Friday, May 25, 2012

Looking Forward: The Post-CFA Edition

Happy Friday everyone, and Happy Long Weekend to my American readers!  I'm so ready for a 3 day stretch without work.  I'm sad that I won't be with my family this weekend at the lake.  Charlie turned one this week and my another nephew turns 7 next week, and it's my older sister's birthday today, so they are having their birthday celebrations this weekend.  I hate missing stuff like that.  And I am especially sad to miss out because my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew and niece that live in the Chicago area will be there.  I haven't seen them since Thanksgiving and miss them so much, but I can't go away the last weekend before the CFA.  :(  To make up for missing their visit home, I am hoping to make a trip to Chicago this summer to spend some quality time with them.

But the weekend won't be a total downer.  It feels so good to say it's my last weekend of studying!  And my aunt & uncle (aka my St. Paul parents) are having me over for dinner on Sunday night.  And I am running with my run club tomorrow.  So I will do some fun things!

With the CFA just over a week away, my thoughts are definitely set on my "Post-CFA" life.  My weekends are pretty short because of my study schedule, so there is a long list of things I have been wanting to do as soon as the test is behind me.  Here are some things I am looking forward to!

1.  Reclaiming my dining room table.  It's a total disaster.  No, really, I'm not kidding, here is a picture.

I gave up trying to tidy up this area months ago because it just get messy all over again.  It's the first thing I see when I walk into my condo, so my place never feels 'tidy'.  I can't wait to box up all of these books and have a clean, cleared off dining room table once again.

2.  Organize my closet and piano room.  Those are two areas of my condo that need some TLC.  I actually really enjoy organizing, so I am looking forward to spending a weekend afternoon doing just that!

3.  Going to the farmer's market on Saturday mornings.

4.  Having brunch or lunch with people (I'm usually unavailable from 9-5 most weekends)

5.  Playing my piano.  I thought I would play piano more as a study break, but I only gave myself a 30 minute break in the middle of the day and that time got eaten up by making/eating lunch and doing things like folding laundry.

6.  Attend all of the run club work outs. 

7.  Sleep well.  Gosh I hope this happens.  I haven't been sleeping well for the last month or so.  I'm hoping I will start sleeping better once the stress of the exam is behind me.

8.  Experiment with (time consuming) recipes.  I've continued to cook while studying, but have focused on easy, fast things. I want to spend more time in the kitchen and start playing around with some recipes for my Julia Child night that we have each fall (Coq au Vin, French Onion Soup, and Ratatouille, I am looking at you!).

9. Get rush tickets to shows at the Guthrie (a theater that is 3 blocks from my condo).  Roman Holiday starts next month and I REALLY want to see it!

What are some things you are looking forward to?


  1. It's getting so close! You'll be so glad to get rid of all those books and studying material. I love organizing as well!

  2. Yay for your last study weekend! Sucks that you have to miss family time at the lake house, but ONE MORE WEEKEND! Yay!!

    I'm doing a lot of home organization in the coming months. And apartment hunting, which I always love. :) And, of course, Cruise #2 at the end of June. Cannot wait for THAT!

  3. So glad your studying is wrapping up. Almost there! Hang on! I am impressed by your drive: Only a 30 minute break? How do you do that? I would go insane. I need at least a 30 minute break in the morning and afternoon, too. When I was briefly studying for the NAPLEX (pharmacist licensing exam) I had to work pretty much 7 days a week at 2 jobs, so I didn't have a lot of time, but at least that broke it into manageable pieces: Study three hours, go to work; study two hours when I got home, etc. I think that would be easier for me than straight up 8 hours of study. Hardcore!

  4. Aughhh you are so close! Having a post-exam list is a really good idea, and I hope it brings you the motivation you need during the final stretch!!

  5. I am so glad it's the last study weekend for you. You have such a fun summer ahead! I'm so excited for you!

    This summer I am looking forward to weekends at the lake, visiting Becky in DC, and (nerdily) the adolescent lit class that I'm taking all summer. :)

  6. Ah! I love the plans you are making post-CFA! I would love to go see Roman Holiday with you at the Guthrie. I'm not sure the timing would work out, but send me an email if you think we might be able to make that happen.

  7. I think it's great that you have lots of stuff to look forward to after the exam. It helps to keep you motivated that the end is almost near :)

    I am looking forward to my mom coming to visit tonight, camping with friends next weekend, another half marathon the weekend after that :)

  8. One could easily worry that you wouldn't know what to do with all your newfound time, but it's clear you have a plan ... and a great one at that!

    Chicago this summer? Do tell! I just hope it's not during the first two weeks of August or over Labor Day, because we'd miss you then!

  9. I'm obviously looking forward to the wedding, but I am also kind of looking forward to it being done... Just because then we can get back to some semblance of "normal" in our house. We have random wedding-related things EVERYWHERE and our house is due for a serious organizing and cleaning out but we just haven't had time, and I don't think we will until after the wedding.

    I'm also looking forward to going to the Farmers Market more! My weekends have been so busy since it opened in April that I've only made it once. Sad since I LOVE the Farmers Market!

  10. You are almost done!! Yay!! I think it is hilarious that there is a box of tissue in the midst of all that study materials, nothing like a beautiful weekend spent studying to bring tears to your eyes!

  11. ONE MORE WEEK! My kitchen table often looks like that when I'm in study-mode too, except since I don't live alone I constantly have to clean it off which is just way more confusing, really. Can't wait for you to be able to enjoy your weekends!

  12. I can't wait for you to get your weekends back! I can only imagine how much you must be looking forward to doing ALL THE THINGS! :)

    One more week!

  13. I can't wait for you to get your weekends back! I can only imagine how much you must be looking forward to doing ALL THE THINGS! :)

    One more week!

  14. You have a busy weekend! Don't forget to study -- so glad it is almost over!

    I was hoping to get to the market and then garden, but not sure about this rain coming down! We're having dinner with friends tonight, a campfire with friends tomorrow and plant cemetery flowers, too. And maybe, just maybe, I'll get more vacation pix edited!

  15. Man, I am glad you are almost done! You are going to have so much time on your hands that you are going to be making 12 layer cakes with complicated frosting and things like that! I think also you have a pretty busy summer ahead of you, so I think you are going to fill up those missing study hours will tons of fun stuff!

  16. I am looking forward to a few concerts, dinner with family and being done work for the summer. I can't believe it is almost June!

  17. So close girl!! You have worked so hard and studied so much! You are going to rock the test and then you can rest and do tons of stuff!

  18. Roman Holiday is one of my favorites. It would be so awesome to see it in the theater!
