Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Little Moments - v5 and My Current State of Mind

This is my last post of little moments.  I am so glad I focused on little moments for the month of May. It was a stressful and exhausting month, so looking for the little things in life that make me happy really, really helped me maintain a more positive attitude!

Here are my final moments for the month!

30 - Getting a great "you are going to pass the CFA" pep talk from my boss.

31 - Closing up my books for the night, knowing it was the last evening I'll spend studying for a long time!

I won't continue to do these posts, but I do intend to write down a little moment from each day in my planner as I really think it's a great exercise to help you focus on the good things in life!


Now for my current state of mind...  I am loving the fact that I am free from studying.  Seriously, it's the best feeling.  I've got a week full of run club workouts and post-CFA celebrations with friends and co-workers.  It's just great to not have CFA studying hanging over my head.

But that thought of whether I passed?  It's EATING away at me.  I am praying (hard) for peace about it because it's gnawing away at me.  On Monday night, my running coach gave me some great advice, though.  He said, "Worrying is like paying interest on a debt you might not owe."  So I am trying to keep that in mind and check my worrying at the door each day.  I'm moderately successful at accomplishing that...

Why oh why, CFA, do you require me to analyze the crap out of 20 cases in a span of 6 hours, but you get 8 weeks to analyze our scores?  NOT FAIR.

Are you good at letting go of things once they are behind you?  I was good about letting go last year? This year?  Not so much...  

And - What were your little moments of the last week?


  1. Sometimes I'm bad about letting things go but the more time passes, the better it gets. The test was pretty soon so you'll probably stop obsessing about it soon! :)

  2. Waiting for results is indeed the WORST! But I really like the advice from your running coach. That's a keeper.

  3. I have some difficulty in letting things go. Some might even call me a grudge holder. I'm currently trying not to take some bad news that we got yesterday personally and to just let it go, but it's a challenge for me to check it at the door.

  4. That was great advice from your running coach! Now to put it into practice - not so easy! I hope that each day it gets better for you and soon the big day for test results will be here! Don't let the stress eat you up! Have a fun "rest of the week"! And you know the old saying, "Let go and let God!"

  5. I know what you mean. I have the toughest time letting go of things like that. Once you're done with the job interview and they take 3 days to get back to you with an offer, they are just excruciating!

  6. I'm so happy that you're free from CFA studying! I agree though, the amount of time they take to correct is ridiculous. I assume it's because there is so much to look over to make sure you get the most accurate grade possible, but still. I can't imagine waiting that long! As long as you're fully enjoying your vacation now, that's what counts!

  7. Love that advice from your coach. You should write it down and put it in places where you'll see it often!

  8. That is really great advice!

    I have worked hard on being more easygoing about things and letting things go over the last couple years. I often just remind myself "it's over, it's already happened and there's nothing you can do about it so no point in dwelling on it". About some things I have to remind myself that a lot but it seems to help!

  9. I *love* that quote from your running coach. I'm spending all day worrying about my dog (he's been acting funny, vet appointment tonight) so that quote came at the perfect time for me.

    But I totally get it. I'm a worrywart my nature and it's just WHAT I DO. And the fact that you put in so many hours of studying and worked so hard? Well, I would be a basket case until I found out the results, too! Hopefully, you can find some peace and ways to take your mind off things until results day.

  10. Ug. Worrying after the fact is useless. I mean, if you can prevent something, great. But now, you can't, so it's not going to do ANY good to worry! I know, it's easy for me to say! However, I believe in not regretting things that are in the past. You already did it. Now all you can do is try not to do it again. I know your case is different, but really I think trying to enjoy the future is more important than worrying about something in the past that you cannot change.

    I can't believe it takes 8 weeks. That's BS. I mean, how hard can it be to grade?

  11. Haha I love that your running coach out it in financial terms, that makes me laugh. True though! I hope you can have some peace :) it is really annoying how long it takes!!! I'm glad you are enjoying your post Cfa celebrations though :)

  12. Waiting really is the worst. I think if I were you, I'd just keep reminding myself that worrying about it won't get me anywhere. What's done is done, you can't control the outcome of the exam now, so you might as well just enjoy the next month or so until you find out!

  13. Congrats on finishg all the hard work and the exam. Love the little moments, it's truly why I continue my gratitude journal

  14. Love the quote from your running coach. Seriously, so great.

    I saw a quote on a church board the other day that really stuck with me. "To worry over nothing, pray over everything." I know you are already of the prayer mindset but I really liked that so thought I'd share.

    Waiting for test results of any kind, especially ones affecting the career is the worst...!

  15. I'm really bad at letting things go... I tend to worry about the most minute things. But the thing is: worry will not change the outcome.
    I love your running coach's advice, although it takes some practice to implement that kind of thinking!

  16. I'd like to think I'm good at letting things go, but I'm thinking lately not so much as I wish! As for your exam, I know it'll be great! And I'd worry till results came too, because that's just what I do!
