Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wine and Love v13

Another week almost come and gone!  Where is the time going?  Feeling like expressing your wines and loves?  Link up over at Nora's blog! 

- No matter what I try, I can not seem to get rid of the eczema on my leg.  It has my dermatologist baffled as it's only on one leg.  I have tried cortizone, gold bond powder, a topical cream from the derm, a oral steroid, jojoba oil, and now I am trying zinc oxide.  Seriously hoping the zinc oxide is the cure!
- Work has been a bit stressy this week.
- I really, really, really dislike vague/cryptic facebook statuses.  Actually, I could write a whole post about my pet peeves with facebook.  I would deactivate my account but it's a good way to see pics for friends' children and stay in touch with aunts/uncles/cousins/etc.

- The couch I have had my eye on for over a month finally was in stock at Ikea!  It was delivered on Tuesday (along with a dining room set) and I actually managed to assemble it almost totally on my own!  That's shocking - assembling is NOT my thing!
- Visitors!!  Yes, that required bolding.  This week I had 2 friends over on Tuesday, my cousin came last night and spent the night, and my aunt & uncle are coming over tomorrow night!  So fun to live in an area that actually attracts visitors.  That was SO not the case in my suburban condo!
- The weather.  Oh my gosh, the weather has seriously been just amazing and perfect lately.  Makes a HUGE difference when the temps are normal and the humidity is contained! 
- I had an amazing weekend at the cabin with my family last weekend!  I slept so well, relaxed a ton, and soaked up the time with family.  It was downright blissful. 
- I am going to the womans finals of the National Gymnastics Competition on Saturday night.  I am such a gymnastics dork so I am super duper excited!  Some of these girls will be on the Olympcis team next year so it will be cool to say I saw them live!!  Eeks! 


  1. I am duly impressed that you werea ble to assemble all that furniture1

  2. Ohh I love Olympic gymnastics, have fun at that!

    I agree with you about vague facebook statuses, I also don't like in blogs and/or twitter when people say things like "A few hard things going on right now" either freaking tell us what it is or don't mention it haha. But I would never cancel facebook, I think it's a really good way to catch up with more distant friends and/or people I used to be friends with and just don't have time to keep up with now etc :) That's not to say I haven't had to block the newsfeed of some select people. I also had to resist posting "this one is for my aunt who always complains about teachers on facebook" before my comment last night about annoying parents haha.

  3. I get irritated with song lyrics as a facebook status - even though I sometimes put them up myself. It's a slippery slope.

    You assembled a couch? That's got some serious badass factor. Well done!

  4. Yay for furniture and gymnastics!

    I know what you mean about Facebook. I have a number of people hidden because their status updates are either boring, offensive, or full of typos.

  5. Seriously - you're a rockstar assembler. And you're going to a gymnastics final?! I'm so jealous! I was a gymnast for five years when I was young and could have kept going but it was at a time in my life where I really would have had to sacrifice having a life for gymnastics and I just didn't want to do that. (Side note: Are you aware of ABC Family's show "Make it or Break it?" On instant netflix...just saying!)

  6. I had a patch of eczema on my leg, too! And it wouldn't budge for months! Doc finally gave me an antifungal and it was gone in a week.

    Katherine's eczema does really well with California Baby Calendula Cream and Ellia C. Natural's shea whip meringue - if you're not sick of trying things :)

    And I, too, could write a whole post about cryptic tweets and statuses. I've also been tempted to write my OWN cryptic tweets/statuses about how much I hate cryptic tweets/statuses.

  7. So jealous you're going to see the gymnastics competition! Have so much fun!

  8. I would love to watch the gymnastics competition with you! I love that sport! Also, I can't wait to see your new furniture in person! Did you put the table together yet? Have a great weekend!

  9. I wonder if there's a correlation between your eczema and work stress? I know when I get stressed, I sometimes get rashes (and one time even got stress hives!)

    Also, I love Ikea!!!

  10. I fail at assembling furniture on a regular basis. Like big time! It's just not my thing. You did so well with it =)

    Did you do gymnastics as a kid? If so, that's a fact I didn't know about you!

    And facebook. I have to say that I've been off it almost a year and I don't miss it. I do sometimes wish I could see more photos of friends babies and etc. but at the same time for some reason Facebook makes me angry. I figure that's not good so I'm still not back on there. Maybe someday... but vague statuses and etc.? So annoying. I know just what you mean.

  11. In EXACTLY one week I will be your visitor. EEEI!

    Ya I hear you on Facebook, it can annoy me sometimes, but I don't see myself ever deactivating my account because it's a good way to stay in touch with people. I got almost all the addresses I needed for wedding invites/save the dates by messaging people on Facebook. Lol

    Personally I love to use the little "HIDE" feature for people whose statuses annoy me over and over again ;)

  12. I'm so jealous that you have visitors coming! We were planning on coming over Labor Day to MN but it looks like that's been scraped in favor of another, different trip in October. But I'll definitely make it out sometime... I really want to meet you!

  13. The weather has been incredible!!

    Excited for tomorrow night!!!!!

  14. That is so much fun that you are having all of these visitors :)

    My wine for today is that I am back at work. Boo!

  15. Yay!! You'll get to see DSM's Shawn Johnson! I hear she's not the sweetest girl in the world but she's good at gymnastics!
    I'm with you on Facebook. It. drives. me. crazy. I honestly try to stay away from it and much prefer the straightforwardness of Twitter.

  16. Oooh, I love all of your loves this week!
    Couch-yay! pictures?
    Weather-couldn't agree more, it is perfect :)
    Gymanstics-have fun, Im jealous!!

  17. Oh my goodness, a gymnastics final? That sounds like SO much fun. I am a gymnast geek, too. :)

    I'm still very impressed you assembled a couch all by yourself. I'm not sure I would have even attempted it. ;)

  18. A few weeks ago my mom called me in tears to come to her house to put together some IKEA furniture she'd bought. She'd apparently spent 12 hours working on it and was beyond frustrated. That stuff is bizarre.

    And, for the eczema...this may sound bizarre but have you tried Crisco? It really, really helps my kiddos. Lol

  19. I would love to hear you rant about Facebook haha

    And that's soo cool about the gymnastics! I love watching gymnastics, I always wish I could be them.

  20. oooh the gymnastics thing sounds awesome! my 8 year old self is very jealous! and wooohoo for assembling. you are braver than me.

  21. I think you SHOULD write the Facebook post, I bet everyone would have something to empathize about! My personal worst is the real-life drama that invades it...ugh. No one wants to read about your boyfriend's ex's brazenness.

  22. I dislike facebook statuses that get too personal. Or repetitive. I think you know who I'm directing this towards. So annoying...

    Anyways -- I SO impressed you assembled that couch! And it is AWESOME! Can't wait to see you amazing place. You are one lucky lady!

    That is unreal about the eczema!! I can't believe tehy haven't found something that works yet :( That's horrible! :(

    I'm envious that you get to go to the gymnastics competition! How fun!

  23. Lisa, has your doctor ever prescribed you Aveeno? it's oatmeal based, and helps Dave when his skin is not too bad (otherwise it's steroid-city and us getting annoyed at people who tell him some ramdom soap will help).

    There is a whole range - different weights and textures of cream, oil, bodywash. We were really dubious about it doing anything(for the steroidy reason above), but it did help.

  24. I can't wait to see your FB peeves post.... I need examples of these vague status updates.

    I am proud of you for putting together your furniture. I bet you are happy to have your house put together. Especially since you have so many guests!

    Ah the weather is making me happy too! Right now its 1:30 pm and its just barely over 80. YAY. YAY. YAY.

    My parents went and saw the International Weight Lifting Champs -- I think they go to the Olympics too. They had a blast. I bet you will too! Enjoy!

  25. You are a master assembler. I love the couch! Are you loving your dining room table as well? It was delivered super quickly, eh?

    Watching the National Championship on Tv basically makes me want to watch make it or break it again on netflix.

  26. Your urban condo sounds grand! Pictures? And how's the shopping?

    I was reading though one of my old journals (looking for something) and saw a reference to "Laduree", a French boutique in Manhattan that apparently makes super incredible macaroons - just in case you have a yen for 'em. It's at 864 Madison Ave.
    And in the meantime, ya gotta go to its website (in France, I think.) check it out - what a delightful web site!

  27. I would say your good far outweighs your bad -- and believe me, those FB statuses and other related FB ills can be pretty annoying!

  28. Sorry that you are having trouble getting rid of the eczema. I know that Derma E makes a product that is a good price (I think about 10-12 dollars) that is supposed to be really good for eczema. They sell it in the pharmacy section of Walmart.

    I am loving the hot summer weather and am dreading the cold that is to come.
