Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Chelsea's 10 on Tuesday movie-themed questions were written by the lovely Nora

1. If you could watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
You've Got Mail.  I adore that movie!  I just think Kathleen Kelly is one of the most likeable characters ever.  And she has some great quotes in the movie that I can relate to, like this one:

"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void."
2. Let’s say someone wrote a screenplay about you; what actor/actress would you choose to play you and why?
Maybe Rachel Weisz?  I bear no resemblance to her, I just really like her on-screen personality. 

3. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?I think it was Little Mermaid!

4. Did you ever make out at the back of a movie theater in middle school/high school?Nope!

5. Are you a Netflix-er, Blockbuster-er or a Redbox-er? (Or none of the above?)
I'm a Netflixer, and holy canasta, I am one profitable customer for them. I think I've had 2 discs since January.  I should just cancel my service and resume this fall...

6. Name one actor/actress who you would give anything to have a dinner date with.
Maybe Ryan Reynolds?  But only if he has a personality akin to his character if Definitely, Maybe.  Then he would have the total package of looks + wit + brains.

7. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Most definitely Magnolia with Tom Cruise.  Those are 3 hours of my life I'd like to get back.

8. Do you sneak snacks into the theater when you go?
If I am planning ahead, then yes.  I will usually bring my own soda.

9. Movie theater popcorn: love or hate it?
I love it as long as you don't put butter on it...  not a fan of buttery popcorn!

10. What is the all-time best Disney movie in your opinion?
I'd have to go with Beauty and the Beast.  I adore that movie. 


  1. I said Ryan Reynolds too! I really hope his onscreen personality is similar in real life... he is so funny!

  2. Beauty and the Beast AND You've Got Mail! We're movie soul-mates!

  3. 1. I can't think of a movie I'd want to watch for the rest of my life! 2. That would be the most boring movie ever! 3. The Ten Commandments, I believe. 4. Yup - with Paul. Embarrasing. 5. Netflix. 6. Hmm, he's no longer alive, but I think it would be Jimmy Stewart. 7. Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf 8. Sometimes! 9.Love it, without butter! 10. Song of the South!

  4. okay after reading nora's answers and now yours i need a cherry coke slurpee and some movie theatre popcorn.

  5. I am with you on Beauty and the Beast. I was another extremely profitable customer for Netflix - but then I canceled my subscription.

  6. Oo, Ryan Reynolds. Good call. He's single again so maybe we should go to Hollywood and find him :)

    I should have put You've Got Mail for #1. It was a toss-up between that and Love, Actually. I'm just a sucker for a good romantic comedy =)

  7. I like You've Got Mail and the Kathleen Kelly character, too. Whenever it crops up, I can join in anywhere, anytime and know right where I am!

  8. I do love me some Ryan Reynolds, though something tells me he may not be the nicest person in the world. (I hope I'm wrong though!)

  9. Oh lordy do I love that quote from You've Got Mail. It speaks to me so clearly at the moment. LOVE it, thanks for sharing.

    I would have to go with Beauty and the Beast as my favorite Disney movie too. I wanted to be Belle when I was younger. Sometimes I still do.

  10. oooh LOVE Beauty & the Beast but Peter Pan holds a special place in my heart for Disney movies.

    I actually have only seen You've Got Mail once and to be honest was not watching it THAT closely. I will have to watch it again!

    I watched No Strings Attached yesterday on the plane and thought it was a really good romantic-comedy! I love Ashton Kutcher :)

  11. I think Beauty & the Beast and the Little Mermaid are a tie on best Disney movies ever!

    I just watched You've Got Mail a few weeks ago -- and forgot how awesome that movie is!!

    We just went to a movie last night, which was the 1st movie I've seen with Ryan since last february (2010) - "Something Borrowed". It was cute...but I have to say I'm kind of getting sick of Romantic Comedies centered around cheating, though....

  12. My mom and I canceled our Netflix because of that same reason. I would like to get it back, but our DVD player recently broke and we haven't bought a new one yet.

    I only like the first few handfuls of buttery popcorn and then it gets too much so I like it nice & salty. I love movie popcorn too much.

  13. I keep seeing all these answers and thinking to myself WHY DIDN'T I WRITE THAT DOWN? I LOVE You've Got Mail!

  14. LOL you sound like Daron with the netflix. I just buy movies, b/c I am so bad to take them back to Red Box I would end up buying it anyways. I love butter popcorn, just like I love the horribly bad for you buttercream(aka lard) icing :)
    When I worked at Hallmark one of the girls I worked with used to tell me I looked like Belle from Beauty and the Beast, I love that movie!!!

  15. You haven't seen a movie in the theater since "The Little Mermaid"!!!???

  16. Oh, oops. I misread that question!

    That was the first movie I saw in theaters I think too!

  17. When I was little I wanted to BE the little mermaid! We both have red hair, we both liked to sing, and she ended up marrying a prince - good deal, right?

  18. I'm with you on the anti-butter on popcorn. It wouldn't be so bad if it was real butter, but that stuff is so fake it kind of sketches me out.

    And I had totally forgotten about Definitely, Maybe. I saw it in the theaters back when it came out, but had totally forgotten about it. I don't remember a whole lot about it, except that it was such a cute movie.
