Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Looking Forward

It's been awhile since I did one of these "Looking Forward" posts.  And right now, looking forward is sort of what is getting me through the stress of studying!

Today I am looking forward to running with my running group and then volunteering with the group at "Feed My Starving Children."  I've done this the last 2 years so am excited to do it again.  You assemble dehydrated food packets (which contain rice and other nutritional supplement) which are sent to children all over the world.  This organization does a good job of making it fun to assemble these food packets, so it's definitely a fun way to give back.

This week I am looking forward hosting a small dinner party on Saturday night.  My first boss from my very first job (back in 2003) with my current company is coming over (I think, he might have to travel for work...), as well as another former co-worker.  I love that we've all kept in touch through the years.  They are both bringing their significant others, and we are going to grill. I'll be using my charcoal grill for the first time, but I think the guys will be manning the grill and the girls will drink wine in my kitchen (at least that is how I envision things playing out)!  Should be a really fun night!

This month I am looking forward to another girl's night get together with my two close friends that live here in Minneapolis.  We have started to get together on a monthly basis now, and it's always one of my favorite nights of the month.  I definitely am very thankful for the wonderful friends I have in my life!

This year I am looking forward to seeing my sister Abby and her husband Ryan when they are at my parents' lake home in July.  Their vacation is close to my trip for Amber's wedding, but I am trying to finagle the time off so I can spend some days with them!  That would mean taking 7 days off from work!  Which would be my longest vacation since 2008!!  I think I can swing it, though, as that week of the 4th of July is very very quiet at work, so I don't think I'd miss much. I am really hoping I can make this happen!

What are you looking forward to these days?


  1. What a fun post! I hope you can get that time off - you'll definitely deserve after all the studying!

    Today I'm looking forward to my Stratejoy phone call in the evening. This week's homework was really interesting and I'm excited to share with the ladies.

    This week I'm looking forward to seeing my bestie again on Saturday. Granted, I'll be helping her load up a U-haul to move her stuff permanently down to her new place but it'll still be fun to see her.

    This month I'm looking forward to a baby shower for one of my closest friends (and I honestly think this is the first time I've ever been excited for a baby shower), and the 31 party I'm throwing at the end of the month.

    This year I'm looking forward to a job change and the freedom that comes with it (being a little less stressed about money) - hopefully all happening soon!

  2. You have a lot to look forward to! The night with friends sounds fantastic!

    Today I'm looking forward to my run.

    This month I'm looking forward to winding up my time teaching here and to my research trip to Madrid.

    This year I'm looking forward to getting on the other side of my move and settling into my new job and institution.

  3. I'm looking forward to payday on friday. and my half marathon on sunday. but that's about it.

  4. Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to! I'm glad you still have fun things in your life other than studying :) I'm looking forward to going to Nicaragua at the end of May. I can hardly freaking wait!

  5. Great post! I look forward to each new day that I am graced with - especially as I get older!

  6. This is such a great post idea, because it's so easy to either look back or only look at the daunting things coming up, instead of the good ones. It sounds like July is going to be a great month for you; you will be done with the studying AND exam, you will be able to see your family and go to Amber's wedding, and you will be able to finally relax!

    This month, I am looking forward to taking the "weekly" walk with my friend and her daughter. We usually walk about 6 miles, have a little picnic and catch up.

  7. "Feed My Starving Children" is a great organization. We worked with them during our teaching careers on more that one occasion. Your dinner party sounds fun, a good diversion for you and your studying!

    This is a great idea for a blog post. I enjoyed reading it!

    Miss you!

  8. Vacation in the US is such a joke. It's ridiculous that you haven't taken off a week from work in YEARS. I'm taking two weeks off in August, coming back to work for a week and a half and then taking another 2 days off. And what's so sad is that I'm taking almost no days off in the first half of 2012 in order to take that vacation. Sigh.

  9. That is pretty amazing that you have kept in touch with old co-workers. Sounds like you will have a fun night with them! I hope you can get the days deserve the time to spend with your family :)

  10. sounds like you're looking forward to a lot of great things!

  11. I love these posts! I'm mostly looking forward to my two cruises in May and June. I can't stop thinking about them -- especially my one in May! The time off work will be so awesome (haven't had a day off since January!) and it will be a relaxing but extremely fun time.

  12. Take time off, you deserve it! Great post, looks like you have a lot of great stuff coming up.

    I still really do want to come to Minneapolis. I'll likely have summer Fridays starting in July so maybe I can come in the summer- leave here on a Friday and return on Sunday...

  13. Today: lunch with a friend and running tonight.

    This week: getting our deck built.

    This month: marathon!!!!

    This year: wedding. summer. living ALONE in our house again for the first time since October!!

    I think you should DEF take the 7 days off if you can swing it. I find that longer vacations from work like that are SO MUCH more refreshing than just taking long weekends and you haven't taken a significant amount of time off for awhile so I think you should if you have the days to use!

  14. I love the looking forward posts you do : ) So many great things coming up! I'm looking forward to my sister coming to visit me this weekend in NYC!

  15. Today: I am looking forward to my LAST musical rehearsal with the kids! Tomorrow night is the first real performance and then the show will be over Sunday!

    This week I am looking forward to packing for our trip to Miami and Key West. We leave next Wednesday! I cannot wait! 5 days away with my hubby in the sun is JUST what the doctor ordered :)

    This month I am looking forward to continuing preparing the house for Welles :) We have a lot to accomplish before he gets here, but we are working so hard and I'm glad that we have a lot of plans! Since the musical will be over with, I'll have more time in the evening to devote to this!

    This year I am, OF COURSE, looking forward to holding my baby boy in my arms!!!! :)

    I love these posts, Lisa! So fun to do :) You have a lot of good things to look forward to as well!!!! I hope we can both say (maybe next year) "Looking forward to meeting with my BFF Paris Buddy!!!!)

  16. Today I am looking forward to going out on the town tonight.

    This week I am looking forward to doing some spring cleaning.

    This month I am looking forward to making progress with my thesis.

  17. That is SO great that you're volunteering with an organization that helps feed children, Lisa! I've tried becoming a part of a few organization but never heard back. Luckily I just got accepted into an organization that gives to charity which I'm very excited about!
