Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Off to the Wild West

Greetings and Happy Tuesday!  This week I have my very first solo client meeting business trip.  I went to Des Moines with my boss in May and to Charlotte for an office visit 10 days ago, but on this trip, I will do client meetings on my own with a sales rep...  I am excited and nervous at the same time as I will be the 'expert' that the sales rep brings along to the meeting.  Gulp.

I flew into Austin last night.  I have 3 client meetings today and a conference this evening.  Then I fly to Dallas Wednesday morning, do another meeting there, and then fly home on Thursday morning.  It's going to be a whirlwind trip, and I imagine I am going to be super duper tired when I return on Thursday, but I know this is a big step in my career.  My boss has traveled a ton this year and I need to be able to take some of those trips off his hands, so this is an important first step.

Wish me luck!  I won't have much internet access (besides my phone) nor much downtime as my schedule will be similar to my Charlotte trip (minus the pay-for-it-in-the-morning-pineapple-potion), so the lights will be off on this space the rest of this week, and I won't have time to comment/read blogs. 

Wish me luck!  Hopefully I return next week and am able to say that the client meetings all went really well...   Have a great week everyone!


  1. I hope you are feeling better because flying with a cold is no fun :) I know the whole trip is going to go great! Good luck!

  2. Safe travels! I hope the meetings go well! I'm sure you will be great.

  3. Whew! I'm tired just reading all of that. Good luck. I have no doubt you'll do amazing.

  4. Good luck, Lisa!! I know you'll do amazing. :) I can't believe how much you're traveling with your job lately -- that's great though! Hope you can get good nights of sleep between these crazy days!

  5. I know you will do great!! You are so passionate and knowledgeable about your job - I'm sure you're going to do amazingly solo! When I'm alone on business I think I actually do better because I'm not worried about bosses watching me and I'm more confident.
    I really hope you're feeling better - maybe the Texas heat will zap whatever is brewing! Fingers crossed!

  6. Rather exciting, Lisa! I know you will do well but will keep you in my thoughts & prayers!

  7. I know you're going to do just great! Thinking about you lots this week!

  8. Good luck! You are going to do fine! And to celebrate, I will take you out for a nice Pineapple drink.

  9. Have a great trip & successful meetings!

  10. Good luck! Something tells me you're going to do amazing!

  11. I know you're rocking those meetings. Way to go, jet setter! Get some rest so you're ready for our epic adventure in a week! Can't wait to see you!!! Okay, I may be going overboard with the exclamation points. Clearly, I need to go to bed.

  12. Good luck! you'll ace them, for you are a Lisa! x

  13. I hope you have an awesome time in my hometown and get to do at least one fun thing. Good luck!!

  14. Good luck, Im sure you will do awesome!! Try to enjoy the trip at least a little bit!

  15. Have a glorious and successful time! I have confidence in you and can't wait to hear how it goes!
