- I could use a cup right now. And I'm very risk averse... sometimes to my detriment.

  15. Consider this a comment for your today's blog & the ten-on-tues blog....

    I am so so glad you are hiring cleaning service. Do NOT feel guilty, please! You are a busy woman. I've been cutting on myself for not cleaning as much as I used to lately...and then I realized that I would MUCH rather spend any FREE time enjoying life and my hobbies.

    Otherwise, we'll burn out!!! And we don't want that.
