Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Greetings and happy Tuesday - I hope you all had a great weekend!  Especially those of you who had Monday off!  The financial markets were closed, but it's not a holiday at my company, so I was one of the few who came into work (seemed like it would be a waste of a vacation day if I had taken it off).  My weekend was both productive and restful - just what I needed.

So I haven't talked much about running on the blog lately.  Honestly, it's been falling pretty low on the list of priorities.  Between recovering from surgery, traveling from work, and trying to keep up with the CFA studying, I don't feel like I have a whole lot of time to run.  I have still been making time for runs, but it's mostly been 3-4 mile runs, so nothing substantial.

I do want to get back to the point where I am running 6-8 miles on the weekend, but I am just not there yet.  I had signed up for a half marathon in March that I wanted to run with Raquelita, but I think I would risk injuring myself if I tried to ramp up my mileage and do a 1/2 in just over 3 weeks...  So I am going to email the race director and see if I can do the 7k instead of the 1/2.  I am bummed that I won't run the distance I intended. but I also have to realize I have a lot on my plate right now and can't do it all.

So for now, my goal is to keep running 3 times/wk and biking 2 times/wk.  My run club resumes on 2/29 and while I will probably only attend 1 weeknight work out and the weekend run, I know it will help me get back on track.  I've learned that, for me, it's just not possible to balance work, studying, and training.  So this will just be a 'running maintenance' phase for me. 

Once this test is behind me, though, running will once again be the focus of my free time.  I know I am doing a fall marathon - I just can not for the life of me decide which one!!  I know I will have to travel for a marathon because I will be at Nora's wedding (so excited!) the weekend of the Twin Cities marathon.  I could do the DC marathon at the end of October or I could run the Raleigh marathon with John's wife.  The issue I am having is that I look at my medical bills and then I feel really guilty spending money on a destination marathon when the money spent on that plane ticket (which likely won't be cheap) could be applied to student loans or my mortgage.  But it's either travel for a marathon or don't run one at all, and I do really want to do a marathon this fall.

So I will continue to mull it over.  I think it's funny that I know which marathon I am doing in 2013 (Chicago) but can not for the life of me make a decision about this fall!  I am usually a very very decisive person so this wavering back and forth is so out of character for me!

Would you consider yourself a decisive person or do you struggle to make decisions?  Also, for all you runners out there, what are you race plans for 2012?  Any fall marathons?


  1. I'd say I'm a decisive person in general but sometimes when it comes to little things (a lot with money for me too!) I hem and haw because I don't just want to commit. Maybe look at the marathon in the fall as an investment in your health as well, like your surgery - and that the cost of a plane ticket will be less than surgery would ever be?

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. come to Raleigh.... Marathon is called the City of Oaks Marathon, http://cityofoaksmarathon.com/ just put the date up and have rerouted the course to avoid Umstead, a really hilly section. So it should be a great course.

  3. I'm usually a pretty decisive person, especially if it's something I want to do, but I'm having the same dilemma about the rest of my races this year! I know I want to do two more halfs, but I can't decide which ones. At least will be a destination race since I can't imagine running 13.1 miles in the Texas summer. I need to do some serious planning this week so I can start working out a budget to make this happen!

  4. You're doing Chicago in 2013? That's my goal :) I wanted to do it this year but have a wedding that weekend. I really want my first marathon to be in Chicago so 2013 it is! Hmm as far as where you should go this year, maybe you can think of a few places you've wanted to visit and then see when their marathons are? And I say don't feel guilty about the money for one hot second--you work hard, and you deserve it!

  5. I definitely don't blame you for not making running a priority right now- you have a lot happening!

    Are there any smaller marathons that are near you in the fall, as in like driving distance rather than a flight?

    I can definitely be indecisive but it depends what it is about :)

  6. I can be quite indecisive, but it depends what it is about.

    I am starting a 5k running plan today!

  7. I think I'm a decisive person, but bad at making decisions. What I mean by this, is that I usually know what I want, but I have a hard time either accepting it, telling someone else, or having the guts to go with that decision. I'm *hoping* to somehow run the NYC marathon (maybe with a charity) in the fall. That's my big goal for 2012.

  8. I have been having a hard time deciding if I want to run a full marathon this year or not....I do want to, but on one hand I'm not sure I want to committ to that much training. And I have been enjoying crossfit. I wish someone would just make the decision for me!

  9. I'm pretty indecisive. Oh well. I just call my mom and ask her to make the decision for me. loans, shmoans. I think it's totally worth it to spend money on a treat/vacation for yourself once in a while. And let me tell you...my loans are insane!

  10. I don't think you should feel bad for not running much right now. You are not superwoman! You cannot work 50 hours a week (or more) study 20 hours a week and also fit in, say, training for a marathon at 8-9 hours a week. Add up the hours! It's not happening ;)

    I know you KNOW this, but just remind yourself of it sometimes k? :)

    And I'm not sure what you should do about a fall marathon. I say just start training for one and figure it out when it gets closer to the time maybe? I am a very indecisive person sometimes, especially when it comes to spending money I don't really have and/or shouldn't be spending. I tend to "go with my gut" in situations like that!

  11. I say look for a smaller marathon closer to home that maybe you could drive to? I just checked Runner's World and there's a marathon in Madison WI in mid-September and another one in Appleton, WI the following week and one in Mankato, MN in late October. That way, you have a race to look forward to without dealing with high travel costs.

  12. Your amazing, Lisa! You are recovering from a big surgery, you have a GIANT test your studying for, you have a crazy work schedule -- it makes sense one can't run crazy miles.

    But you still get more work outs in/week than this girl does! My with my work schedule recently I do 4 workouts/week. All the overtime I'm doing, it's hard to get uyp at 4:30 am and run before work where I run all day anyways!

    That's awesome that you're doing the Chicago marathon in 2013! How fun!!

    I have a half in about 3 weeks in Oro Valley. I would like to do the Mount Lemmon Half Marahon in october (which is literally a half marathon up a mountain)...and I'm not so sure when my next full will be! Hopefully within the year!

  13. I haven't been getting all of my runs here lately so I can empathize. I'm decisive about some things/areas of my life and very indecisive about others. I don't think a fall marathon is in the cards for me this year. Hopefully, the summer will be full of travel and research which makes devoting the time to training something I can't prioritize. I am waiting to see what happens about those things before I make a decision about what fall half-marathon I want to run.

  14. You are like superswoman! I don't know how you do all you do. I think Nilsa has a good suggestion, looking for a race closer to home. Whatever you decide to do, you will rock it.

  15. Full marathon -- pretty impressive!

    Decisive or waffly -- I suppose it depends on the decision and its implications. How's that for waffling?!

  16. I am NOT very decisive at all. I'm a Libra and supposedly we are incredibly indecisive. I'd say this is true. I'm working on it, (always something to work on, eh?) but I do have trouble with big things and sometimes small things...

    I say since you enjoy running and you've had a busy/stressful first half of the year treating yourself to a marathon trip is acceptable! It's part of who you are and what you love.

  17. I ran the Harrisburg marathon a few years ago - it is in November - and really liked it. If you want to do a somewhat smaller race, it was really high quality and pretty.

  18. I think you are right to take a step back for a little while! You don't want to overdo it too much, and it is hard to have a social life when you are training for a marathon!

    I prefer smaller races myself, so I think that I am going to try a smaller marathon next time.

  19. Sounds good Lisa! Sometimes running does have to take a backseat to other life stuff! Good idea to not run the half in March - better to wait and not injure yourself!

  20. I'd have to say I'm pretty decisive, especially when I'm motivated.
    It stinks to have to bail on a race, but personal health and welfare should always supercede other obligations... both social and financial. So I say, "Go for the destination marathon!" Especially if you know you'll benefit long-term.
    I'll definitely be running the Marine Corps Marathon in DC at the end of October, and a couple of 1/2's in June and early September.
