Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Greetings and happy Tuesday, everyone.  This is an especially happy week for me as I have some exciting news to share!

I BECAME AN AUNT AGAIN YESTERDAY!   I am proud to introduce Anna Grace!

I just LOVE her name!  She was born yesterday morning, weighed 7 lbs, 3 oz, and is 20" long.  I see lots of her older brother Kolin in her!

So the boy streak has been broken.  I, of course, would have been happy regardless of the sex - bottomline, healthy babies are a blessing!  That said, it's exciting to have a girl!  As a pink lover I am excited to finally be able to shop in the girl section of stores.  I can buy her books like Madeline and Fancy Nancy.  There will be tea parties and visits to the American Girl store in our future, I'm sure.

Being an aunt is a very special role, and I just feel so incredibly blessed to have 5 nephews and a niece - all of which are healthy, beautiful kids that hold such a special place in my heart.

I will get to meet Anna at the end of October when I go to the Chicago area for her baptism!  I absolutely can't wait to hold her in my arms.  For now, I will have to admire photos from afar.

Do you have any nieces or nephews?  Do they live close to you?  I have 2 nephews in the Twin Cities, 2 that live close to my parents, and now 2 in the Chicago area! 


  1. Congratulations! She really is precious! Feel free to keep sending me pictures as you get them! :)

    As you know I have a niece in Ohio and I wish I could see her more, but Skype/g-chat, and pictures go a long way!

    Hooray for pink!

  2. Aww she is SO cute :) I love the name Anna Grace too! I hope she's not a tom boy haha because that girl is going to have a lot of pink!

    I probably will not be an aunt until after I am a mom sadly, my brother and sister are a lot younger than me and Eric's younger brothers are also no where near having kids. I'm sad about this because being an aunt sounds more fun to me than being a mom haha. Luckily I think my friends will start having babies anytime now, so I can be a pseudo aunt!

  3. Yay congratulations! She's beautiful!

  4. Little girls are the best, by far. I'm biased because I have two of them. Congrats, she's a cutie!

  5. So excited for you! Having a niece is a truly wonderful thing! Congratulations!!!

  6. She's so adorable. And like I said on twitter, I love her name. I bet you can't wait until October when you can hold her and love her up!

  7. She's SOOOO cute! I'm so excited you have a little niece to spoil now too! She's going to be a little firecracker growing up with all those boys :-)

    We (it's been so hard for me to adapt to calling them MY nieces and nephews as I've been SO used to calling them Eric's N & N all these years...) have three nieces and one nephew. They are so cute and loved and it's definitely fun to spoil them...and then give them back to their parents after 2-3 hours :D Hehe

  8. I almost couldn't believe it when Chad called and said,"It's a girl, Mom"! I adore all my grandson, but it's fun to have a mix of pink & blue! So excited to meet her on Saturday!

  9. So exciting, Lisa! That little girl is going to be SOOOOO spoiled by your entire family!

    I have two nieces and two nephews. My nieces live about a mile away and my nephews live in a Chicago suburb. We see a lot of my nieces and not so much of the nephews. Gavin was the "tie breaker" ... boys 3, girls 2. =)

  10. She's a doll and I just know she's going to get spoiled like she should! :) I think having a niece would be so detrimental to my wallet, ha.

    I have a nephew who will be 3 this month. He lives close so I get to see him about once a week or so. It's nice having him so close and he LOVES coming over to our house so much that they can't tell him in advance if he's coming to visit, or else he'll badger them about when he's going, hehe. I love it. :)

  11. Congratulations! You are so lucky to have so many nephews and niece! I cannot wait to be an aunt someday - but I have a feeling that my sister and I will probably have kids around the same time. :)

    Love the name! That is beautiful!

  12. Congratulations! Little girls are so much fun :)

    I have a niece that I don't see that often because we live three hours apart. We do facetime with her and her parents though :)

  13. She is adorable, friend. I agree with Becky, feel free to keep sending pictures my way! You are such an amazing aunt. Your nephews and now your niece are incredibly luck to have you.

    Hooray for American Girl books and dolls. Those were some of my favorite books as a kid.

  14. She's beautiful! Congrats! I'm sure you're the best aunt ever!

  15. Congrats! She is beautiful!

    You are lucky that they are all fairly close to you!

    I don't have any nieces or nephews by blood, but I have my best friend's babies (honorary Auntie here) -- they are all in CA. My cousins are having babies -- does that count? They are in Seattle, WA, Newport, RI and Tampa, FL. So I don't get to see them as often as I would like! ANY of them!

    I loved Madeline! Also, I bought my little niece a tiny girly swimsuit for her 1st birthday! So fun!

  16. She is so gorgeous and I just LOVE her name.

    I have bonus nieces who are in 5th grade, 8th grade and 22 years old, so that's kind of fun! I love hanging out with the 5th and 8th grader because they love to try new things, read different books and (as terrible as this sounds) are old enough to take care of themselves!

    Happy being an Aunt again!!!!

  17. She is adorable! (As a historian, I strongly believe boys should be able to wear pink if they want to. Those colors didn't take on their gender connotations until the 20th century.)

    I have a niece in Toronto and a niece or nephew on the way in San Antonio.

  18. Congratulations! She is simply beautiful! And a wonderful name as well!

  19. yay for anna! seriously, until i heard the name isla 2/3 years ago anna elizabeth was so my girls name.. ;) and it is still in the running if we ahve a number 2 girl. ;) i have 1 nephew on my husband's side who i sadly do not know much about.

  20. Holy moly, you've had so many new nieces/nephews in your family lately it seems. But that's fun. Only one of my high school friends is having babies yet and the others are several years from ready I think so I'll just have to wait. But seeing babies (and talking about babies) gives me baby fever.

  21. Oh my, but she is cute and perfect!


    I have a nephew, a not biological but in every other way niece, and a Godson (Who lives TOO FAR AWAY).

  22. Oh my, but she is cute and perfect!


    I have a nephew, a not biological but in every other way niece, and a Godson (Who lives TOO FAR AWAY).

  23. Congrats on your new niece! She's so cute! But with so many older boy cousins (and I'm guessing brothers?) I can only imagine what family gatherings will be like for her when she's older. I think there definitely needs to be some more girls in the family to make life easier for her!

  24. Congratulations to you and your family!!!! What a perfect little face she has :-) I love the name Anna. Very pretty indeed.

    I have one nephew who is 4. He is my world, and he lives about 6 minutes away.
