Monday, December 19, 2011

Advent Week 4: Peace

And just like that, it's the last week of Advent!  The theme of the final week of advent is peace.  I think peace is something that we all strive for.  We want to live in a peaceful world, we seek peace in our relationships, and we want to be at peace with the decision we make in life.

I think about this week in comparison to last year, and am sort of blown away by how much more peaceful my life is.  A year ago today, I ended my relationship with the Barrister (my nickname for my last boyfriend for those of you who weren't reading along last year).  There is no great time to end a relationship, but the week of Christmas is especially bad.  Presents for him and his family were under my tree.  I had made plans to join his family on Christmas Day.  But there was such a lack of peace in that relationship, I could not stay in the relationship just because it was Christmas week.  Instead of peace, there was a horrible feeling of panic and anxiety when I thought about our future together as we had some major differences that I knew we'd never work through, regardless of how much we tried to talk through those differences.  It was difficult to end the relationship as I did really care for him, but I felt at peace with my decision.

Flash forward a year, and there is much more of a sense of peace.  This year, though, I have figured out that peace is a choice.  If something is coming between you and a sense of peace, then you make changes - whether it's ending a relationship, changing professions, or whatever other change is necessary to feel at peace with your life.
"Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away." ~ Robert Fulghum

In closing, I'd like to thank you all for all the thought, interesting comments you've left on my advent series posts.  I have enjoyed reflecting on the season and advent and appreciate all the positive feedback I've received!

I'll close with my favorite scripture passage about peace:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phillipians 4:6-7)


  1. You always pick the best verses to post!
    Finding peach this year was definitely in changing professions for me. I've never understood why people complain so much about something they have control over changing. It may not seem like you can control your employment situation, but you can!
    Lately though, I think I have turned into one of those complainers, although I am complaining about more personal things and I think I need to let go of those anxieties and worries.

  2. I'm so glad to see how much peace you have made for yourself this year. I agree that peace is a choice and I think you took the first step towards that peace (or one of those steps) a year ago this week.

    Now if only I can find peace in work this week... haha, just kidding. Great post!

  3. Peace is a wonderful thing when you make it, no doubt. that is very well put.

  4. Again, beautiful post! I must make time this week to sit and reflect on the blessings I have received and let the peace of God flow through my veins!

  5. I'm so glad this year is better than last. You deserve it!

  6. Thank you for the advent series, it was wonderful. I love the last verse you put - but I like a lot of verses in Phill. so no surprise there!
    Have a wonderful Christmas if I don't see you and a fantastic new year! :)

  7. Beautiful post, Lisa! Peace is such an incredible place to be. I still work at reaching that *place*.

    It's been enlightening to read these advent reflections.

    Where did advent go, by the way? It flew!!

  8. Lovely post my friend, as always!

    I agree that we need to be at peace with our lives and our decisions. I have felt so incredibly content with life this past year and I think that could also be considered "at peace" I've just never thought about it that way :)

    I'm so happy we are both at peaceful places in our lives and so thankful for our friendship! XO

  9. Love this post! I love how you have gone after what you need to achieve peace in your life this year. I think it's so true that we make the decision for peace.

    I'm not sure if I'm totally at peace with everything in my life, or all the decisions I have made, but I'm getting there!

  10. Can I hear a secular AMEN? Spot on with this one, Lisa, spot on!

  11. I love that you are at peace with yourself now more than ever. I still struggle to find peace sometimes. It is hard to know when to pull the plug on something, be it a job or a relationship or whatnot, and when to just ride it out and wait for it to get better. Or when to work for change and make it better!

  12. I never realized last year, how close it was to Christmas that you and the Barrister broke up. That just solidifies for me what a strong person you are, Lisa!

    Thanks for these Advents posts. They were really wonderful.

  13. agreed, sometimes the things you have to do to find peace are hard, but so worth it.

  14. I've loved this Advent series and this is one of my favorite versus. Perfect way to wrap up the series!

  15. I can actually really relate to this post. Last year at this time I had so much anxiety and uneasiness in my life regarding relationships, my career and the future. Now, I sort of feel like everything has falling into place - at least how they are supposed to for now.
    I definitely believe peace is something that I chose to find this past year as well.

  16. Isn't it crazy to look back at a year ago?! Im so happy that you have more peace now, I can sense it even through blog land.

  17. Great post!
    In church on Sat Ft. Thomas spoke about finding happiness and peace within oneself and that it needs to start with an individual that is open to God's love.

  18. Peace is a wonderful word. I'm glad you have found it in 2011. You've had lots of wonderful things come your way this year -- well deserved. May 2012 be wonderful for you, too!

  19. How was that an entire year ago? Cause I remember it and it sure doesnt seem that long. Weird.

    And peace. So glad for you. Peace is an amazing thing.

  20. What a great series of posts :-)

    I have definitely found peace, and it is wonderful. I am at peace with everything in my life.

    The week of advent already! Where does the time go!?

  21. Just the word Peace brings a smile to my face and a comfort and calmness to my self. It is SUCH an important aspect to a happy life and yet I think so many of us get carried away with everything that pulls us in exactly the opposite direction of peace. Anywho, thanks for doing this advent series. Great way to force some additional happy thoughts into the christmas season and appreciating this life today. :)

  22. It is absolutely crazy to think that's where you were a year ago! I'm so glad you're much more peaceful this year, and I'm still really proud of you for ending that relationship.

    Love that quote - hope you do this series again next year!
