Monday, August 15, 2011

Not If, But When

Another bonus video for you today.  Mat Kearney's new album came out recently so I of course bought it.  This song is the kind of song that makes you want to clap your hands (especially since there is hand clapping IN the song)!  Do you listen to his music?  He rocks.  I have had a crush on him for quite some time, mostly because of his singing/song-writing abilities.  And he is cute, too!

But Mr. Kearney is off the market, so I will have to set my sights on someone else, I guess! 

Do you know where he met his wife?  Anthropologie, my friends.  He said he was shopping for a gift for his sister.  He locked eyes with this girl, and the rest, as they say, is history. 

What a lucky girl - she probably got a cute purchase, like an apron, AND a husband out of a trip to Anthro.

It just goes to show - you never know where you will meet someone.

I used to talk about this with an aunt and she would tell me that she sometimes fantasized about meeting a man in the grocery store.  She thought maybe one day she'd be reaching for a cantaloup at the same time as some great guy, and the rest, as they say, would be history.

What is the point of this post, you ask?  The point is that life is full of surprises.  I am sure Mrs. Kearney did not think she would meet her husband at Anthropologie, right?  But she did.

And no, there have not been any surprise encounters with the man of my dreams, but I still remain hopeful.  Who knows, he could be in Caribou when I order my coffee or at Lunds where I buy my groceries or he may ride up the 13 floors of my condo building with me one evening.

Maybe he's out there, maybe he isn't.  Lately I've thought it's not a question of if I will meet him, it's a question of when.  Either way, I will keep living life to the fullest... and I will certainly keep shopping at Anthropologie.  ;)

If you are in a relationship, how did you meet your significant other?  If you are single, where would like you like to meet your significant other?  I think it would be cool to meet someone at a bookstore because then there would be a pretty good chance that we'd share a love of books.


  1. Great song! I loved it...I met my husband at work...boring!

  2. I've known Ben since first grade, so it wasn't really a "chance meeting," but when we were in college doing the long-distance thing I'd dream up scenarios of when we saw each other at home again. :)

  3. Cute post! As my mom would say, just gotta keep on keepin on!

  4. As you probably know, Peter and I met through blogging, which I think is a really fun story. :)

  5. Cute story! I met Yep. On Friendster. He messaged me about a Bible study he helped out with. We emailed, called, finally went on a date, and then just kept on dating!

  6. I think about things like this ALL the time. It's a little nuts. Hehe. Sometimes, I think I would like to meet my FH at the gym. I don't know why, but I always imagine chance encounters there. ;)

  7. I met my husband on the 4th of July when I 'crashed' his boat and went out on the lake with him and some friends.

  8. I'm like Becky - I met Eric when I was in 1st grade and he was in 2nd grade. BUT we didn't really become friends until right before we started dating. It all started with sitting together on the bus ride to school :)

    I like this post - you just NEVER know, right!? I have friends who have met their SO in all kinds of different ways: mutual friends, online, at a bar etc. That Anthro story is really cute though, I don't think I know anyone who's had a random encounter like that!

  9. Great song and that is such a cool story! Love it and of course another reason to keep shopping at Anthro!
    Perhaps, your guy will be living at your complex and hanging out by the pool like Chris was for me. Remember, I did not find him to be approachable at all. Funny, how him and I would say hi here and there for a full year before we actually had a conversation.
    He is def out there wondering the same about you:)

  10. I met D right after I'd broken up with someone else. I was at a pub night with some friends from school and he had come along to meet a few new people since he didn't know anyone in Chicago. Three years later the rest is history! I've always thought it would be cool to meet someone in a coffee shop or bookstore. Then I'd know they like my two favorite things!

  11. I love that song and yes, he is super cute! :) I met Rachel at work, sorta boring, but we both hated the job so at least we get to say that something good came out of it! My favorite "how we met" stories though are the ones that are completely unexpected.

  12. Andrew and I met at a party hosted my his co-worker, who was a close girlfriend of mine. It was a fondue party and I walked in with a bad attitude---I was exhausted and didn't want to go. Anyways, I was getting some fruit to dip in fondue and he approached me and commented on the fruit being brown. I explained that it was just oxidizing---the air mixing with the acid in the fruit and it wasn't bad. He replied, "Oh, you're pretty *and* smart...I'm Andrew." We made plans for coffee and a movie the following'll be four years in December :) Our meeting story is why I'm such a proponent of going EVERYWHERE for my single girlfriends---you really never know when it'll happen!

  13. Love that song SO MUCH! And him. And his music. One of my favorites.

    Who would have thought I would have met my future husband at a bonfire after meeting two other times in our life? Up until then though, I was with you on the bookstore/coffee shop situation :)

  14. I actually picked up my wife in a bar. It was a one night stand that's gone horribly, horribly wrong. For a one night stand, that is. They aren't supposed to last 15 years.

  15. I love that song! I met my boyfriend when I first moved to WA for work. I hung out with him and his then girlfriend a lot. Fast forward a few years and they had broken up, she married someone else and had a baby. I started hanging out with him more one on one as friends. Four years later and we have a rock solid relationship and I know he is the one for me! You never do know who it will could already be someone you know!

  16. I love this post!!!

    I always thought I was going to meet my future husband in university, but that clearly didn't happen.

  17. I love Mat Kearney! I didn't know he had a new album out - I'm a little behind.. on everything right now haha. My favorites of his are undeniable and closer to love.. and all I need : )
    I met my bf at college. Junior year I was really unhappy with my group of friends so when housing selection came around, me and my good friend decided to reach out to some somewhat random girls we knew from classes. One of them worked out and they had a group of guy friends that we lived next door with senior year. He was one of them : ) I learned that you should always be proactive if you're unhappy in a situation because great things can come from it!
    If I was single, I think a bookstore would be a great place to meet someone!

  18. OH lisa I hope you find the most perfect guy because you are so wonderful and I know you will! Don't give up hope!

    I met Brian in class in our second year of college. He was so weird back then but slowly grew on me. We were friends for a long time before we dated.

  19. I met my spouse in grad school - which has a lot of advantages - we both love history, books, teaching, and have an understanding of each other's lives and careers in ways someone outside wouldn't. However, finding full-time permanent posts as history professors at the same institution is almost an impossibility.

  20. Oooh, I agree with you on meeting at the bookstore. I truly hope the guy I end up with is a reader and we can share that passion!

  21. We actually met in math class, although combinatorics if we're being more precise!

  22. I met my husband in Mexico...yes in Mexico on spring break. So you can really find your partner anywhere!

  23. Mat Kearney is awesome!!! I've been a fan for years :) I had no clue about how he met his wife, though. Super cute!

    Jas and I were set up by a mutual friend from Germany. Isn't that crazy? He was an exchange studennt when Jason was in high school---but I met him when he was doing graduate work during my undergrad at WVU! The friend (Dan)--came back to visit me 5 years after we had been in college together and while he was in the states, decided to have dinner with some of his former high school friends. Jason was one of them----and their dinner out with the boys lead to talking about me and Jason asking me out.

    I did NOT want to go on the date an even told my bff, E1, that it was ridiculous I had agreed to this. I was certain he was NOT going to be someone I would like.

    Uh--how wrong was I??? :)

    You just never know.......

  24. So true! I met Rick when I was evicted because of my then (illegal alien) cat Stimpy. Rick had just bought a duplex, moved into one side and was renting the other and I went to look at it. I didn't end up there (across the street instead), but we became friends and two and a half years later thought we'd try "more than friends." Sixteen years and one cat later, we're stronger than ever!

  25. Thanks for passing this song along. I like Mat Kearney too. And did you know he's from Eugene, OR?!

    Yes, you never know where you could meet someone. There is an upscale (ish) grocery store in Eugene that gets voted "the best place for singles to meet a significant other" or something to that effect. I went there once as a single girl and was like whoa, outdoorsy, cute guys all around. I do think that people can meet someone anywhere just doing their normal day to day thing. It doesn't have to be some perfect romantic setting.

  26. I met my husband through friends when I was 15 :-)

  27. I met my man at work. We were both taken at the time. It's kind of a funny story of how we got together in the end, but I will have to tell you that one over a glass of wine.

    I think the bookstore would be the perfect place. Although one of my friends just met her boyfriend in the produce aisle!
