Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wine and Love

Time for another edition of wine and love, thought of by the lovely Nora!  You all know the drill by now!

- That sinus infection I've had since around mid-September?  Still has not gone away.  I started to feel better last week and then regressed after getting the stomach flu and actually feel worse than I have in weeks.  Boo.  I see my ENT on Friday and at this point, I am hoping to just have the surgery (apparently it's not too bad and can be very effective).  I have been on 5 rounds of antibiotics and 2 rounds of steroids.  It's not working!
- I haven't been able to drink coffee for the last 2 weeks (or any spicy or acidic foods) because my current antibiotic bugs my stomach so much.  :(
- Yesterday felt like Thursday.  So today should be Friday.  But it's Thursday.  Meh.

- We are still having really mild weather.  Last year at this time, we had had 3 blizzards!  This year?  Not so much - we just have a little bit of snow and the temps have not dropped below zero yet.  I am enjoying it while it lasts!
- I only have one gift left to purchase, and all the gifts I have purchased are wrapped!  I feel super ready for Christmas!  Shopping on Cyber Monday really helped.  I am NEVER done this early.
-   I am hosting a casual get together with friends on Saturday!  More on that tomorrow...
- I have read some great books lately, like "Secret Daughter," which Kelly recommended.  Since I haven't felt great lately, I have been staying in more and I spend many of my evening hours reading!

What is your wine/love for this week?


  1. I'm really glad that you liked Secret Daughter- it was probably one of my top 3 favorite books of this year and I've recommended it to a lot of people, most of which have liked it but a few that were not fans. I hate when I recommend things and people don't like them, I feel bad!

    I'm SO sorry you still have a sinus infection, this is really getting ridiculous! Actually it was ridiculous a long time ago! Have you tried taking a probiotic with your antibiotics? I take Align all the time, but especially when I am on antibiotics. My stomach also hates them and I find Align or any probiotic just helps restore the good bacteria that the antiobiotic is killing off. They are not cheap but if you just need to take it for a few weeks it would be worth it.

    I hope your ENT appointment on Friday goes well and they find a solution!

  2. Gosh, I cannot believe this horrible sinus infection! At this point I hope you can have the surgery too. All that medication and no result is concerning to me.

    I agree with you on the mild weather. It's definitely a love and I like it, but I'm concerned about what it will be like when we get the more severe weather and how long it will be.

  3. Sorry to hear about your chronic sinus problem. Gary had sinus surgery in June, it has really made a difference. He had no trouble afterwards, altho I know others who have had a longer recovery period. Those antibiotics are troublesome, I think your body becomes immune to them after awhile, and I know that side effects sometimes are worse than the problem they are supposed to solve. I am by no means a medical expert, but hate to see you suffer through these infections. Hope you get some relief.

  4. My heart seriously breaks on how sick you've been this fall! :( I can't wait for you to feel better.

    Have fun hosting dinner party on Saturday night! We're having one of Friday night :)

  5. Ugh, Lisa! I can't believe how long you've been dealing with this sickness!!! Good luck with the ENT..hopefully you will be able to come up with something to help, because being sick for so long is terrible.

    Loving the mild weather here too..even though part of it scares me because it's seems a little unnatural for it to still be this warm in December...

  6. I will have to read that book! It seems like you liked it and Kelly definitely did too!

    I am really sorry you have been so sick this fall. I know you will get over it soon. Like you said, at least it is not too cold, so you are not fighting that as well!

    Our weather here has been mild too. When I was in the bay area, it was in the 60s! However, in the mountains it's a little colder (30s) but we have not had snow in a while.

  7. OH that sounds terrible--I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well lately! I hope you feel better really soon!

  8. Kudos to you for being done shopping!

    I really hope the ENT can help you out tomorrow; you know I know how you feel on this. I wish I could have a surgery too just so I wouldn't have this problem over and over again. Sigh. Anyway- here's to dinners with friends, reading good books and taking time for yourself; all very good and important things!

  9. Yikes, I am sure you are completely frustrated with the sinus infection, that would be terrible to have something like that for so long, hope they can come up with something for you!

  10. It has been way too long for you to be sick and I'm praying you get some relief very soon! I agree with Kelly about the pro-biotic and I know we talked about it at Thanksgiving. I hope you did start taking one as they do help a lot!

  11. I am so sorry you are still struggling with the sinus infection. I know how much antibiotics can mess up one's entire system. I hope you get some answers tomorrow. Take care.

  12. Girl, I cannot believe you are still dealing with these sinus issues. I hope that you can have surgery and that it is the solution.

    I am not complaining about the lack of blizzards thus far. I'm hoping that they never actually arrive this year. Just a bit of snow here and there would be fine by me.

  13. Yuck I hate that you are so sick - has anyone ever told you to try grapefruit seed extract? It is very good for fighting off infections. Ask your doc if you can take it cause it doesnt mix with some meds, but I would give it a shot... at least before surgery.

    Good luck, hope you get to feeling better soon.

  14. I am sorry that you still aren't feeling well! This sickness of yours really needs to find a new home!! Hopefully it clears up soon.

    My whines for the week: the headache I have today, the puke I cleaned up from Harley at 6am and that it's cold here today.

    My loves: that I made delicious cookies last night and might have had two already this morning. It's the little things today!

  15. Our winter has been really mild so far too and I love love love it! Though it did suddenly get cold again this week so I have a feeling the snow is not far behind it. Oh well, making it to almost mid-December with no snow (other than our one snow fall that melted right away) is a big win and love in my book!

  16. I only have three gifts left to purchase and I already know what I'm getting for two of the people (deciding on a gift is the hardest part - buying it is easy!). Doesn't it feel good to be able to stroll into the holidays, instead of fretting about how little time you have and all you have yet to do??? I love that feeling!

  17. You definitely sound like a good candidate for the sinus surgery; I've had it twice (both times in high school), and it was a bit of a nasty recovery, but it worked for several years. Then, gradually, I started getting infections more and more... until now when I got one a month ago, went through a round of antibiotics, and now i'm afraid it's back. Now I'm wondering if I need to go back to an ENT and have a third surgery. Good luck with it! I hope you start to feel better soon. I know how not fun it is.

  18. Wine - the weather is COLD! I am freezing pretty much 24/7.

    Love - Having time to bake and prep for a party on Saturday!!!!

  19. Hope the doctor's appointment goes well today! And that is AWESOME about your Christmas shopping! (It's because of my handmade holiday posts isn't it? It's can tell the truth :)

  20. I hate even thinking about surgery but at this point, I'm sure it would be a welcome relief, especially considering nothing else is working for you! Ugh. I couldn't imagine being sick as long as you have been.

    Florida's winter is always pretty mild but it has been exceptionally warm this year. We're still seeing temps in the 70s and 80s! Usually, we're a little cooler but it gives me hope that it will be NICE for my mom's marathon in January. Last year it was ridiculously cold and I did not dress warm enough to stand outside for 8+ hours! So I'm praying that this nice weather stays for a while. :)

  21. Hope you feel better soon..Great that you are one gift away from having your Christmas shopping done. I am close, but there are a couple that have me scratching my head on what to buy.

  22. I LOVED Secret Daughter. I literally could not put that book down.

    That REALLY sucks about a non-stop sinus infection... Good lord I would be so frustrated. Hope you're feeling a little better by now!
