Thursday, December 1, 2011

Music, Books, Miles, and Looks of November

And just like that, it's December. Whoa.


Ghost by Ingrid Michaelson - Be still my heart, Ingrid Michaelson has a new album coming out!  This is the first single that has been released off that album, which will be released on January 24, 2012.  You can bet your bottom dollar I will be buying that album.  I have GOT to see her when she goes on tour next year.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  Now if only Becky lived close as I KNOW she would go with me.

Learning to Love Again by Mat Kearney - Be still my heart, take 2.  I love Mat Kearney. This is one of my favorite songs off his most recent CD.  Mat Kearney was here in November, I wanted to see him and tried to get tickets for a friend and I, but it was sold out.  Then I found a single ticket for sale on Craigslist and decided to go.  Yes, it is unconventional to go to a concert alone, but I figured if I could go to Paris alone, I could go to a concert alone.  It was AH-mazing.  He is so talented.  It was the last show of his tour, so I think they were especially good.  At one point, Mat jumped down into the crowd and walked around, going all the way to the back (it was a standing venue).  It was the coolest thing I have ever seen happen at a concert.  He's even more swoon-worthy in person. 


The Postmistress by Sarah Blake - I really, really liked this book, which was the November selection for the blogger book club.  It started slow but it was worth sticking with.  It is set during WWII and the story unfolds through the eyes of 3 different female characters.  My favorite narrator was Frankie, a female radio newscaster in London.

I'll Never be French by Mark Greenside - This book was recommended to me by Nora's mom.  She's well aware of my obsession for all things French, so she recommended this light read.  It's about a man who buys a cottage in Brittany.  It's a light, fun read!

By the Time You Read This by Lola Jaye - This was a light, mindless read.  I am not sure how I stumbled upon it.  It somehow ended up on my library book request list (but I totally do not remember requesting it... a sure sign I request a lot of books!).  It wasn't a bad book, it just wasn't amazing.  It's about a young girl whose father passes away when she is a child.  He leaves a journal for her with advice for how to live her life from her teens until age 30.

Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani - I technically did not read this, I listened to it when I spent 18 hours driving across the states of Iowa, Minnesota, and North Dakota earlier this month.  I really, really enjoyed it and it made the drive go as fast as 18 hours in a car alone can go.  I have read another book by this author and I really enjoy her books.  They feature strong female characters.  And they make me want to be Italian.

The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton - My sister-in-law recommended this author to me and I finally got around to reading one of her books.  It tells the story of Nell, a child who traveled from England to Australia on a boat in the early 1900s - alone.  A dock worker takes her home and him and his wife raise her as their own.  On her 21st birthday, Nell's father tells her that she was not actually their child.  The book uncovers the mystery of her past. 


Another low mileage month for me.  I am still fighting the sinus infection I've had since mid-September.  I went on a new med this month which has a side effect of tendinitis or a ruptured tendon.  The doctor told me it's more prevalent with runners/athletes so he said to take it easy this month.  So I did.  I did run a strong 10k race on Thanksgiving, but that was the only noteworthy run.  The rest of my runs were short 3 milers.  I hope to increase my mileage in December, but I will have to see how the month goes as I am on yet another medication, as the other one I tried this month didn't work...  Fingers crossed in hopes that this 5th medication does the trick.  The next step is sinus surgery.  If that's what it takes, then so be it.  I just want to be well again. 


 This is a tiny, iPhone photo of me, but it's the best I can do.  I got this dress at Banana Republic for 1/2 off and wore it to a friend's wedding.  It was nice to wear something besides black for a change!

The lighting in this photo is horrible, but here is another favorite outfit from the month of November.  Of course, it involves stripes.  I also got this top & corduroy skirt half-priced at Banana.  I paired it with brown tights and brown boots. 


  1. Love the outfits- especially the dress! Too cute!! I'm going on a cruise in a couple weeks, so I'm looking for cute outfits to wear-- urgh, I hate shopping!

  2. I love those outfits too. Man I think I read only 1 or 2 books in November, crazy month. This month I'm going to havee to do a little better because I accidentally took out 2 books from the library on my Kindle so I'll only have 2 weeks to read them both. If only life could slow down a bit for some reading!

  3. You look smoking hot in that dress! Bow chicka wow wow! :)

    I really hope this new round of meds helps you get rid of this infection for good! I can't believe how long you've been suffering with this dang thing.

  4. Oohhh so pretty! It's been a low mileage month for me too. So much so that I don't even feel like I can call myself a runner anymore :( This month will be better, it has to be!

  5. I will go see Ingrid with you if she comes to Mpls if you will let me crash on your couch. :)

    Again, I love that dress. It is killer on you!

  6. Happy December!

    Curious to know how you felt about The Forgotten Garden? I finished a few weeks ago and it was really slow going at first, but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down!!

    Love, love, love your looks of December! You look great!

  7. So cute! Knock this cold out and you'll be back to knocking down miles before you know it.

  8. Oooh I just read The Postmistress (probably on recommendation from you) and I really liked it!

  9. Love the dress & outfit! I'm praying this last round of antibiotics does the trick as no surgery is fun! I saw the size of that Forgotten Garden book you were reading and I am amazed you could read all the books you reveiwed this month! You are a speed reader for sure!

  10. Wow, you read a lot in November!!! I love these monthly recaps! I'm thinking about starting the same feature on my blog!

  11. I really like that second outfit on you! A lot! This is my first time seeing it I think.

    You got a lot of reading done in November!

  12. Lisa, you've always looked good but I have to say you are looking AMAZING!!! Seriously!!! :)

    It's definitely been a low-mileage month for me too (other than the marathon) but now I definitely can't wait to get back into it :) Plus, I actually love winter running...

  13. I love that dress!

    I liked the Postmistress too. That Trigiani lady sounded familiar so I googled her. I read Big Cherry Holler by her. It was okay but very much a chick book, if you know what I mean.

    I didn't know you went to see Matt Kearney! That is awesome. I remember you saying how good he was in's great that you got a chance to see him again!

  14. I've had The Postmistress to read for quite a while now. I've heard such good things about it that it's a little sad that I haven't picked it up yet. But I really do want to read it soon!

  15. Yes. Yes I would go with you!

    Love you in those outfits - that dress is killer! You may not have run a lot this month but you sure did read a lot! Happy December!

  16. This is a good recap of books and all. I loved the Postmisterss, too. I think we enjoy many of the same! I'm interested in "I'll Never Be French," too!

  17. That dress looks amazing on you! I need to find more sophisticated party type dresses. The problem is, you always find them when you're not needing/looking for one. And then when you are - nothin!
