Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wine and Love v16

 - I'm sort of running myself into the ground, once again, with the over-scheduling.  I really need to work on this. I know this is the phase of my life when I should take advantage of the freedoms of being single and childless, but I have been taking that to the extreme as once again I had maybe 3 free nights this month.  My goal is to have one night to myself each week in October.
- People in airports.  I wish there was a special line for frequent travelers.  I have no patience for people who don't know the drill.  How do you live in the US and not know about removing your shoes...  or the liquids-in-a-quart-sized-bag rule.  Seriously.  These are not new rules.  It's been this way for YEARS.
- Work stuff.  I won't go into it as you never know who is reading this, but this has not been my favorite week at work.  I am actually looking forward to my business trip next week (even though I am super nervous about the client visits I will be doing) as I will be on the road for those 4 days and sort of disconnected from what is happening back at the office.  I kind of need that right now. 

- The cooler temps we have had lately.  I think this weather is downright glorious.  Especially for running!  And it's chili/soup/stew season.  Mmm.
- I love that traveling to Charlotte has reinforced my love of Minneapolis. I mean, it's clear that I love my city, but traveling to another city makes me appreciate Minneapolis even more.  If I ever had to move, I would miss the lakes, rivers, and running/walking paths.  I feel very lucky to live in such a beautiful area.
- I have another fun weekend ahead of me!  Kyria is flying in for the weekend.  I can't wait to show her around.  It's "Oktoberfest" at the Farmer's Market, so we'll check that out, bum around my neighborhood, and then meet up with Raquelita to run a 10 mile race on Sunday!
- My nook.  I finally got around to figuring out how to download books from the library.  I have always loved my nook, but I especially love it now that I am traveling so much!!

Your turn - what's your wine/love of the week?


  1. Wine: Tripping over the dog and falling down the stairs and ending up with a bruised butt to go with the bruised hip and thigh I got at the chiropractor
    -Way too much going on with job stuff this week and really for the next few weeks....

    Love: Graston Technique - event though it bruised me it has relieved a lot of the pain and tightness I've been having in my hip.

    I can't wait to meet you Sunday!

  2. I hear you on the overscheduling - I'm guilty of it to more than I'd care to admit. I think the one night a week to yourself is a great plan for October!

    Wine: My knee. PT has been helping SO much and my pain level has been way better but yesterday sucked. I went to PT in the evening and the guy told me b/c of the pressure already in my knee it's going to swell when there's a big change in weather (like lately as we've been having rain/humid/rain/cool). Awesome.

    Love: Love letters. The site is really growing which makes me thrilled, but I wrote a post today about my heart swelling and it's so true!!

  3. I need to figure out how to download books from the library too! I tried once and it didn't work and I have no idea what I did wrong. Then I just sort of gave up.
    This week I have done a little better with the overscheduling. I think I pushed myself too hard last week. Although, I just can't say no to the agency. I want to work with the clients, even though I hardly make any money at all.

  4. I'm so jealous of your cooler weather. It's supposed to get back up to 99 again this weekend and it makes me want to cry.

    I need to figure out if I can download books from my library to my kobo... thanks for reminding me! :)

  5. Fall weather is my absolute favorite for running! I always feel so much more energetic in the cool, crisp air. Also, I know how you feel about the airport stuff. Seriously, how do people NOT know that you can't take any liquids over 3 ounces with you? It was ALL OVER the news! Everyone bitched about it when it first came out, um, YEARS ago. I get angry about that kind of thing too. Have these people been living in caves?!

  6. I need a reminder - where are you traveling next week? It's hard to keep up with you!
    Weather is beautiful today - but is warming up for the weekend - hurray! I have so much outside work to do before winter settles in so I'm rather pleased it is going to warm up - not too much though! I'm not ready for winter!

  7. Love: I stayed up last night and read an entire book (memoir) cover to cover. I am paying for it now but it was so lovely to feel connected to a real person via a book!

    Wine: It's really dreary here today which is making me not want to work and instead curl up with a blanket.

  8. I'm so burned out on this one project at work it's not funny. Seriously. over it.

    I'm loving some freedom. Got the kids to go to grandma's for the weekend! 4 nights of solid sleep and not having to scream "get back in bed!". Ah, it's glorious.

  9. I would probably be one of the people you hate in airports. I would have no idea what I was doing. ;) But I do agree there should be a separate line for the people who DO know what they are doing.

    Wine: Family drama. Never fun.

    Love: Going to bed at a decent hour. It does wonders for my energy. Imagine that!

  10. Fall makes the best running weather! Oktoberfest is starting here in the DC area too - I swear it goes for like 3 weeks. Any excuse to drink, right? :)

  11. The comment about people and's like people who forget how to merge into fast flowing traffic by going super duper slow. So annoying!

    Loves: under three weeks until our trip! That it's going to be 20C for my race on the weekend!

    Whines: that it's not Friday yet, haha

  12. OK, so you know me well enough to know my level of smarts. And yet, I'll admit, if I were to try to carry on my luggage, I'd probably be "that" person. I don't travel by plane all that often anymore and when I do, I just check bags to lessen the hassle of packing. That said, I agree that it would be nice to be able to separate business/frequent travelers from those going on vacation/families. I'm sort of fearing the security line next month when we travel with Gavin for the first time.

  13. All I have to say about "those people" in the airport is %^$&#(#!! Have you seen Up In The Air? He gives a breakdown of who you should and should not get behind. Hilarious and SO TRUE! (hint: get behind the Chinese guy)

    I downloaded three books from the library and then....didn't have time to read them.

    Can't wait to see you!

  14. Hehehe I love how you threw in the "how do you live in the US" part since I did NOT know that when I came to see you :) It's only because we don't do it in Canada though (or it's not required). I've got the liquids thing down to a science!!

    Oh I bet Oktoberfest at the Farmers Market would be so fun and cool. I'm going to do some googling and see if there's a farmers market we can browse Saturday morning in Victoria since you all know my obsession with them ;)

  15. Last time I flew, I had this man behind me asking me all these questions about what he was allowed to take as carry-on because he saw the sign explaining it all. I tried to be helpful, but I was mostly feeling annoyed and wanted to suggest he ask an airport employee!

    Wine: I seem to be getting a cold even though I swear, I just had one!

    Love: Being close to my family again!

  16. You do live in an incredibly beautiful area. I hope that you can take some time for yourself soon. You are going to rock your meeting next week.

    Good luck at your race and Oktoberfest at the farmers market, be still my heart. I am missing the big October Fest here at home this year and I'm a bit bummed about that. Have so much fun.

  17. Oh my gosh, Lisa! You NEED some down time to yourself. And work stress sucks. Hope you have a great weekend!

    I've been wanting a kindle/nook but then I also really enjoy reading a book. But man, the ereaders are so handy to travel with!

  18. I am currently reading my first library book on my Kindle!!! I am so happy that is finally possible. I have had Nook envy because Paul has been checking out library books since he started using his Nook. It's hard to beat an ereader while traveling.

  19. They supposedly have lines for frequent travelers! I've only seen them once (I think LAX) but they actually do exist They labeled 3 lines as expert, intermediate, and familes or small children. I haven't seen them most places, but I'm really hoping they take off and put them more places.

  20. I am a little late on this love and wine, but I will agree with you that I am running myself into the ground. My love is that I am really enjoying the X Factor. I love Simon :-)
