Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 6

Today I am thankful that I have found a challenging, rewarding career that I can honestly say I love - and that I have an AMAZING boss.

I never really thought I would find a career I truly loved.  My 20s were all about figuring out what I was good at and what I enjoyed.  In the beginning stages of my career, I thought I would be "successful" and "happy" when I was managing people.  Then I took a management job in 2005 and HATED it.  And truth be told, I wasn't very good at it.  I learned that I did not have to manage people to be successful.

Then in 2006 I had an opportunity to work in corporate finance.  I loved my finance classes in college so thought I would love this career path.  I tried and tried to fall in love with this field, but I was a square peg in a round hole.  I went into corporate finance because it was safer than the investment side of finance.  I gave a try for 4+ years, and changed companies at one point, thinking that would make all the difference.  It didn't.  I learned corporate finance was not for me.

In the spring of 2010, I went back to the drawing board.  I returned to my current employer, accepting a job I knew was not a long-term solution, but gave me time to regain some confidence while trying to sort through all I had learned in the past 7 years of working.

Luckily, in January of this year, it all came together.  I had contacted my current boss in the fall to set up time to discuss careers in the bond market industry.  He has worked in this industry for nearly 20 years and  knows me well as we got to know each other when I worked in corporate finance.  He happened to have a position that was opening and I landed the job!

I was really scared when I started my new position.  But there was no reason to be afraid because the job has been a perfect fit.  It incorporates all of my skills and abilities and I work in an industry that I am passionate about.  I never thought I'd find a job that allowed me to use my analytical skills, talk to customers, and write.  But this job does.

On top of that, I have an amazing boss.  He treats me like a partner and refers to me as his partner, instead of his employee.  He challenges me and gives me projects with no constraints, which allows me to figure it out on my own.  And when I was out sick earlier this month, he missed me so much that when I came back, he brought me a pumpkin spice latte - 2 days in a row!  He respects me, encourages me, and also provides critical feedback (which can be tough to listen to, but important for career development).

I am very lucky to be where I am today.  For much of my 20s, I felt so lost and unsure of what direction I should take.  I felt like my jobs were all so random and unrelated - I mean, what do mortgage underwriting and corporate finance have in common?  But during my first month in my job, my boss said he thinks I am going to look back on my past positions and see that all along, they were building to this position and make total sense.  And strangely enough, they do.

I am really excited to see where my career will go.  I've started traveling and doing client visits and tomorrow, I will deliver my first presentation on investment strategy to a room of 60+ people.  *GULP*  I am very nervous, but also excited.  I know I need to dive in and start somewhere!  Here's hoping I come across as a passionate, knowledgeable, and polished presenter!


  1. I'm sure your presentation will go well. It's awesome that you found a career (and boss) that you love. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up!

  2. You will do great on your presentation tomorrow! I feel very lucky to have a job that I love, as well. There is a lot of uncertainty, but I am hopeful that I will be able to continue in my career track.

  3. That is really cool! I love finding a place where you just kind of "fit in". I kind of force myself to fit in whereever I am, but as long as the people I'm working for and with seem to like me it's ok.

  4. I'm so glad you found a job that's a good fit! My 20's have also been about taking random jobs and doing things that were not always a good fit--sometimes my fault, sometimes the employer's fault. It's hard to figure it all out, especially when you're also learning to be an adult at the same time. As far as the presentation goes, I'm sure you're going to ROCK it!

  5. Good luck on your presentation! You are going to rock it. Just like most things, the worst part is the anticipation, but I know that you are going to do well. You know what you are talking about and you are GREAT with people! Just think of everyone you are presenting to as all of us bloggers! OR if that doesn't work, I hear that it's good to picture everyone naked?

    I am glad you have (finally) found a job you love. I think that the Boss part is a huge contributor. I have had jobs I love with bosses I hate...and have stayed at jobs I hated because of bosses I loved. got WIN-WIN!

  6. You are going to do GREAT! You have such a level head, you're so realistic and your motivation for your job literally shines off of you when you talk about it! I know that your presentation is going to go amazing and you are going to KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF!

    I'm so glad you are in a career you love. I hate that it dictates so much of our happiness, but really, how can something that we spend 40+ hours a week doing, not dictate it?! Being happy your in career is something I feel is a non-negotiable and completely necessary. I'm so glad we're both there! :)

  7. Good luck!! That's awesome that you feel like you've found your place. I hope to get there someday : )

  8. I think it's amazing that you have a job and a boss that you love! So many people are so unhappy in their jobs, but will never take the steps to change. Good luck on your presentation! :)

  9. I absolutely loved reading this post. Your passion and gusto for your job really came through in your writing! So proud of you! I just know you will rock that presentation!!!

    I agree with Kyria's comment, I think a boss/coworkers can make a BIG difference. My job is kind of 'meh'. Some days I do things I really enjoy but I don't ever feel really passionate about what I'm doing. However, I have an AMAZING boss who I love and work with great co-workers. Makes a HUGE difference!

  10. *THIS* is exactly why our 30s are so much better than our 20s. Most of us have figured out what we're supposed to be doing with our lives. We're comfortable in our strengths and have accepted our weaknesses. And it's just so awesome when it all falls into place. Hope you're rocking out the presentation - you're such a star!

  11. Reading this post gives me a lot of hope. I like my current job and it's a good one to gain the experience I need, but it's not something I'm passionate about. But I think we need jobs like that to figure out where we want out career to go. For me, this job is just a stepping stone for bigger things.

    I'm so glad you've found a place that fits your skill set and passions. And having a great boss/coworkers make SUCH a difference. I really love the woman I work for, she's patient and very easy to work with.

    You are going to rock your presentation tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you!

  12. To have a career you love and a supportive boss is a rare thing. We are of the chosen few it seems!

    Your presentation will be ACE, because you are you!

  13. You are my hero. Do you want to be my job searching mentor? Haha. You will rock your presentation tomorrow, no doubt. :)

  14. Loving your job is so important, it is unfortunate that it is not that way for most people. I am completely with you on this one, I am so very thankful that I get to do something that I not only love, but that I know I will learn from and be challenged by for the rest of my career. Im very happy for you that you have found that as well!!

  15. I can't say I love my job, but I have an awesome "boss"! My first passion was nursing and I truly miss it but doing what I'm doing feels right! I'm so happy that you're happy, my dear daughter!

  16. I am so proud of you, Lisa! I knew you'd be successful when you started this career, but you can never tell if it's going to be the right "fit" (meaning something you look forward to getting up in the morning for).

    That is such a gift to have that. We spend so much time of our lives at work, it's a shame that so many of us experience utter misery during their hours at work!

    You rock!

  17. I'm so happy to read this -- by now you presentation is over and I suspect you knocked it out of the park!

    This post tells me more about you, your background. Having a good boss is so important -- it can make your job a fabulous experience or a living hell. Right now I have the best ever, so I know what you mean. That said, I just got a new one -- we'll see. Film at 11!

  18. Okay I'm late to this post so I know your presentation went well (so proud of you!), and I love all the different sides of you in this post! I would have never guessed someone with such good analytical/math/excel skills would love to read and write as much as you do - I love that you're an out of the box thinker like that!

    And wahoo for a boss who brings you pumpkin spice lattes!

  19. This is something I REALLY want. I want to have an amazing mentor and someone who challenges me and pushes me to grow in my career. However, I need to find what that thing is first. So glad you are satisfied with your job and boss.

  20. That is so wonderful that you have a job you truly love and an awesome boss that treats you so well. That makes life a whole lot happier :-)
